- Information
- mountain in Arcadia
- Cult site of
- 👤 Demeter 👤 Hermes
- Place of conception of
- 👤 Hermes
- Place of birth of
- 👤 Alcyone (Atlantid) 👤 Celaino (Atlantid) 👤 Electra (Atlantid) 👤 Hermes 👤 Maia 👤 Merope (Atlantid) 👤 Sterope (Atlantid) 👤 Taygete
- Eponym
- 👤 Cyllen
- Ruled by
- 👤 Arcas 👤 Elatos (Arcadian) 👤 Otos (Cyllenian)
- Encompases
- 🏛️ the Temple of Demeter Thesmia on Mt Cyllene (Arcadia) 🏛️ the Temple of Hermes on Mount Cyllene (Arcadia) 🏛️ the Cave of Maia (Arcadia)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Alcyone (Atlantid) 👤 Apollo 👤 Arcas 👤 Atlas 👤 Celaino (Atlantid) 👤 Demeter 👤 Elatos (Arcadian) 👤 Electra (Atlantid) 👤 Zeus 👤 Hermes 👤 Pan (god) 👤 Pleione 👤 Maia 👤 Merope (Atlantid) 👤 Sterope (Atlantid) 👤 Taygete 👤 Teiresias 👥 the Arcadian Contingent at Troy (attackers) 👥 the Cattle of Helios 🏺 the Lyre of Apollo 🏺 the Plectrum of Apollo 🌍 Arcadia 🌍 Onchestos (Boiotia) 🌍 Stymphalos (Arcadia) 🌍 Mount Olympos (N. Greece) 🌍 Tegea (Arcadia) 🌍 Pieria (N. Greece) 👥 the Pelasgians 🌍 Mantineia (Arcadia) 🌍 Mount Cyllene (Arcadia) 👥 the Cattle of Apollo 🌍 Pheneos (Arcadia) 🌍 Orchomenos (Arcadia) 🌍 Rhipe (Arcadia) 🌍 Stratia (Arcadia) 🌍 Enispe (Arcadia) 🌍 Parrhasia (Arcadia) 🌍 Etruria (Italy) 👤 Otos (Cyllenian) 👤 Damithales 👤 Cyllen 👤 Trisaules 🌍 Mount Lycaion (Arcadia) 🌍 Elateia (Phocis) 🌍 Mount Mainalion (Arcadia) 🏛️ the Temple of Demeter Thesmia on Mt Cyllene (Arcadia) 👤 the Serpent of Teiresias 🌍 Mount Tricrena (Arcadia) 🌍 Mount Pieria (N. Greece) 🏛️ the Temple of Hermes on Mount Cyllene (Arcadia) 🌍 Pylos (Triphylia)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.6.7 📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.10.1 📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.10.2 📖 Pausanias 8.4.6 📖 Pausanias 8.15.4 📖 Pausanias 8.16.1 📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.1-24.22 📖 Homeric Hymn 4 to Hermes 1-16 📖 Homeric Hymn 4 to Hermes 184-259 📖 Homeric Hymn 18 to Hermes 1-12 📖 Homeric Hymn 19 to Pan 1-49 📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 65 Most 📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 67 Most 📖 Homer, Iliad 2.603-2.614 📖 Dionysios Periegetes 347-349 📖 Pausanias 8.4.2-8.4.4 📖 Pausanias 8.17.1-8.17.2 📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 119 Most 📖 Sophocles, Aias 693-730 📖 Hesiod, Melampodia fr. 211a, b Most 📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 2.1 MacLeod 📖 Callimachus, Hymn to Delos 249-274 📖 Lucian, Charon, or the Inspectors 1 📖 Pindar, Olympian 6 77-81 📖 Strabo 8.3.4 📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.199-1.243 📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.689-1.721 📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 2.708-2.832 📖 Vergil, Georgics 1.311-1.350 📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 24.24 📖 Callimachus fr. 575-576 Pfeiffer
- Mentioned in Text
- Apollodoros, Library Homer, Iliad Dionysios Periegetes Homer, Odyssey Pindar, Olympian 6 Pausanias Homeric Hymn 4 to Hermes Homeric Hymn 18 to Hermes Homeric Hymn 19 to Pan Hesiod, Ehoiai Sophocles, Aias Strabo Hesiod, Melampodia Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods Callimachus, Hymn to Delos Lucian, Charon, or the Inspectors D-Scholia, Iliad Callimachus Ovid, Metamorphoses Vergil, Georgics
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📖 Homer, Iliad 15.518-15.543 📖 Hesiod, Melampodia fr. 211a, b Most 📖 Eratosthenes, Poetic Fragments fr. 1 Powell