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👤 Odysseus

  • <span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="8194710" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_8194710">🌍 Troy (Troad) </span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="9364225" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_9364225">🌍 Mantineia (Arcadia) </span>
  • Alternative names
    king of Ithaca, leader of the Cephallenian contingent at Troy
    LIMC headword
    Son of
    👤 Anticleia (Ithacan) 👤 Laertes 👤 Sisyphos
    Father of
    👤 Polypoites (Thesprotian) 👤 Latinos (s. of Odysseus)👤 Leontophonos 👤 Telegonos (s. of Odysseus) 👤 Telemachos 👤 Poliporthes 👤 Agrios (Etrurian) 👤 Nausithoos (s. of Calypso) 👤 Nausinoos 👤 Arcesilaos 👤 Cassiphone
    Husband of
    👤 Callidice (Thesprotian) 👤 Circe 👤 Penelope 👤 Daughter of Thoas (name unknown)
    Has children with
    👤 Callidice (Thesprotian) 👤 Calypso (d. of Atlas) 👤 Circe 👤 Penelope 👤 Daughter of Thoas (name unknown)
    Born at
    🌍 Ithaca (island) 🌍 Boiotia
    Named by
    👤 Autolycos (s. of Hermes)
    Leader of
    👥 the Cephallenian Contingent at Troy (attackers) 👥 the Companions of Odysseus
    Belongs to
    👥 the Greek Contingent at Troy 👥 the Cephallenian Contingent at Troy (attackers) 👥 the Suitors of Helen 👥 the Companions of Odysseus
    Eponym of
    🌍 Odysseia (Iberia) 🌍 Cape Odysseia (Sicily)
    Ruler of
    🌍 Ithaca (island) 🌍 Cephallenia (island) 🌍 Thesprotia 🌍 Same (island) 🌍 Zacynthos (island) 🌍 Acarnania 🌍 Crocyleia (Ithaca) 🌍 Aigilips (Ithaca) 🌍 Leucas (Acarnanian promontory)
    🌍 the Sanctuary of Artemis Horse-finder at Pheneos (Arcadia)🌍 the Sanctuary of Athena Saviour and Poseidon on Mount Boreion (Arcadia)🏛️ the Bed of Odysseus and Penelope🌍 the Sanctuary of Athena on Cape Surrenton (Campania) 🏛️ the Cenotaph of Hecabe (Sicily)
    👤 Son of Castor (Odyssean persona) 👤 Castor (Odyssean creation) 👤 Hylax (Odyssean creation) 👤 Pheidon (Odyssean creation?) 👤 Dmetor (Odyssean creation?) 👤 Iasos (Odyssean creation) 👤 Aithon (Odyssean persona) 👤 Orsilochos (Odyssean creation) 👤 Eperitos (Odyssean persona) 👤 Apheidas (Odyssean creation) 👤 Polypemon (Odyssean creation) 👤 Cretan Exile (Odyssean persona) 👤 Acastos (Odyssean creation?)
    👤 Agelaos (suitor) 👤 Antinoos 👤 Astyanax (Trojan) 👤 Deiphobos (Trojan) 👤 Democoon 👤 Demoptolemos 👤 Dolon 👤 Hecabe 👤 Iphigeneia 👤 Palamedes 👤 Penelope 👤 Leiodes 👤 Melanthios (Ithacan) 👤 Rhesos (Pontic Thracian) 👥 the Suitors of Penelope on Ithaca 👤 Pidytes 👤 Coiranos (Trojan) 👤 Alastor (Lycian) 👤 Chromios (Lycian) 👤 Alcandros 👤 Halios (Trojan) 👤 Noemon (Trojan) 👤 Prytanis (Lycian) 👤 Molion (charioteer) 👤 Hippodamos 👤 Hypeirochos (Trojan II) 👤 Deiopites (Trojan II) 👤 Thoon (Trojan II) 👤 Ennomos (Trojan) 👤 Chersidamas (Trojan II) 👤 Charops (Trojan) 👤 Socos 👤 Eurymachos (suitor II) 👤 Leocritos 👤 Eurydamas (suitor) 👤 the Ram of Polyphemos 👥 Twelve Female Slaves of Penelope hanged by Telemachos
    Competes in
    ⏳ the Funeral Games of Patroclos (Troy) ⏳ the Funeral Games of Achilles (Troy)
    Wounded by
    👤 Ctesippos (suitor I) 👤 Thoas (Aitolian) 👤 Socos
    Dies at
    🌍 Aitolia 🌍 Ithaca (island) 🏛️ the Palace of Odysseus (Ithaca)
    Killed by
    👤 Telegonos (s. of Odysseus) 🏺 the Sting Ray Spear of Telegonos
    Buried at
    🌍 Aiaia (unlocatable) 🌍 Mount Perge (Etruria)
    Buried by
    👤 Circe 👤 Telegonos (s. of Odysseus)
    Has post-mortem existence at
    🌍 the Underworld 🌍 the Isles of the Blessed
    Cult sites
    🌍 Meninx (Africa) 🌍 Eurytania (Aitolia) 🌍 Trampya (Epeiros)
    🏛️ the Palace of Odysseus (Ithaca)
