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👤 Thetis

  • <span class="a type-11352" data-type_id="11352" data-object_id="11309145" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-11352_11309145">🎨 Wooden Chest of Cypselos (LIMC Achilleus 205)</span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-11352" data-type_id="11352" data-object_id="11321601" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-11352_11321601">🎨 Reliefs on Semicircular Pedestal in the Sanctuary of Zeus, Olympia ( Not Extant)</span>
  • Information
    Nereid, mother of Achilles
    Daughter of
    👤 Doris (Oceanid) 👤 Oceanos (Titan) 👤 Nereus 👤 Thalassa
    Mother of
    👤 Achilles
    Wife of
    👤 Peleus
    Has children with
    👤 Peleus
    Belongs to
    👥 the Nereids
    👥 the Children of Peleus and Thetis
    ⏳ the Funeral Games of Achilles (Troy)
    Cult sites
    🌍 Sparta (Laconia) 🌍 Phthia (Thessaly) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Thetis (Phthia)
    Related Entities
    👤 Achilles 👤 Actaia (Nereid) 👤 Agamemnon 👤 Agaue (Nereid) 👤 Aiacos 👤 Aias (the greater) 👤 Aias (the lesser) 👤 Alcyone (Thessalian) 👤 Amphitrite 👤 Antenor (Trojan) 👤 Antilochos (Pylian) 👤 Aphrodite 👤 Apollo 👤 Ares 👥 the Argonauts 👤 Artemis 👤 Athena 👤 Autonoe (Nereid) 👤 Balios (horse) 👤 Briareos 👤 Briseis 👤 Calliope (Muse) 👤 Calypso (Nereid) 👤 Ceto (Nereid) 👤 Ceyx (Thessalian) 👥 the Charites 👤 Charybdis 👤 Cheiron (Centaur) 👤 Cleio (Muse) 👤 Cranto 👤 Cymo 👤 Cymothoe 👤 Danae 👤 Demeter 👤 Dero 👤 Dionysos 👤 Doris (Oceanid) 👤 Doto 👤 Dynamene 👤 Eione 👤 Eos 👤 Erato (Nereid) 👤 Erato (Muse) 👤 Euagore (Nereid) 👤 Eucrante 👤 Eudora (Nereid) 👤 Eulimene 👤 Eumolpe (Nereid) 👤 Eunice (Nereid) 👤 Eurynome (Oceanid) 👤 Euterpe 👤 Ge (personification) 👤 Hera 👤 Hestia 👤 Oceanos (Titan) 👤 Poseidon 👤 Tethys 👤 Themis 👤 Zeus 👤 Galateia 👤 Glauconome 👤 Halia (Nereid) 👤 Halimede 👤 Hector (Trojan) 👤 Hephaistos 👤 Hermes 👤 Hipponoe 👤 Hippothoe (Nereid) 👤 Ianeira (Nereid) 👤 Ione 👤 Iris 🌍 Lemnos (island) 👤 Ourania (Muse) 👤 Panope (Nereid) 👤 Patroclos (Myrmidon) 👤 Peleus 👤 Helen 👥 the Horai 👥 the Muses 👤 Perseus (Argive) 👤 Pherousa 👤 Plexaura (Nereid) 👤 Polites (Trojan) 👤 Polymnia 👤 Polynome 👤 Polyxene 👤 Pontomedousa 👤 Priam 👤 Prometheus (fire-stealer) 👤 Leto 👤 Limnoreia 👤 Lycomedes (of Scyros) 👤 Lycourgos (Thracian I) 👤 Lysianassa (Nereid) 👤 Maia 👤 Medeia 👤 Melite (Nereid)👤 Melpomene 👤 Memnon 👥 the Moirai 👤 Nausithoe (Nereid) 👤 Neomeris 👤 Neoptolemos 👥 the Nereids 👤 Nereus 👤 Nesaia 👤 Odysseus 👤 Proto 👤 Psamathe (Nereid) 👤 Sao 👤 Scylla (sea monster)👤 Speio 👥 the Greek Contingent at Troy 👤 Tenes 👤 Terpsichore 👤 Thaleia (Muse) 👤 Troilos 🌍 the Planctai 👤 Xanthos (horse) 🏛️ the Forge of Hephaistos (Mount Olympos)🏺 the Chest of Danae 🌍 Sparta (Laconia) 🌍 River Oceanos (unlocatable) 🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 Tenedos (island) 🌍 the Beach of Troy 🏛️ the Walls of Troy 🏺 the Second Armour of Achilles 🏛️ the Tomb of Achilles and Patroclos (Troy) 🌍 the Isles of the Blessed 🌍 Scyros (island) 🌍 Scythia 🌍 Seriphos (island) 🌍 Mount Pelion (Thessaly) 🌍 Mount Olympos (N. Greece) 🌍 Mount Caucasos (Pontos) 🌍 Messenia 👤 Dione (Nereid) 🌍 Myconos (island) 🌍 Molossia (N. Greece) 🌍 Delos (island) 🌍 Mount Nysa (unlocatable) 🌍 Phthia (Thessaly) 🌍 Edonia 🌍 Samothrace (island) ⏳ the Funeral Games of Achilles (Troy) 👤 Idaios (Trojan II) 🌍 White Island (Pontos) 👤 Moros 👤 Momos 👤 Ploto (Nereid) 👤 Galene 👤 Glauce (Nereid) 👤 Thoe (Nereid) 👤 Pasithea (Nereid) 👤 Protomedeia 👤 Doris (Nereid) 👤 Cymodoce 👤 Cymatolege 👤 Pontoporeia 👤 Leagore 👤 Laomedeia 👤 Poulynoe 👤 Euarne 👤 Menippe (Nereid) 👤 Neso (Nereid) 👤 Eupompe 👤 Themisto (Nereid) 👤 Pronoe (Nereid) 👤 Nemertes 👥 the Olympian Gods 👤 Automedon (charioteer) 👤 Alcimedon (Myrmidon) 👤 Epeigeus 🌍 Boudeion (unlocatable) 🌍 Imbros (island) 👤 Thaleia (Nereid) 👤 Iaira 👤 Amphithoe 👤 Dexamene 👤 Amphinome 👤 Callianeira 👤 Apseudes (Nereid) 👤 Callianassa 👤 Clymene (Nereid) 👤 Ianassa 👤 Maira (Nereid) 👤 Oreithyia (Nereid) 👤 Amatheia (Nereid) 👤 Charis 🏺 the Shield of Achilles 🏺 the Golden Amphora of Thetis 🏺 the Statue of Thetis 👤 Thalassa 👤 Chariclo (w. of Cheiron) 🏛️ the House of Hephaistos (Olympos)🌍 Maroneia (Thrace) ⏳ the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis 👤 Euanthe (m. of Charites) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Hera Lacinia (S. Italy)🌍 the Sanctuary of Thetis (Phthia)👥 the Children of Peleus and Thetis 👤 Messenger of Cycnos (name unknown) 🏛️ the Spring at Troy 👤 Troon 👤 Rhodia 🏛️ the Tent of Achilles (Troy)
