- Information
- city in the Argolid
- Alternative name
- 🌍 Argion (alt. Mycenae)
- Sometimes conflated with
- 🌍 Argos (city)
- Place of birth of
- 👤 Alcaios (Mycenaean) 👤 Electryon (s. of Perseus) 👤 Heleios 👤 Mestor (Mycenaean) 👤 Sthenelos (Mycenaean)
- Place of death of
- 👤 Agamemnon 👤 Aglaos 👤 Aigisthos 👤 Amphimachos (s. of Electryon) 👤 Anactor 👤 Antiochos (s. of Pterelaos) 👤 Archelaos (Mycenaean) 👤 Callileon 👤 Cassandra 👤 Celaineus 👤 Cheirimachos 👤 Chersidamas (s. of Pterelaos) 👤 Chromios (Taphian) 👤 Clytaimnestra 👤 Gorgophonos (Mycenaean I) 👤 Phylonomos 👤 Lysinomos 👤 Mestor (s. of Pterelaos) 👤 Orchomenos (Mycenaean) 👤 Stratobates 👤 Tyrannos 👥 the Cattle of Geryon 👤 Argos (Panoptes) 👤 Nomios (Mycenaean) 👤 Deimachos (Mycenaean) 👤 Eurybios (Mycenaean) 👤 Peri[...] (s. of Electryon) 👤 Epilaos (Mycenaean) 👤 Mestor (s. of Aias) 👤 Alcmeon 👤 Companion of Agamemnon (name unknown) 👥 the Companions of Agamemnon
- Place of burial of
- 👤 Agamemnon 👤 Aigisthos 👤 Atreus 👤 Cassandra 👤 Clytaimnestra 👤 Electra (Mycenaean) 👤 Eurymedon (Mycenaean) 👤 Pelops (Mycenaean) 👤 Teledamos 👥 the Companions of Agamemnon
- Founded by
- 👤 Perseus (Argive) 👤 Gorgophonos (Mycenaean II)
- Founded from
- 🌍 Epidauros (Argolid)
- Fortified by
- 👥 the Cyclopes (wall-builders) 👤 Perseus (Argive)
- Eponym
- 👤 Myceneus 👤 Mycene (eponym)
- Derives etymology from
- 👤 Euryale (Gorgon) 👤 Stheno (Gorgon) 🏺 the Scabbard of Perseus
- Ruled by
- 👤 Agamemnon 👤 Aigisthos 👤 Amphitryon 👤 Atreus 👤 Bias (Argive) 👤 Electryon (s. of Perseus) 👤 Eurystheus 👤 Orestes (s. of Agamemnon) 👤 Perseus (Argive) 👤 Melampous 👤 Sthenelos (Mycenaean) 👤 Thyestes (Mycenaean)
- Conquered by
- 👥 the Heracleidai
- Fortifications
- 🏛️ the Walls of Mycenae
- Relics preserved on site
- 🏛️ the Walls of Mycenae 🏛️ the Treasuries of Atreus and his family (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Atreus (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Agamemnon (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Eurymedon (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Teledamos and Pelops (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Electra (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Clytaimnestra (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Aigisthos (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Cassandra (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tombs of the Companions of Agamemnon (Mycenae)
- Encompases
- 🌍 the Grove at Mycenae 🏛️ the Walls of Mycenae 🏛️ Spring Perseia (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Treasuries of Atreus and his family (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Atreus (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Agamemnon (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Eurymedon (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Teledamos and Pelops (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Electra (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Clytaimnestra (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Aigisthos (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Cassandra (Mycenae) 🏛️ the House of Aigisthos (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tombs of the Companions of Agamemnon (Mycenae)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Admete (Argive) 👤 Aerope (Argive) 👤 Agamemnon 👤 Aglaos 👤 Aigisthos 👤 Alcaios (Mycenaean) 👤 Alcmene 👤 Amphimachos (s. of Electryon) 👤 Amphitryon 👤 Anactor 👤 Antiochos (s. of Pterelaos) 👤 Archelaos (Mycenaean) 👤 Atreus 👤 Bias (Argive) 👤 Callileon 👤 Cassandra 👤 Celaineus 👤 Cerberos (dog) 👤 the Cerynitian Deer 👤 Cheirimachos 👤 Chersidamas (s. of Pterelaos) 👤 Chromios (Taphian) 👤 Clytaimnestra 👤 Copreus 👤 the Cretan Bull 👥 the Cyclopes (wall-builders) 👤 Eileithyia 👤 Electra (Mycenaean) 👤 Electryon (s. of Perseus) 👤 Erigone (Mycenaean) 👤 the Erymanthian Boar 👤 Eueres (s. of Pterelaos) 👤 Euryale (Gorgon) 👤 Eurystheus 👤 Hera 👤 Zeus 👤 Geryon 👤 Gorgophonos (Mycenaean I) 🌍 the Underworld 👤 Heleios 👤 Heracles 👤 Hermes 👤 Hermione (Spartan) 👥 the Hesperides 👤 Hippolyte (Amazon I) 👤 Inachos (river god) 👤 Iolaos 👤 Iphigeneia 👤 Iphitos (Eleian) 🌍 Corinth (Argolid) 🌍 Athens (Attica) 🌍 Epidauros (Argolid) 🌍 the Isthmos of Corinth 🌍 Crete (island) 👤 Pelops (Pisan) 👤 Orestes (s. of Agamemnon) 👤 Helen 👤 Io 👤 Iphicles 👤 Perseus (Argive) 👤 Phylonomos 👤 Polyneices 👤 Polyxenos (Elian I) 👤 Priam 👤 Licymnios 👤 Lysinomos 👥 the Mares of Diomedes 👤 Melampous 👤 Menelaos 👤 Mestor (Mycenaean) 👤 Mestor (s. of Pterelaos) 👤 Minos 👤 the Nemean Lion 👤 Orchomenos (Mycenaean) 🌍 Marathon (Attica) 👤 Pylades 👤 Sthenelos (Mycenaean) 👤 Stheno (Gorgon) 👤 Stratobates 👤 Taphios 👤 Thyestes (Mycenaean) 👤 Tydeus 👤 Tyndareos 👤 Tyrannos 🏺 the War-Belt of Hippolyte 👥 the Mycenae Contingent at Troy (attackers) 🏺 the Scepter of Agamemnon 🏺 the Winged Sandals 👥 the Cattle of Electryon 🏺 the Golden Cup of Helios 👥 the Cattle of Geryon 🌍 Sparta (Laconia) 🌍 Pisa (Elis) 👤 the Golden Lamb of Atreus 🌍 Mycenae (Argolid) 🌍 Sicyon (Argolid) 👤 Pelopeia (Mycenaean) 🌍 Cythera (island) 🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 Cyprus (island) 🌍 Egypt 👤 the Eidolon of Helen 🌍 Aulis (Boiotia) 🌍 Tenedos (island) 🏺 the Golden Apples of the Hesperides 🌍 Colophon (Ionia) 🌍 Phocis 🌍 Thrace (N. Greece) 👤 Adrastos (Argive I) 🌍 Argos (city) 🌍 Arcadia 🌍 Elis (region) 🌍 the Ionian Sea 🌍 Illyria 🌍 Mount Haimos (Thrace) 🌍 the Bosporos 🌍 Scythia 🌍 Libya (region) 🌍 Phoinicia 🌍 Arabia 🌍 Tiryns (Argolid) 🌍 Mideia (Argolid) 🌍 Thebes (Boiotia) 🌍 the Taphian Islands 🌍 Nemea (Argolid) 🌍 Delphi (Phocis) 🌍 Cleonai (Argolid) 🌍 River Ladon (Arcadia) 🌍 Psophis (Arcadia) 🌍 Mount Erymanthos (Arcadia) 🌍 Themiscyra (Pontos) 🌍 Ainos (Thrace) 🌍 Thasos (island) 🌍 Torone (Chalcidice) 🌍 Erytheia (unlocatable) 🌍 Tartessos (Spain) 🌍 Abderia (Spain) 🌍 Ligystine (Spain) 🌍 River Anthemous (Chalcidice) 🌍 Rhegion (Italy) 🌍 Sicily (island) 🌍 the Hellespont 🌍 River Strymon (Thrace) 🌍 River Echedoros (Thrace) 🌍 River Eridanos 🌍 Thermydrai (Rhodes) 🌍 Mount Caucasos (Pontos) 🌍 Troizen (Argolid) 🌍 Phlious (Argolid) 👤 Argos (Panoptes) 🌍 Cimmerian Bosporos 🌍 the Tyrrhenian Sea 🌍 the Land of the Hyperboreans 🌍 Cape Sounion (Attica) 🌍 the Argolid 🏛️ the Walls of Tiryns 🌍 the Land of the Bistones (Thrace) 🌍 Eryx (Sicily) 🌍 the Garden of the Hesperides (unlocatable) 🌍 Eion (Argolid) 🌍 Orneiai (Argolid) 🌍 Araithyrea (Argolid) 🌍 Hyperesia (Argolid) 🌍 Gonoessa (Argolid) 🌍 Pellene (Achaia) 🌍 Aigion (Achaia) 🌍 Helice (Achaia) 👤 Eurymedon (Mycenaean) 👤 Ate 👤 Periphetes (Greek at Troy) 🏛️ the Walls of Mycenae 🌍 Achaia (Peloponnese) 👤 Myceneus 👤 Mycene (eponym) 👤 Pelops (Mycenaean) 👤 Rhacios 👤 Teledamos 🏺 the Scabbard of Perseus 🏛️ the Treasuries of Atreus and his family (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Atreus (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Agamemnon (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Eurymedon (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Teledamos and Pelops (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Electra (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Clytaimnestra (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Aigisthos (Mycenae) 🏛️ the Tomb of Cassandra (Mycenae) 👥 the Sons of Heracles 🌍 the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi 👥 the Heracleidai 👤 Guard of Clytaimnestra (name unknown) 🏛️ the Tomb of Thyestes (Argolid) 👤 Lebes 👤 Nomios (Mycenaean) 👤 Deimachos (Mycenaean) 👤 Eurybios (Mycenaean) 👤 Peri[...] (s. of Electryon) 👤 Epilaos (Mycenaean) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Hera at Argos 👤 Watchman of Mycenae (name unknown) 👤 Mestor (s. of Aias) 👤 Alcmeon 