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🌍 Samos (island)

  • <span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="10187805" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_10187805">📖 Pausanias 7.4.4</span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="11309909" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_11309909">📖 Strabo 10.2.15-10.2.17</span>
  • Information
    island in the Aegean Sea
    Cult site of
    👤 Hera
    Place of birth of
    👤 Hera
    Settled by
    👥 the Ionians 👤 Procles (Samian) 👥 the Sons of Codros 👤 Tembrion
    Settled from
    🌍 Athens (Attica)
    👤 Samia 👤 Samos (s. of Ancaios)
    Derives etymology from
    🌍 Same (island) 🌍 Same (Cephallenia)
    Ruled by
    👤 Ancaios (Samian) 👤 Leogoros 👤 Procles (Samian)
    Conquered by
    👤 Androclos (s. of Codros) 👤 Leogoros
    Relics preserved on site
    🏺 the Cult Statue of Samian Hera 🏛️ the Tomb of Rhadine and Leontichos (Samos)🏛️ the Lygos Tree (Samos)
    🌍 the Sanctuary of Hera at Samos🌍 River Imbrasos (Samos) 🏛️ the Lygos Tree (Samos) 🌍 River Chesios (Samos) 🌍 Samos (city) 🏛️ the Statue of Hera at Samos
    Related Entities
    👤 Agamemnon 👥 the Argonauts 👤 Artemis 👤 Hera 👤 Rhea 🌍 Athens (Attica) 🌍 Crete (island) 🌍 Naxos (island) 🌍 Lemnos (island) 👤 Leto 🌍 Mount Ida (Troad) 🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 Lesbos (island) 🌍 Phocaia (Ionia) 🌍 Colophon (Ionia) 🌍 Clazomenai (Ionia) 🌍 Caria (Asia Minor) 🌍 Euboia (island) 🌍 Argos (city) 🌍 Elis (region) 🌍 Scyros (island) 🌍 Attica 🌍 Mount Pelion (Thessaly) 🌍 Paros (island) 🌍 Ephesos (Asia Minor) 🌍 Phlious (Argolid) 🌍 Samos (island) 👥 the Pelasgians 🌍 Delos (island) 🌍 Chios (island) 👥 the Ionians 🌍 Mount Mimas (Ionia) 🌍 Cape Sounion (Attica)🌍 Same (island) 🌍 Aigina (island) 🌍 Miletos (Asia Minor) 🌍 Samothrace (island) 🌍 Mount Mycale (Caria) 🌍 Chalcis (Euboia) 🌍 Crapathos (island) 🌍 Cos (city) 🌍 Claros (Ionia) 🌍 Imbros (island) 🌍 Mount Athos (Chalcidice) 👥 the Leleges of Asia Minor 👤 Ancaios (Samian) 👤 Androclos (s. of Codros) 👤 Leogoros 👤 Neileus (Ionian) 👤 Procles (Samian) 👤 Rhegnidas 👤 Samia 👤 Samos (s. of Ancaios) 👤 Hippasos (Argive & Samian) 🌍 the Saronic Gulf 🌍 Priene (Asia Minor) 🌍 Myous (Asia Minor) 🌍 Lebedos (Asia Minor) 🌍 Teos (Asia Minor) 🌍 Erythrai (Asia Minor) 🌍 Anaia (Asia Minor) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Hera at Samos🏺 the Cult Statue of Samian Hera 🌍 River Imbrasos (Samos) 👤 Smilis 🌍 Cnidos (Cyprus) 👤 Hierophile 🌍 Mount Corycos (Ionia) 🏛️ the Tomb of Rhadine and Leontichos (Samos)🌍 Aigai (Achaia) 🏛️ the Lygos Tree (Samos) 🌍 Eiresiai (unlocatable) 🌍 Peparethos (island) 🌍 Autocane (Ionia) 🌍 Mount Aisagee (unlocatable) 🌍 Rhenaia (island) 🌍 Parthenia (alt. Samos)🌍 River Chesios (Samos) 🏺 the Steering-Oar of Agamemnon 👥 the Sons of Codros 🌍 Same (Cephallenia) 👤 Tembrion 🌍 Chios (city)
    Mentioned by
    📖 Pausanias 7.2.8📖 Pausanias 7.4.1📖 Pausanias 7.4.2📖 Pausanias 7.4.3📖 Pausanias 7.4.7📖 Pausanias 7.5.13📖 Homeric Hymn 3 to Apollo 25-49📖 Dionysios Periegetes 533-535📖 Pausanias 2.13.1-2.13.2📖 Pausanias 7.4.2-7.4.3📖 Pausanias 10.12.1-10.12.8📖 Asios fr. 7 West📖 Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis 225-258📖 Callimachus, Hymn to Delos 28-54📖 Asios fr. 13 West📖 Diegeseis to Callimachus 4.22-29 Norsa & Vitelli = Aetia fr. 100a Harder📖 Strabo 7 fr. 20a-b Radt📖 Strabo 8.7.1📖 Strabo 10.2.15-10.2.17📖 Strabo 14.1.3📖 Strabo 14.1.15
    Mentioned in Text
    Dionysios PeriegetesPausaniasAsios Homeric Hymn 3 to ApolloStraboCallimachus, Hymn to ArtemisCallimachus, Hymn to Delos Diegeseis to Callimachus
    Mentioned in citation of
    📖 Asios fr. 7 West📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 100 Harder📖 Pherecydes of Athens fr. 155 Fowler
    Relevant to local traditions reported from of
    🌍 Samos (island) 🌍 Alexandria (Troad)
    Reported to have local traditions about
    👤 Hera 👤 Rhea 🌍 Samos (island) 🌍 Samothrace (island) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Hera at Samos🌍 River Imbrasos (Samos)
    Local traditions reported by
    📖 Pausanias 7.4.4📖 Strabo 10.2.15-10.2.17
  • Cite as: '🌍 Samos (island) ', MANTO, [last modified: 27 05 2024]
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