- Information
- city on Boiotia - Attica border
- Place of birth of
- 👤 Amphion (Theban) 👤 Zethos
- Relics preserved on site
- 🏛️ the Tombs of the Fighters with the Seven against Thebes (Eleutherai)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Amphion (Theban) 👤 Antiope (Theban) 👤 Dionysos 👤 Mnemosyne 👤 Theseus 👤 Zethos 🌍 Sicyon (Argolid) 🌍 Thebes (Boiotia) 🌍 Oinoe (Attica/Boiotia) 👤 Pegasos (Attic) 👤 Lamedon 🌍 the Sanctuary of Dionysos at Athens 🌍 the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi 🏛️ the Tombs of the Fighters with the Seven against Thebes (Eleutherai)
- Mentioned by
- 📜 Apollodoros, Library 3.5.5 📜 Pausanias 1.2.5 📜 Pausanias 2.6.1-2.6.4 📜 Plutarch, Theseus 29.4-29.5 📜 Hesiod, Theogony 53-62 📜 Strabo 8.6.16
- Mentioned in Text
- Apollodoros, Library Hesiod, Theogony Plutarch, Theseus Pausanias Strabo
- Depictions
- 🌍 Athens (Attica)
- Reported depictions
- 🌍 Athens (Attica)
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📜 Euripides fr. 179 Collard-Cropp