    👥 the Mares of Odysseus 👥 the Cattle of Odysseus👤 Argos (dog)
    🏺 the Bow of Odysseus 🏺 the Shields of Odysseus 🏺 the Helmet of Odysseus 🏺 the Shield of Odysseus
    Related Entities
    👤 Acamas (Athenian) 👤 Achilles 👤 Agamemnon 👤 Agapenor 👤 Agelaos (suitor) 👤 Aiacos 👤 Aias (the greater) 👤 Aias (the lesser) 👤 Aineias 👤 Aiolos (lord of winds) 👤 Aithra (m. of Theseus) 👤 Alcestis 👤 Alcinoos 👤 Alcmaion (epigonos) 👤 Alcmene 👤 Alexander (Trojan) 👤 Amphilochos (epigonos) 👤 Amphimachos (Elian I) 👤 Amphimedon 👤 Amphinomos 👤 Antenor (Trojan) 👤 Anticleia (Ithacan) 👤 Anticlos 👤 Antilochos (Pylian) 👤 Antinoos 👤 Antiope (Theban) 👤 Apollo 👤 Ares 👤 Arete 👤 Ariadne 👤 Artemis 👤 Ascalaphos (Orchomenian) 👤 Astyanax (Trojan) 👤 Athena 👤 Autolycos (s. of Hermes) 👤 Briseis 👤 Calchas 👤 Callidice (Thesprotian) 👤 Calypso (d. of Atlas) 👤 Cassandra 👤 Castor (Spartan) 👤 Cecrops (Athenian I) 👤 Charybdis 👤 Cheiron (Centaur) 👤 Chloris (d. of Amphion) 👤 Chryseis (Trojan) 👤 Chryses (f. of Chryseis) 👤 Chrysothemis (Mycenaean) 👤 Cinyras 👤 Circe 👤 Clymene (d. of Minyas) 👤 Clytaimnestra 👤 Ctesippos (suitor I) 👥 the Cyclopes (Odyssean) 👤 Damasippos 👤 Deidameia (of Scyros) 👤 Deiphobos (Trojan) 👤 Democoon 👤 Demophon (Athenian) 👤 Demoptolemos 👤 Diomedes (Argive) 👤 Dolon 👤 Elephenor 👤 Elpenor 👤 Eos 👤 Epeios (horse-builder) 👤 Epistrophos (Phocian) 👤 Eriphyle 👤 Eumaios 👤 Eumelos (Pheraian) 👤 Eurylochos (Ithacan) 👤 Eurypylos (Thessalian) 👤 Eurytos (f. of Iphitos) 👤 Hera 👤 Poseidon 👤 Hades 👤 Zeus 🌍 the Underworld 👤 Hecabe 👤 Hector (Trojan) 👤 Helenos (Trojan) 👤 Heracles 👤 Hermes 👤 Ialmenos 👤 Icarios (Spartan) 👤 Idomeneus (Cretan) 👤 Iocaste 👤 Iphigeneia 👤 Iphimedeia 👤 Iphitos (Oichalian) 👤 Laertes 🌍 Crete (island) 🌍 Lemnos (island) 👤 Theseus 👤 Palamedes 👤 Patroclos (Myrmidon) 👤 Peisistratos (Pylian I) 👤 Peleus 👤 Hecate (goddess)👤 Helen 👤 Peneleos (Theban) 👤 Penelope 👤 Persephone 👤 Phaidra 👤 Philoctetes 👤 Philoitios 👤 Phoinix (Dolopian) 👤 Podaleirios 👤 Podarces (Thessalian) 👤 Polydeuces (Spartan) 👤 Polyphemos (Cyclops) 👤 Polypoites (Thessalian) 👤 Polypoites (Thesprotian) 👤 Polyxenos (Elian II) 👤 Priam 👤 Procris (hunter) 👤 Latinos (s. of Odysseus)👤 Leda 👤 Leiocritos (suitor) 👤 Leiodes 👤 Leitos 👤 Leonteus 👤 Leontophonos 👤 Leucothea (goddess) 🌍 the Land of the Lotus-eaters (unlocatable) 👤 Lycomedes (of Scyros) 👤 Machaon 👤 Maron 👤 Megara 👤 Meges 👤 Melanthios (Ithacan) 👤 Meleagros 👤 Menelaos 👤 Menestheus (Athenian) 👤 Menoitios (Argonaut) 👤 Nausicaa 👤 Neoptolemos 👤 Nestor 👤 Nireus (Symian) 👤 Rhesos (Pontic Thracian) 👤 Schedios (Phocian I) 👤 Scylla (sea monster)👤 Seilenos 👤 Sinon 👥 the Sirens 👤 Sisyphos 👤 Protesilaos 👤 Sthenelos (Argive) 👥 the Greek Contingent at Troy 👥 the Defenders of Troy 👤 Talthybios 👤 Teiresias 👤 Telegonos (s. of Odysseus) 👤 Telemachos 👤 Teucros (Salamian) 👤 Thalpios 👤 Theano (Trojan) 👤 Thersites 👤 Thetis 👤 Thoas (Aitolian) 🏺 the Trojan Horse 👤 Tyndareos 👤 Tyro 🌍 the Planctai 🏺 the Palladion (statue) 👥 the Cephallenian Contingent at Troy (attackers) 🏺 the Thunderbolt of Zeus🏺 the Scepter of Agamemnon 👥 the Cattle of Helios🏺 the Winged Sandals 🏺 the Head of Medousa 🏺 the Bow of Heracles 🏺 the Golden Wand of Hermes🌍 Sparta (Laconia) 🌍 River Oceanos (unlocatable) 🌍 Aitolia 🌍 Cythera (island) 🌍 Mount Ida (Troad) 🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 Cyprus (island) 🌍 Ithaca (island) 👤 Helios 🌍 Aulis (Boiotia) 🌍 Tenedos (island) 🌍 the Plain of Troy 🌍 the Beach of Troy 🌍 the Citadel of Troy 🏛️ the Walls of Troy 🏛️ the Temple of Athena at Troy 🏛️ the Temple of Apollo Thymbraios at Thymbra (Troad)🌍 Lesbos (island) 👤 Acamas (Thracian) 🌍 Boiotia 🌍 the Land of the Cicones (Thrace) 🏺 the Second Armour of Achilles 🌍 Pylos (Messenia) 🌍 Cephallenia (island) 🏛️ the Scaian Gates (Troy) 🏛️ the Tomb of Achilles and Patroclos (Troy) 🌍 the Isles of the Blessed 🌍 Scyros (island) 👤 Meriones 🌍 Libya (region) 🌍 Taphos (island) 🌍 the Taphian Islands 🌍 Cape Malea (Laconia) 🌍 Mount Olympos (N. Greece) 🌍 Sicily (island) 🌍 Laconia 🌍 Thesprotia 🌍 Messenia 👤 Glaucos (Trojan I) 🌍 River Styx (Underworld) 🌍 Pieria (N. Greece) 🌍 the Tyrrhenian Sea 🌍 Ismaros (Thrace) 🏺 the Wine of Maron 🌍 the Land of the Cyclopes 🌍 the Islands of Aiolos (unlocatable) 🌍 the Island of the Laistrygonians 🌍 Aiaia (unlocatable) 🏺 Moly 🌍 Delos (island) 🌍 Mount Aitna (Sicily) 🌍 Phthia (Thessaly) 🌍 Mount Parnassos (Phocis) 🌍 the Island of the Sirens (unlocatable) 🌍 the Promontory of Scylla (unlocatable) 🌍 the Promontory of Charybdis (unlocatable) 🌍 Thrinacia (island) 🌍 Ogygia (island) 🌍 Scheria (island) 👥 the Suitors of Penelope on Ithaca 🌍 Same (island) 🌍 Zacynthos (island) 🏛️ the Palace of Odysseus (Ithaca) 🏺 the Bow of Odysseus 🌍 Mantineia (Arcadia) 👤 Daughter of Thoas (name unknown) 🌍 Ausonia (Italy) 🌍 Corcyra (island) 🌍 Knossos (Crete) 🌍 Italy 🏺 the Bag of the Winds 🌍 River Acheron (Underworld) 🌍 Acarnania 🌍 Elis (city) 🏺 the Aegis 🏛️ the Oak Tree (Dodona)👥 the Suitors of Helen 👤 Eurybates (Ithacan) 🌍 Chryse (Troad) 🌍 Pheneos (Arcadia) 🌍 Mount Neriton (Ithaca) 🌍 Crocyleia (Ithaca) 🌍 Aigilips (Ithaca) 👤 Helicaon 👤 Parthenope (Siren) 🌍 the Seirenoussai (islands) ⏳ the Funeral Games of Patroclos (Troy) ⏳ the Funeral Games of Achilles (Troy) 🌍 the Strait of Messina 👤 Agenor (Trojan) 👤 Leucos (Ithacan) 👤 Pidytes 👤 Poliporthes 👤 Laodice (Mycenaean) 👤 Orsilochos (Pheraian I) 🌍 Pherai (Messenia) 👤 Coiranos (Trojan) 👤 Alastor (Lycian) 👤 Chromios (Lycian) 👤 Alcandros 👤 Halios (Trojan) 👤 Noemon (Trojan) 👤 Prytanis (Lycian) 👤 Sthenelos (charioteer) 👤 Automedon (charioteer) 👤 Molion (charioteer) 👤 Hippodamos 👤 Hypeirochos (Trojan II) 👤 Deiopites (Trojan II) 👤 Thoon (Trojan II) 👤 Ennomos (Trojan) 👤 Chersidamas (Trojan II) 👤 Charops (Trojan) 👤 Socos 👤 Agrios (Etrurian) 👤 Nausithoos (s. of Calypso) 👤 Nausinoos 🌍 Ephyra (Elis) 🏺 the Helmet of Meriones made from boar's tusk, stolen by Autolycos🌍 Cardamyle (Messenia) 🌍 Enope (Messenia) 🌍 Hire (Messenia) 🌍 Antheia (Messenia) 🌍 Aipeia (Messenia) 🌍 Pedasos (Messenia) 🏺 the Silver Mixing Bowl from Sidon 👤 Glaucos ("of the sea") 👤 Demodocos 👤 Eurymachos (suitor II) 👤 Eurysaces 👤 Codros 🌍 Syrtis Maior (N. Africa) 👥 the Laistrygonians 🌍 Pithecoussai (island) 👤 Baios 🌍 the Land of the Cimmerians 🌍 River Periphlegethon (Underworld) 🌍 the Grove of Persephone 🌍 River Cocytos (Underworld) 🌍 River Lethe (Underworld) 👤 Leucosia 👤 Leocritos 👤 Maira (Argive) 👤 Maira (Atlantid) 👤 Melantho (Ithacan) 👤 Perimedes (Ithacan) 👤 Tyrrhenos 🏺 the Statue of Aidos 🏛️ Aphetaid Road (Sparta) 🏺 the Statue of Athena Celeuthea 🌍 Amnisos (Crete) 🏺 the Statue of Horse Poseidon 🌍 the Sanctuary of Artemis Horse-finder at Pheneos (Arcadia)👥 the Mares of Odysseus 👥 the Cattle of Odysseus🏛️ the Tomb of Telamonian Aias (Troad) 🌍 the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi👤 Polites (Temesian) 🌍 Temesa (Italy) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Athena Saviour and Poseidon on Mount Boreion (Arcadia)🏛️ the Palace of Priam (Troy) 👤 Mentes (Taphian) 👤 Anchialos (Taphian) 🌍 Rheithron (Ithaca) 👤 Phemios 👤 Nausithoos (Phaiacian) 👤 Ilos (Elian) 👤 Eupeithes 👤 Eurycleia 👤 Aigyptios 👤 Halitherses 👤 Mentor (Ithacan) 👤 Pisenor 👤 Echeneos 👤 Laodamas (Phaiacian) 👤 Pontonoos 👤 Euryalos (Phaiacian) 👤 Halios (Phaiacian) 👤 Philomeleides 👤 Medon (Ithacan) 👤 Dolios 👤 Telemos 🌍 Telepylos 👤 Son of Castor (Odyssean persona) 👤 Castor (Odyssean creation) 👤 Polites (Ithacan) 👤 Hylax (Odyssean creation) 👤 Pheidon (Odyssean creation?) 