- Information
- mountain in Asia Minor
- Alternative name
- 🌍 Mount Carmanorios (alt. Tmolos)
- Cult site of
- 👤 Artemis 👤 Asios (Lydian) 👤 Caystrios (Lydian)
- Place of death of
- 👤 Carmanoros 👤 Tmolos (Lydian II) 👤 Arrhipe
- Place of burial of
- 👤 Tmolos (Lydian II)
- Eponym
- 👤 Tmolos (Lydian II)
- Encompases
- 🌍 the Sanctuary of Artemis on Mount Tmolos (Asia Minor) 🌍 Leimon (Mt Tmolos)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Ares 👤 Artemis 👥 the Corybantes 👥 the Couretes (guardians) 👤 Dionysos 👤 Rhea 🌍 the Underworld 🌍 Crete (island) 👥 the Maionia Contingent at Troy (defenders) 🌍 Mount Ida (Troad) 🌍 Thrace (Pontic) 🌍 Phrygia 🌍 Mount Haimos (Thrace) 🌍 Mount Cithairon (Attica/Boiotia) 🌍 Mount Olympos (N. Greece) 🌍 Mount Caucasos (Pontos) 🌍 Lydia (Asia Minor) 🌍 Mount Oita (Thessaly) 🌍 Mount Aitna (Sicily) 🌍 Mount Parnassos (Phocis) 🌍 Mount Ossa (Thessaly) 🌍 Mount Mimas (Ionia) 🌍 India 🌍 Mount Mycale (Caria) 🌍 Lake Gygaia (Asia Minor) 👤 Phaethon (s. of Helios) 🌍 Mount Helicon (Boiotia) 🌍 Mount Othrys (Thessaly) 🌍 Etruria (Italy) 🌍 Mount Athos (Chalcidice) 🌍 Liguria (Italy) 👤 Iphition (Trojan) 🌍 Hyde (Lydia) 👤 Tyrrhenos 👤 Cybele 🌍 River Caystros (Asia Minor) 🌍 Mount Cynthos (Delos) 👥 the Satyrs 🏺 the Chariot of Helios 🌍 Mount Pindos (Thessaly) 🌍 River Pactolos (Lydia) 🌍 Mount Dindymon (near Cyzicos) 👤 Carmanoros 👤 Tmolos (Lydian II) 👤 Arrhipe 👤 Theoclymenos (s. of Tmolos) 🌍 Mount Rhodope (Thrace) 🌍 the Taurus Mountains 🌍 the Alps 👥 the Horses of Helios 🌍 Mount Eryx (Sicily) 🌍 the Apennine Mountains 🏛️ the Cave of Charon (Acharaca) 🌍 the Asian Meadow 👤 Asios (Lydian) 👤 Caystrios (Lydian) 🌍 Caere (Italy) 👤 Tarchon 🌍 Pisa (Italy) 🌍 River Cimpsos (Lydia)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1351-1361 📖 Homer, Iliad 2.864-2.866 📖 Homer, Iliad 20.379-20.392 📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 22.1 MacLeod 📖 Lucian, Gout 30-53 📖 Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 7 📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 2.201-2.271 📖 Strabo 10.3.13
- Mentioned in Text
- Homer, Iliad Lycophron, Alexandra Strabo Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods Lucian, Gout Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers Ovid, Metamorphoses
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📖 Euripides, Bacchae 43-63 📖 Euripides, Bacchae 64-169