    Mentioned by
    📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.14📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.26📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.29📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.6📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.2.7📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.3.5📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.25📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.5.1📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.13.5📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.13.6📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.13.8📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 168-201📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 229-248📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 373-407📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 852-865📖 Pausanias 8.41.5📖 Pausanias 5.22.2📖 Pausanias 8.41.6📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.467-11.567📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.35-24.97📖 Homeric Hymn 3 to Apollo 300-355📖 Homer, Iliad 1.347-1.430📖 Homer, Iliad 1.396-1.406📖 Homer, Iliad 1.493-1.530📖 Homer, Iliad 1.349-1.355📖 Homer, Iliad 6.119-6.143📖 Homer, Iliad 16.569-16.580📖 Homer, Iliad 18.39-18.51📖 Homer, Iliad 18.65-18.77📖 Homer, Iliad 18.368-18.409📖 Homer, Iliad 18.388-18.409📖 Homer, Iliad 18.468-18.608📖 Homer, Iliad 18.609-18.613📖 Homer, Iliad 19.28-19.39📖 Homer, Iliad 24.55-24.63📖 Homer, Iliad 24.552-24.590📖 Homer, Iliad 24.77-24.96📖 Homer, Iliad 19.1-19.27📖 Pausanias 3.14.3-3.14.4📖 Pausanias 2.29.6-2.29.10📖 Pausanias 5.18.1-5.18.5📖 Pausanias 5.19.1-5.19.6📖 Pausanias 5.19.7-5.19.10📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.5-6.12📖 Hesiod, Theogony 240-264📖 Hesiod, Theogony 1003-1007📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 151 Most📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 152 Most📖 Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 752-778📖 Hesiod, Aigimius fr. 237 Most📖 Cypria fr. 1 West📖 Cypria fr. 2 West📖 Cypria fr. 3 West📖 Cypria fr. 4 West📖 Cypria Argumentum 1 West📖 Cypria Argumentum 11 West📖 Aithiopis Argumentum 2 West📖 Aithiopis Argumentum 4 West📖 Nostoi Argumentum 4 West📖 Eumelos, Europia fr. 27 West📖 Bacchylides, Odes 13📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 1.2 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 5.2 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods 7.1-7.2 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods 10.1-10.2 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods 12.1-12.2 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 23.2 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Prometheus 21📖 Lucian, Zeus Rants 40📖 Callimachus, Hymn to Apollo 17-24📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 35 Harder📖 Pindar, Olympian 2 61-83📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Courtesans 13.3📖 Pindar, Olympian 9 40-79📖 Pindar, Pythian 3 77-115📖 Pindar, Nemean 3 19-42📖 Pindar, Nemean 3 43-63📖 Pindar, Nemean 4 44-72📖 Ion, Dithyrambs fr. 741 PMG📖 Pindar, Nemean 5 19-42📖 Pindar, Isthmian 6 19-56📖 Pindar, Isthmian 8 16-48📖 Pindar fr. 52f Snell-Maehler📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 1.399📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 1.418📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 1.519📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 6.130📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 1.5📖 Vergil, Georgics 1.393-1.423📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 13.66📖 Ovid, Amores 2.14📖 Ovid, Amores 2.17📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 16.140📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 16.36📖 Ovid, Amores 3.9📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 23.91📖 Callimachus, Lyric Poems fr. 228 Pfeiffer
    Mentioned in Text
    Apollodoros, EpitomeApollodoros, Library NostoiHomer, IliadHesiod, TheogonyLycophron, AlexandraHomer, Odyssey CypriaPausaniasPindar Homeric Hymn 3 to ApolloHesiod, EhoiaiAeschylus, Prometheus BoundHesiod, Aigimius AithiopisEumelos, EuropiaBacchylides, OdesCallimachus, AetiaLucian, Dialogues of the GodsLucian, Dialogues of the Sea-GodsLucian, Dialogues of the DeadLucian, PrometheusLucian, Zeus RantsCallimachus, Hymn to ApolloPindar, Olympian 2Lucian, Dialogues of the CourtesansPindar, Olympian 9Pindar, Pythian 3Pindar, Nemean 3Pindar, Nemean 4Ion, DithyrambsPindar, Nemean 5Pindar, Isthmian 6Pindar, Isthmian 8D-Scholia, IliadOvid, AmoresVergil, GeorgicsCallimachus, Lyric Poems
