- Alternative names
- Selleeis
- Information
- river in the north-western Peloponnese
- Related Entities
- 👤 Astyoche (d. of Phylas) 👤 Heracles 👤 Phyleus 👥 the Selloi 🏺 the Armour of Phyleus 👤 Euphetes 🌍 Ephyra (Elis)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Homer, Iliad 2.653-2.670 📖 Homer, Iliad 15.518-15.543 📖 Strabo 7.7.10
- Mentioned in Text
- Homer, Iliad Strabo
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📖 Homer, Iliad 15.518-15.543 📖 Apollodoros of Athens FGrHist 244 fr. 198