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🌍 River Sangarios (Phrygia)

  • <span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="8254019" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_8254019">🌍 Lydia (Asia Minor) </span>
  • Information
    river in Phrygia
    Place of birth of
    👤 Attis
    👤 Sangarios (river god)
    Relics preserved on site
    🏛️ the House of Midas (Phrygia) 🏛️ the House of Gordios (Phrygia)
    Related Entities
    👤 Hippolyte (Amazon I) 👤 Otreus 👤 Priam 👥 the Amazons 🌍 Phrygia 👤 Mygdon (Phrygian) 👤 Dymas (Phrygian) 👤 Attis 🏛️ the Almond Tree 🌍 Pessinous (Phrygia) 👤 Melanippe (Amazon) 🌍 Mount Dindymon (E. Phrygia) 🏛️ the House of Midas (Phrygia) 🏛️ the House of Gordios (Phrygia)
    Mentioned by
    📖 Homer, Iliad 3.181-3.190📖 Homer, Iliad 16.712-16.725📖 Pausanias 7.17.9-7.17.12📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 3.189📖 Strabo 12.5.3
    Mentioned in Text
    Homer, IliadPausaniasStraboD-Scholia, Iliad
    Mentioned in citation of
    📖 Homer, Iliad 3.181-3.190📖 Hermesianax fr. 10
    Relevant to local traditions reported from of
    🌍 Lydia (Asia Minor)
  • Cite as: '🌍 River Sangarios (Phrygia) ', MANTO, [last modified: 27 05 2024]
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