👤 Theoclymenos (s. of Polypheides) 🏛️ the Fountain on Ithaca👤 the Eidolon of Heracles 👤 Argos (dog) 👤 Dmetor (Odyssean creation?) 👤 Iasos (Odyssean creation) 👤 Eurynome (Ithacan) 🏛️ the Tomb of Elpenor (Aiaia)👤 Arnaios 👤 Eurydamas (suitor) 👤 Aithon (Odyssean persona) 🏛️ the Cave of the Nymphs (Ithaca) 🏺 the Golden Brooch of Odysseus👥 the Sons of Autolycos 🌍 the Grove on Parnassos (Phocis) 🌍 the Atlantic Ocean👤 Orsilochos (Odyssean creation) 👤 Amphithea (Parnassian) 🏺 the Sword of Agelaos👤 Daughter of Actor (name unknown) 👤 Lampos (horse) 👤 Phaethon (horse) 👤 Slave of Laertes (name unknown)👤 Eperitos (Odyssean persona) 👤 Apheidas (Odyssean creation) 👤 Polypemon (Odyssean creation) 🌍 Alybas (unlocatable) 🏛️ the House of Laertes 👤 Tecmessa (Phrygian) 👥 the Livestock of the Greek Contingent 👥 the Companions of Odysseus 👥 the Satyrs 🏛️ the Palm Tree (Delos) 🏛️ the Altar of Apollo at Delos👥 the Phaiacians🏺 the Crimson Ball 👤 the Ram of Polyphemos 🌍 the Island just off the Land of the Cyclopes👤 Cretan Exile (Odyssean persona) 👤 Acastos (Odyssean creation?) 👤 Dectes 👤 Arcesilaos 🏺 the Sting Ray Spear of Telegonos🌍 Maroneia (Thrace) 🏺 the Mixing Bowl of Polyxenos 🏛️ the Bed of Odysseus and Penelope🌍 Iberia (W. Europe) 👤 Clymene (Oceanid II) 🌍 Cape Circaion (Italy) 🌍 the Oracle of Zeus at Dodona (Epeiros) 🌍 the Harbor of the Achaians (Troad) 🌍 Leucas (Acarnanian promontory) 🌍 Lake Avernus (Italy)🏛️ the Road of Heracles (Cumae) 👥 Twelve Female Slaves of Penelope hanged by Telemachos👤 Achaimenides 🌍 Gaudos (island) 🌍 Oinoe (Elis) 👤 Hippothoon (Greek at Troy) 🌍 the Apennine Mountains 🌍 Cape Scylla (Italy) 🌍 Meninx (Africa) 🏛️ the Tomb of Baios (Italy)🌍 Latium (Italy) 🌍 Odysseia (Iberia) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Athena at Odysseia (Iberia)🏺 the Shields of Odysseus 🏺 the Prows of the Ships of Odysseus 🌍 Campania (Italy) 🏛️ the Tent of Achilles (Troy)🌍 Chryse (Cilicia) 👤 Tarchon 🏺 the Bowl of Odysseus 🌍 Lake Acherousia (Italy) 🌍 the Oracle of the Dead (Aornus) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Athena on Cape Surrenton (Campania) 🌍 Mount Ossa (Italy) 🏺 the Helmet of Odysseus 👤 Ligeia 🌍 Eurytania (Aitolia) 🌍 Trampya (Epeiros) 🌍 Mount Perge (Etruria) 👤 Cassiphone 🌍 Cape Odysseia (Sicily) 🏛️ the Cenotaph of Hecabe (Sicily) 🏺 the Shield of Odysseus
    Mentioned by
    📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.7📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.8📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.9📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.12📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.22📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.27📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 4.3📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 4.4📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 4.5📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 