- Information
- region in Asia Minor
- Settled by
- 👥 the Amazons 👥 the Ionians 👥 the Dorians of Thessaly 👥 the Leleges of Asia Minor 👤 Neileus (Ionian) 👥 the Leleges of Argos 👤 Ioxos 👤 Ornytos (Carian)
- Settled from
- 🌍 Athens (Attica) 🌍 the Troad 🌍 Helice (Achaia) 🌍 Cytinion (Doris) 🌍 Mount Lacmon (Epeiros)
- Ruled by
- 👤 Minos
- Conquered by
- 👥 the Ionians 👥 the Leleges of Asia Minor 👤 Neileus (Ionian) 👥 the Dorians of the Peloponnese
- Encompases
- 🌍 Thigros (Caria) 🌍 Mount Satnion (Caria)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Achilles 👤 Alexander (Trojan) 👤 Cecrops (Athenian I) 👤 Endymion 🌍 Athens (Attica) 🌍 Crete (island) 👤 Menelaos 👤 Minos 👤 Sarpedon (Lycian) 👤 Selene 👥 the Amazons 👥 the Caria Contingent at Troy (defenders) 🌍 Phocaia (Ionia) 🌍 Caria (Asia Minor) 🌍 Elis (region) 🌍 Attica 🌍 Lydia (Asia Minor) 🌍 Samos (island) 👥 the Pelasgians 🌍 Chios (island) 👥 the Ionians 👥 the Dorians of Thessaly 👤 the Lernaian Crab 🌍 Miletos (Asia Minor) 🌍 the Troad 🌍 Mount Phthires (Caria) 🌍 River Maiandros (Caria) 🌍 Mount Mycale (Caria) 🌍 Helice (Achaia) 👥 the Leleges of Asia Minor 🌍 Plynos (Libya) 👤 Neileus (Ionian) 🌍 Mysia (Argolid) 👥 the Leleges of Argos 👥 the Dorians of the Peloponnese 👤 Ioxos 👤 Ornytos (Carian) 🌍 Halicarnassos (Caria) 🌍 Myndos (Caria) 👥 the Aonians 🌍 Ceos (island) 🌍 Cytinion (Doris) 🌍 Triopion Promontory (Asia Minor) 🌍 Bargylia (Caria) 🌍 Syangela (Caria) 🌍 Mount Lacmon (Epeiros) 🌍 Thigros (Caria) 🌍 Mount Satnion (Caria)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 144-167 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1362-1396 📖 Pausanias 7.3.7 📖 Homer, Iliad 2.867-2.875 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.34-3.35 📖 Plutarch, Theseus 8.2-8.3 📖 Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 38 📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 19.1 MacLeod 📖 Pomponius Mela 1.83 📖 Strabo 7.7.2 📖 Strabo 9.1.20 📖 Strabo 14.1.3 📖 Strabo 14.2.27 📖 Strabo 12.3.20-12.3.25 📖 Strabo 13.1.58-13.1.59 📖 Strabo 12.8.5 📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 20.403 📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 75 Harder
- Mentioned in Text
- Apollodoros, Epitome Homer, Iliad Lycophron, Alexandra Plutarch, Theseus Pausanias Strabo Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories Callimachus, Aetia Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods Pomponius Mela D-Scholia, Iliad
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📖 Philochoros FGrHist 328 fr. 94 📖 Pherecydes of Athens fr. 155 Fowler 📖 Ephoros FGrHist 70 fr. 114a 📖 Cleitophon FHG fr. 5 📖 Xenomedes fr. 1 Fowler