- Information
- on the Citadel of Troy
- In
- 🌍 the Citadel of Troy
- Fortifications of
- 🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 the Citadel of Troy
- Place of death of
- 👤 Achilles 👤 Astyanax (Trojan) 👤 Hector (Trojan) 👤 Patroclos (Myrmidon) 👤 Penthesileia 👤 Oinone (Trojan) 👤 Sarpedon (Lycian)
- Created by
- 👤 Aiacos 👤 Apollo 👤 Poseidon 👤 Laomedon (Trojan)
- Destroyed by
- 👤 Epeios (horse-builder) 👥 the Defenders of Troy
- Survives as a relic at
- 🌍 Argyrippa (Daunia)
- Encompases
- 🏛️ the Scaian Gates (Troy)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Achilles 👤 Aiacos 👤 Aias (the greater) 👤 Aias (the lesser) 👤 Aineias 👤 Aithra (m. of Theseus) 👤 Alexander (Trojan) 👤 Anchises (Trojan) 👤 Andromache 👤 Antenor (Trojan) 👤 Aphrodite 👤 Apollo 👤 Astyanax (Trojan) 👤 Athena 👤 Balios (horse) 👤 Cassandra 👤 Clytios (Trojan) 👤 Diomedes (Argive) 👤 Epeios (horse-builder) 👤 Euphorbos (Trojan) 👤 Poseidon 👤 Zeus 👤 Hecabe 👤 Hector (Trojan) 👤 Hermes 👤 Hicetaon 👤 Iris 👤 Lampos (Trojan) 👤 Patroclos (Myrmidon) 👤 Helen 👤 Penthesileia 👤 Phoinix (Dolopian) 👤 Polites (Trojan) 👤 Polyxene 👤 Priam 👤 Laomedon (Trojan) 👤 Menelaos 👤 Neoptolemos 👤 Odysseus 👤 Oinone (Trojan) 👤 Sarpedon (Lycian) 👥 the Greek Contingent at Troy 👥 the Defenders of Troy 👤 Talthybios 👤 Telamon (Salamian) 👤 Thetis 👤 Troilos 🏺 the Trojan Horse 👤 Xanthos (horse) 🏺 the Palladion (statue) 🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 the Plain of Troy 🌍 the Citadel of Troy 🏛️ the Walls of Troy 🏛️ the Springs of the River Scamandros (Troad) 🏛️ the Temple of Apollo Thymbraios at Thymbra (Troad) 🏛️ the Scaian Gates (Troy) 👤 Clymene (Trojan) 👤 Oucalegon 👤 Panthoos 👤 Thymoites (Trojan I) 👤 Idaios (Trojan II) 👤 Automedon (charioteer) 🏛️ the Fig Tree (Troy) 🌍 Argyrippa (Daunia) 👤 Creousa (Trojan) 🌍 Cape Poseideion 👤 Ascanios (s. of Aineias) 🏛️ the Spring at Troy 👤 Troon 👤 Rhodia 🏛️ the Tomb of Hector (Troy)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 4.6 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 4.7 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.23 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.9 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 44-68 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 373-407 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 494-534 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 592-632 📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 1-47 📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 709-739 📖 Homer, Iliad 3.383-3.417 📖 Homer, Iliad 7.442-7.453 📖 Homer, Iliad 16.698-16.711 📖 Homer, Iliad 21.435-21.460 📖 Homer, Iliad 22.131-22.213 📖 Homer, Iliad 22.25-22.98 📖 Dionysios Periegetes 812-819 📖 Pausanias 10.25.9-10.26.2 📖 Pausanias 10.26.2-10.26.4 📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 176 Most 📖 Little Iliad fr. 18 West 📖 Little Iliad fr. 29-30 West 📖 Sack of Troy fr. 3 West 📖 Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 16 📖 Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories 4 📖 Lucian, On Sacrifices 4 📖 Lucian, On Sacrifices 6 📖 Pindar, Olympian 8 25-52 📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 5.650 📖 Ovid, Ibis 333-334 📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 20.145 📖 Callimachus fr. 698 Pfeiffer
- Mentioned in Text
- Apollodoros, Epitome Apollodoros, Library Homer, Iliad Dionysios Periegetes Lycophron, Alexandra Euripides, Trojan Women Little Iliad Pausanias Hesiod, Ehoiai Sack of Troy Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories Lucian, On Sacrifices Pindar, Olympian 8 D-Scholia, Iliad Ovid, Ibis Callimachus
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📖 Little Iliad fr. 18 West 📖 Hellanicos fr. 26b Fowler
- Depictions
- 🎨 Attic Black-Figure Krater by Cleitias (Florence 4209; Beazley 300000; LIMC Antenor I 2) 🎨 Wall Paintings from House of Menander / Casa del Menandro I 10, 4, Pompeii (PALP r1-i10-p4-space-4) 🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa del Sacello Iliaco I 6, 4, Pompeii (PALP r1-i6-p4-space-e) 🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Spurius Mesor VII 3, 29, Pompeii (MANN 120085, 120086; PALP r7-i3-p29-space-l) 🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Giasone IX 5, 18, Pompeii (MANN 111436, 111471; PALP r9-i5-p18-space-f) 🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa del Criptoportico I 6, 2, Pompeii (PALP r1-i6-p2-space-17) 🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Sirico VII 1, 25.47, Pompeii (PALP r7-i1-p25-space-10) 🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Cipius Pamphilus VII 6, 38, Pompeii (MANN 9010; PALP r7-i6-p38-space-23) 🎨 Bronze Gladiator's Helmet from Pompeii (MANN 5673)
- Reported depictions
- 🎨 Wall Painting of the Fall of Troy in the Lesche of the Cnidians by Polygnotos, Delphi (LIMC Ilioupersis 25)