4.8📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.4📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.6📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.8📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.9📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.11📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.13📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.14📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.19📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.21📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.24📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.1📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.2📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.17📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.23📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.24📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.25📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.31📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.32📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.33📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.34📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.35📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.36📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.37📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.38📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.39📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.40📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.10.6📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.10.8📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.10.9📖 Apollodoros, Library 3.13.8📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 648-767📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 662-711📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 712-737📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 738-756📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 757-771📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 768-800📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 801-819📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1027-1033📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1090-1098📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1174-1188📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1226-1280📖 Pausanias 9.4.2📖 Pausanias 3.12.4📖 Pausanias 3.13.6📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.271-11.280📖 Pausanias 1.22.6📖 Pausanias 1.35.4📖 Pausanias 8.12.6📖 Pausanias 8.44.4📖 Pausanias 8.48.6📖 Pausanias 2.3.3📖 Pausanias 5.22.2📖 Pausanias 5.25.3📖 Pausanias 10.8.8📖 Pausanias 10.28.1📖 Pausanias 10.29.8📖 Pausanias 8.29.2📖 Homer, Odyssey 1.44-1.62📖 Homer, Odyssey 1.63-1.79📖 Homer, Odyssey 1.213-1.229📖 Homer, Odyssey 1.252-1.270📖 Homer, Odyssey 2.6-2.259📖 Homer, Odyssey 2.157-2.176📖 Homer, Odyssey 2.224-2.227📖 Homer, Odyssey 2.242-2.256📖 Homer, Odyssey 5.28-5.148📖 Homer, Odyssey 5.180-5.187📖 Homer, Odyssey 5.262-5.464📖 Homer, Odyssey 5.306-5.312📖 Homer, Odyssey 5.333-5.353📖 Homer, Odyssey 6.15-6.38📖 Homer, Odyssey 6.160-6.188📖 Homer, Odyssey 6.198-6.331📖 Homer, Odyssey 7.14-7.48📖 Homer, Odyssey 7.133-7.152📖 Homer, Odyssey 7.153-7.183📖 Homer, Odyssey 7.240-7.266📖 Homer, Odyssey 7.308-7.316📖 Homer, Odyssey 3.75-3.101📖 Homer, Odyssey 3.151-3.183📖 Homer, Odyssey 3.210-3.245📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.43-8.92📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.131-8.250📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.214-8.228📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.251-8.367📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.370-8.384📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.485-8.520📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.564-8.571📖 Homer, Odyssey 4.235-4.264📖 Homer, Odyssey 4.265-4.289📖 Homer, Odyssey 