    Mentioned in citation of
    📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 168-201📖 Homer, Odyssey 4.499-4.511📖 Homer, Iliad 1.396-1.406📖 Homer, Iliad 18.388-18.409📖 Cypria fr. 1 West📖 Eumelos, Europia fr. 27 West📖 Homer, Iliad 2.1-2.41📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 35 Harder📖 Didymos p. 179 Schmidt📖 Cypria fr. 3 Davies📖 Stesichoros fr. 234 Campbell
    🎨 Attic Black-Figure Krater by Cleitias (Florence 4209; Beazley 300000; LIMC Antenor I 2)🎨 Etruscan Bronze and Ivory Chariot (Met 03.23.1; LIMC Achle 100)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Diosphos Painter (CAMU Δ 61; Beazley 361424)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Skyphos (CAMU Δ 93)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Kalpis Hydria attributed to the Leagros Group (Nicholson NM98.24)🎨 Fragments of Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora (RD Milns 85.2741; Beazley 23189)🎨 Greek Terracotta Plaque (RD Milns 87.0213)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa del Sacello Iliaco I 6, 4, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i6-p4-space-e)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa degli Amorini Dorati VI 16, 7.38, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i16-p7-space-g)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Meleagro VI 9, 2.13, Pompeii (MANN 8873, 9051, 9534, 9255; P-LOD r6-i9-p2-space-16)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Meleagro VI 9, 2.13, Pompeii (MANN 8898, 9528, 9543; P-LOD r6-i9-p2-space-2)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa dei Dioscuri VI 9, 6.7, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i9-p6-space-43)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Gavius Rufus VII 2, 16-17, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i2-p16-space-t)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Gavius Rufus VII 2, 16-17, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i2-p16-space-u)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa delle Quadrighe VII 2, 25, Pompeii (MANN 8863, 9531; P-LOD r7-i2-p25-space-n)🎨 Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling VII 3, 11-12, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i3-p12-space-i)🎨 Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 1, 7, Pompeii (MANN 9529; P-LOD r9-i1-p7-space-e)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Achille IX 5, 1-3, Pompeii (MANN 116085; P-LOD r9-i5-p2-space-u)🎨 Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 7, 16, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i7-p16-space-c)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di D. Octavius Quartio II 2, 2, Pompeii (LIMC Achilleus 458; P-LOD r2-i2-p2-space-h)🎨 Wall Paintings from Termopolio V 2, 19, Pompeii (P-LOD r5-i2-p19-space-c)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Lekythos in the manner of the Haimon Painter (Otago E48.251; Beazley 331413)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa del Criptoportico I 6, 2, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i6-p2-space-17)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di L. Aelius Magnus VIII 2, 21, Pompeii (P-LOD r8-i2-p21)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Sirico VII 1, 25.47, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i1-p25-space-10)🎨 Wall Paintings from Market VII 9, 7, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i9-p7-space-d)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the Sub-Krokotos Group (NAM 12584; Beazley 302665)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Princeton Painter (Rhodes 1346)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Olpe attributed to (near the) Dot Ivy Group (Rhodes 10772)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Epidius Sabinus IX 1, 22.29, Pompeii (P-LOD 9-i1-p22-space-n)
    Reported depictions
    🎨 Wooden Chest of Cypselos (LIMC Achilleus 205)🎨 Reliefs on Semicircular Pedestal in the Sanctuary of Zeus, Olympia ( Not Extant)
  • Cite as: '👤 Thetis ', MANTO, [last modified: 07 08 2024]
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