- Alternative names
- Mount Aetna
- Information
- mountain on Sicily
- In
- 🌍 Sicily (island)
- Identified with
- 🌍 the Land of the Cyclopes 🌍 the Land of the Arimoi (unlocatable)
- Place of death of
- 👤 Typhon 👥 the Companions of Odysseus
- Related Entities
- 👤 Aineias 👤 Briareos 👤 Calais 👥 the Cyclopes (thunderbolt-makers) 👤 Dionysos 👤 Zeus 👤 Galateia 👤 Hephaistos 👤 Typhon 👥 the Harpies 👤 Phineus (Thracian) 👤 Polyphemos (Cyclops) 👤 Odysseus 👤 Seilenos 🌍 Tartaros 👤 Zetes 🏺 the Thunderbolt of Zeus 🌍 Mount Ida (Troad) 🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 Doulichion (island) 🌍 Cephallenia (island) 🌍 the Land of the Ethiopians 🌍 Mount Haimos (Thrace) 🌍 Scythia 🌍 Libya (region) 🌍 Mount Cithairon (Attica/Boiotia) 🌍 Cape Malea (Laconia) 🌍 Mount Olympos (N. Greece) 🌍 Sicily (island) 🌍 Mount Atlas (unlocatable) 🌍 River Eridanos 🌍 Mount Caucasos (Pontos) 🌍 Mount Oita (Thessaly) 🌍 the Tyrrhenian Sea 🏺 the Wine of Maron 🌍 the Land of the Cyclopes 🌍 the Island of the Laistrygonians 🌍 the Land of the Hyperboreans 🏛️ the Corycian Cave (Cilicia) 🌍 Mount Nysa (unlocatable) 🌍 Mount Parnassos (Phocis) 🌍 Mount Ossa (Thessaly) 🌍 Mount Mimas (Ionia) 🌍 the Island of the Sirens (unlocatable) 🌍 Italy 🌍 Mount Tmolos (Asia Minor) 🌍 Mount Mycale (Caria) 👥 the Tyrrhenian Pirates 🌍 the Land of the Arimoi (unlocatable) 👤 Phaethon (s. of Helios) 🌍 Naples (Italy) 🌍 the Lipari Islands 🌍 Mount Helicon (Boiotia) 👤 Doris (Nereid) 🌍 Mount Othrys (Thessaly) 🌍 Mount Athos (Chalcidice) 🌍 Pithecoussai (island) 🌍 Baiai (Campania) 🌍 Cumae (Campania) 🌍 Ortygia (island) 🌍 Corsica (Island) 🌍 Mount Cynthos (Delos) 👥 the Companions of Odysseus 👥 the Satyrs 🏺 the Chariot of Helios 🌍 Mount Pindos (Thessaly) 🏛️ the Forge of Hephaistos (Sicily) 🌍 Mount Dindymon (near Cyzicos) 🌍 Mount Rhodope (Thrace) 🌍 the Taurus Mountains 🌍 the Alps 👤 Achaimenides 👥 the Horses of Helios 🌍 Mount Eryx (Sicily) 🌍 the Apennine Mountains 🌍 Dicaiarchia (Italy)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.6.3 📖 Euripides, Cyclops 1-40 📖 Euripides, Cyclops 590-607 📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 214-229 📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 98 Most 📖 Euripides, Cyclops 375-435 📖 Euripides, Cyclops 545-575 📖 Euripides, Cyclops 680-709 📖 Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 343-375 📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods 1.1-1.4 MacLeod 📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods 10.1-10.2 MacLeod 📖 Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis 41-86 📖 Callimachus, Hymn to Delos 99-152 📖 Lucian, Timon, or the Misanthrope 6 📖 Lucian, Timon, or the Misanthrope 19 📖 Pindar, Olympian 4 1-27 📖 Pindar, Olympian 6 92-105 📖 Pindar, Pythian 1 13-29 📖 Pindar, Nemean 1 1-18 📖 Pindar fr. 92 Snell-Maehler 📖 Pomponius Mela 2.119 📖 Ovid, Ibis 269-270 📖 Ovid, Ibis 415-416 📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 2.201-2.271 📖 Strabo 1.2.9 📖 Vergil, Georgics 1.466-1.514 📖 Strabo 13.4.6 📖 Strabo 5.4.9 📖 Vergil, Georgics 4.149-4.179
- Mentioned in Text
- Apollodoros, Library Euripides, Trojan Women Pindar, Olympian 6 Pindar Euripides, Cyclops Hesiod, Ehoiai Strabo Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis Callimachus, Hymn to Delos Lucian, Timon, or the Misanthrope Pindar, Olympian 4 Pindar, Pythian 1 Pindar, Nemean 1 Pomponius Mela Ovid, Ibis Ovid, Metamorphoses Vergil, Georgics
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.106-9.115 📖 Homer, Iliad 2.780-2.785 📖 Pindar, Pythian 1 13-29 📖 Pindar fr. 92 Snell-Maehler 📖 Pindar fr. 93 Snell-Maehler