4.341-4.345📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.37-9.66📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.76-9.104📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.193-9.211📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.287-9.400📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.424-9.460📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.475-9.506📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.507-9.521📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.526-9.536📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.543-9.555📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.1-10.27📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.28-10.55📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.80-10.133📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.274-10.347📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.508-11.49📖 Homer, Odyssey 14.1-14.79📖 Homer, Odyssey 14.191-14.359📖 Homer, Odyssey 14.378-14.385📖 Homer, Odyssey 14.459-14.506📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.1-11.22📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.51-11.83📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.84-11.89📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.90-11.151📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.152-11.224📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.235-11.259📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.260-11.265📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.266-11.270📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.281-11.297📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.298-11.304📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.305-11.320📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.321-11.327📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.333-11.384📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.385-11.466📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.467-11.567📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.601-11.627📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.628-11.640📖 Homer, Odyssey 15.160-15.181📖 Homer, Odyssey 15.508-15.557📖 Homer, Odyssey 16.1-16.111📖 Homer, Odyssey 16.112-16.134📖 Homer, Odyssey 16.342-16.447📖 Homer, Odyssey 17.204-17.253📖 Homer, Odyssey 17.290-17.327📖 Homer, Odyssey 17.360-17.480📖 Homer, Odyssey 17.505-17.527📖 Homer, Odyssey 12.8-12.15📖 Homer, Odyssey 12.36-12.141📖 Homer, Odyssey 12.166-12.200📖 Homer, Odyssey 12.234-12.259📖 Homer, Odyssey 12.374-12.446📖 Homer, Odyssey 18.1-18.107📖 Homer, Odyssey 18.320-18.336📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.31-19.46📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.65-19.95📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.172-19.203📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.225-19.260📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.269-19.307📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.386-19.392📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.392-19.417📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.428-19.454📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.479-19.490📖 Homer, Odyssey 13.70-13.125📖 Homer, Odyssey 13.125-13.187📖 Homer, Odyssey 13.187-13.249📖 Homer, Odyssey 13.250-13.286📖 Homer, Odyssey 13.287-13.440📖 Homer, Odyssey 20.1-20.4📖 Homer, Odyssey 20.172-20.184📖 Homer, Odyssey 20.185-20.225📖 Homer, Odyssey 20.240-20.247📖 Homer, Odyssey 20.284-20.327📖 Homer, Odyssey 21.101-21.135📖 Homer, Odyssey 21.140-21.269📖 Homer, Odyssey 21.287-21.310📖 Homer, Odyssey 