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🌍 Epeiros (N. Greece)

  • <span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="11290514" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_11290514">📖 Homer, Iliad 16.233-16.248</span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="11294638" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_11294638">📖 Naupactica fr. 9 West</span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="11315637" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_11315637">📖 Thrasybulos</span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="11315640" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_11315640">📖 Acestodoros</span>
  • Information
    region in northern Greece
    Place of death of
    👤 Mermeros (s. of Medeia)
    Settled by
    👤 Deucalion (Thessalian)
    Ruled by
    👤 Helenos (Trojan) 👤 Molossos (Epirote) 👤 Neoptolemos
    Related Entities
    👤 Andromache 👤 Deucalion (Thessalian) 👤 Helenos (Trojan) 👤 Theseus 👤 Peirithous (Lapith) 👤 Peleus 👤 Molossos (Epirote) 👤 Neoptolemos 👥 the Euboian Contingent at Troy (attackers) 🌍 the Ionian Sea 👥 the Pelasgians 🌍 Molossia (N. Greece) 🌍 Thessaly 🌍 Apollonia (Illyria) 👤 Mermeros (s. of Medeia) 👤 Cestrinos 👤 Pergamos 👤 Pielos 🌍 Cestrine (Epeiros) 🌍 Pergamon (Mysia) 👤 Kore (rat. Persephone) 🌍 the Oracle of Zeus at Dodona (Epeiros)
    Mentioned by
    📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.15b📖 Pausanias 2.3.9📖 Pausanias 2.29.4📖 Plutarch, Theseus 31.4📖 Pausanias 1.11.1-1.11.2📖 Pausanias 2.23.5-2.23.6📖 Naupactica fr. 9 West📖 Pindar, Nemean 4 44-72📖 Pindar, Nemean 7 17-49📖 Strabo 5.2.3-5.2.4📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 16.233
    Mentioned in Text
    Apollodoros, Epitome NaupacticaPlutarch, TheseusPausaniasStraboPindar, Nemean 4Pindar, Nemean 7D-Scholia, Iliad
    Mentioned in citation of
    📖 Homer, Iliad 16.233-16.248📖 Naupactica fr. 9 West📖 Thrasybulos📖 Acestodoros
  • Cite as: '🌍 Epeiros (N. Greece) ', MANTO, [last modified: 27 05 2024]
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