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🌍 Lydia (Asia Minor)

  • <span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="11291196" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_11291196">📖 Pausanias 3.16.7-3.16.11</span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="11291458" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_11291458">📖 Pausanias 7.17.9-7.17.12</span>
  • Alternative names
    Maionia, region in Asia Minor
    Cult site of
    👤 Artemis 👤 Dionysos 👤 Rhea 👤 Cybele
    Place of birth of
    👤 Zeus 👤 Niobe (Theban) 👤 Acoetes
    Place of death of
    👤 Attis 👤 Dioxippe (Lydian)
    Settled by
    👥 the Amazons
    Ruled by
    👤 Iardanes 👤 Omphale 👤 Tantalos (Lydian) 👤 Tmolos (Lydian I) 👤 Tmolos (Lydian II) 👤 Atys 👤 Lydos
    Conquered by
    👤 Dionysos
    Relics preserved on site
    🏺 the Wooden Statue of Artemis (Taurian)
    🌍 the Sanctuary of Artemis Anaiitis (Lydia)🌍 Itone (Lydia)
    Related Entities
    👤 Agelaos (Heraclid) 👤 Amphion (Theban) 👤 Apollo 👤 Artemis 👥 the Corybantes 👥 the Couretes (guardians) 👤 Dionysos 👤 Rhea 👤 Zeus 👤 Heracles 👤 Iardanes 👤 Iphitos (Oichalian) 🌍 Crete (island) 👤 Pelops (Pisan) 👤 Niobe (Theban) 👤 Omphale 👤 Seilenos 👤 Tantalos (Lydian) 👤 Tmolos (Lydian I) 👥 the Amazons 👥 the Maionia Contingent at Troy (defenders) 🌍 Pisa (Elis) 🌍 Adramytion (Ionia) 🌍 Caria (Asia Minor) 🌍 Lycia (SW Asia Minor) 🌍 Thrace (Pontic) 🌍 Phrygia 🌍 Elis (region) 🌍 Delos (island) 🌍 Chios (island) 🌍 Media 🏺 the Wooden Statue of Artemis (Taurian)🌍 Miletos (Asia Minor) 🌍 India 🏺 the Lyre of Amphion 🌍 Mount Sipylos (Lydia) 🌍 Samothrace (island) 🌍 Mount Tmolos (Asia Minor) 🌍 River Maiandros (Caria) 🌍 Lake Gygaia (Asia Minor) 🌍 Arabia Felix 🌍 Etruria (Italy) 👤 Boros (Maionian) 🌍 Liguria (Italy) 👤 Tyrrhenos 👤 Attis 👤 Cybele 🌍 Mysia (Argolid) 👥 the Lydians 👥 the Satyrs 👤 Scythes 🌍 River Pactolos (Lydia) 👤 Arachne 👤 Tmolos (Lydian II) 👤 Sipylos (Lydian) 👤 Dioxippe (Lydian) 🌍 Persia 🌍 Bactria 👤 Acoetes 👥 the Companions of Acoetes 🌍 Caere (Italy) 🏛️ the Lydian Gate (Adramytion) 👤 Atys 👤 Lydos 👤 Tarchon 🌍 Pisa (Italy) 🌍 River Cimpsos (Lydia)
    Mentioned by
    📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.6.3📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.7.8📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1351-1361📖 Plutarch, Theseus 6.5📖 Homeric Hymn 3 to Apollo 179-181📖 Homer, Iliad 2.864-2.866📖 Homer, Iliad 5.43-5.47📖 Dionysios Periegetes 839-846📖 Pausanias 9.5.6-9.5.10📖 Pausanias 5.1.6-5.1.7📖 Pausanias 7.17.9-7.17.12📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.34-3.35📖 Hesiod, Idaian Dactyls fr. 217a, b Most📖 Eumelos, Titanomachy fr. 2 West📖 Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 44📖 Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories 17📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 15 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 22.1 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Parliament of the Gods 4📖 Lucian, On the Syrian Goddess 15📖 Lucian, The Dance 22📖 Lucian, How to Write History 10📖 Pindar, Olympian 1 23-66📖 Lucian, Gout 312-334📖 Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 7📖 Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 9📖 Hesiod fr. 310 Most📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.1-6.69📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.146-6.203📖 Strabo 10.3.13📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 3.511-3.733📖 Strabo 1.3.17📖 Strabo 15.1.6-15.1.9📖 Strabo 14.5.23-14.5.28📖 Strabo 12.3.20-12.3.25📖 Strabo 13.1.65📖 Strabo 5.2.2
    Mentioned in Text
    Apollodoros, EpitomeApollodoros, LibraryHomer, IliadDionysios PeriegetesLycophron, AlexandraPlutarch, TheseusPausaniasHesiod Homeric Hymn 3 to ApolloStraboEumelos, TitanomachyPalaiphatos, On Unbelievable StoriesAnonymous, On Unbelievable StoriesLucian, Dialogues of the GodsLucian, Parliament of the GodsLucian, On the Syrian GoddessLucian, The DanceLucian, How to Write HistoryPindar, Olympian 1Lucian, GoutPs-Plutarch, On RiversHesiod, Idaian DactylsOvid, Metamorphoses
    Mentioned in citation of
    📖 Homer, Iliad 2.864-2.866📖 Ps-Alexander, Problemata 111-13 Kapetanaki & Sharples📖 Euripides, Bacchae 43-63📖 Euripides, Bacchae 64-169📖 Democles fr. 1 Fowler📖 Euripides, Bacchae 13-17📖 Ephoros FGrHist 70 fr. 114a📖 Hermesianax fr. 10
    Reported to have local traditions about
    👤 Ge (personification) 👤 Zeus 🏺 the Wooden Statue of Artemis (Taurian)🌍 River Sangarios (Phrygia) 👤 Agdistis 👤 Attis 🌍 the Sanctuary of Artemis Anaiitis (Lydia)🏛️ the Almond Tree 👤 Daughter of Sangarios (name unknown) 🌍 Pessinous (Phrygia) 🏺 the Genitals of Agdistis
    Local traditions reported by
    📖 Pausanias 3.16.7-3.16.11📖 Pausanias 7.17.9-7.17.12
  • Cite as: '🌍 Lydia (Asia Minor) ', MANTO, [last modified: 27 05 2024]
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