👤 Argeios (comp. of Aigisthos) 👤 Antiochos (Mycenaean II) 👤 Companion of Agamemnon (name unknown) 👤 Molossos (rationalized) 👤 Gorgophonos (Mycenaean II) 🏺 the Cloak of Agamemnon 👥 the Companions of Agamemnon 🏛️ the Tombs of the Companions of Agamemnon (Mycenae)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 2.12 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 2.13 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 2.14 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 2.15 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 2.16 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.23 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.28 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.30 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.1.3 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.4.4 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.4.5 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.4.6 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.1 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.3 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.4 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.7 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.8 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.9 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.10 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.11 📖 Apollodoros, Library 2.5.12 📖 Pausanias 8.5.4 📖 Pausanias 2.15.4 📖 Pausanias 2.16.5 📖 Pausanias 2.18.1 📖 Pausanias 1.2.3 📖 Homer, Odyssey 1.26-1.43 📖 Homer, Odyssey 3.184-3.200 📖 Homer, Odyssey 3.262-3.275 📖 Homer, Odyssey 3.304-3.312 📖 Homer, Odyssey 4.512-4.547 📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.35-24.97 📖 Epigonoi fr. 3 Davies 📖 Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 77-93 📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 353-367 📖 Homer, Iliad 2.569-2.580 📖 Homer, Iliad 4.50-4.67 📖 Homer, Iliad 4.364-4.410 📖 Homer, Iliad 15.630-15.652 📖 Homer, Iliad 19.95-19.124 📖 Pausanias 2.6.5-2.6.7 📖 Pausanias 2.16.3-2.16.4 📖 Pausanias 2.16.6-2.16.7 📖 Pausanias 9.40.11-9.40.12 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 2.12-2.13 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.11-3.14 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.24-6.25 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.1-6.30 📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 2.10-2.11 📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 136 Most 📖 Nostoi fr. 10 West 📖 Cypria Argumentum 4 West 📖 Cypria Argumentum 8 West 📖 Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 38 📖 Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 39 📖 Lucian, Astrology 12 📖 Lucian, On Sacrifices 5 📖 Lucian, The Hall 23 📖 Lucian, The Dance 43 📖 Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 18 📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 4.376 📖 Pindar fr. 169a Snell-Maehler 📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 1.7 📖 Strabo 8.6.10 📖 Strabo 8.6.13 📖 Strabo 8.6.19 📖 Strabo 8.6.19-8.6.25 📖 Strabo 1.2.3 📖 Ovid, Amores 2.8 📖 Diodoros, Library 7.1.1-7.4.4
- Mentioned in Text
- Apollodoros, Epitome Apollodoros, Library Nostoi Homer, Iliad Homer, Odyssey Cypria Euripides, Trojan Women Pausanias Pindar Epigonoi Hesiod, Shield of Heracles Hesiod, Ehoiai Strabo Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories Lucian, Astrology Lucian, On Sacrifices Lucian, The Hall Lucian, The Dance Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers Diodoros, Library D-Scholia, Iliad Ovid, Amores
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📖 Homer, Odyssey 2.84-2.128 📖 Homer, Odyssey 3.262-3.275 📖 Homer, Iliad 2.569-2.580 📖 Acousilaos fr. 24 Fowler
- Depictions
- 🏛️ the Hall (fictional)
- Reported depictions
- 🏛️ the Hall (fictional)