21.359-21.434📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.1-22.329📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.5-22.25📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.79-22.88📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.89-22.98📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.126-22.159📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.160-22.199📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.200-22.240📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.241-22.280📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.281-22.329📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.330-22.380📖 Homer, Odyssey 23.152-23.163📖 Homer, Odyssey 23.181-23.230📖 Homer, Odyssey 23.241-23.246📖 Homer, Odyssey 23.288-23.296📖 Homer, Odyssey 23.310-23.343📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.98-24.204📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.266-24.314📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.327-24.335📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.356-24.390📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.412-24.471📖 Homer, Odyssey 24.516-24.548📖 Euripides, Cyclops 96-110📖 Euripides, Cyclops 131-174📖 Euripides, Cyclops 175-202📖 Euripides, Cyclops 608-663📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 274-290📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 408-423📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 424-443📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 709-739📖 Euripides, Trojan Women 1218-1228📖 Homer, Iliad 2.182-2.210📖 Homer, Iliad 2.244-2.269📖 Homer, Iliad 2.278-2.332📖 Homer, Iliad 2.402-2.431📖 Homer, Iliad 1.308-1.311📖 Homer, Iliad 1.430-1.447📖 Homer, Iliad 2.631-2.637📖 Homer, Iliad 3.199-3.202📖 Homer, Iliad 3.203-3.224📖 Homer, Iliad 3.267-3.323📖 Homer, Iliad 6.29-6.36📖 Homer, Iliad 4.349-4.355📖 Homer, Iliad 4.356-4.363📖 Homer, Iliad 4.488-4.516📖 Homer, Iliad 5.668-5.688📖 Homer, Iliad 11.320-11.327📖 Homer, Iliad 11.328-11.348📖 Homer, Iliad 11.411-11.433📖 Homer, Iliad 11.434-11.445📖 Homer, Iliad 11.446-11.455📖 Homer, Iliad 11.472-11.488📖 Homer, Iliad 11.763-11.779📖 Homer, Iliad 10.254-10.271📖 Homer, Iliad 10.454-10.464📖 Homer, Iliad 10.482-10.502📖 Homer, Iliad 9.270-9.320📖 Homer, Iliad 23.700-23.739📖 Homer, Iliad 23.754-23.784📖 Pausanias 4.1.3-4.1.4📖 Pausanias 3.20.10-3.20.11📖 Pausanias 3.12.1-3.12.2📖 Pausanias 8.14.4-8.14.8📖 Pausanias 6.6.7-6.6.10📖 Pausanias 8.48.2-8.48.3📖 Pausanias 5.19.7-5.19.10📖 Pausanias 5.25.8-5.25.10📖 Pausanias 10.25.4-10.25.8📖 Pausanias 10.26.2-10.26.4📖 Pausanias 10.26.7-10.26.9📖 Pausanias 10.27.1-10.27.4📖 Pausanias 10.31.1-10.31.4📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.28-3.29📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 3.11-3.14📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.14-7.16📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 6.8-6.9📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.2-7.4📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.3-7.9📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.7-7.9📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.10-7.11📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.12-7.13📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.16-7.18📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.18-7.19📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.20-7.21📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.22-7.23📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.26-7.33📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.32-7.33📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.1-7.33📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 7.34-7.35📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.15-5.20📖 Hesiod, Theogony 1011-1016📖 Hesiod, Theogony 1017-1018📖 Sophocles, Aias 1-35📖 Sophocles, Aias 36-75📖 Sophocles, Aias 76-133📖 Sophocles, Aias 172-200📖 Sophocles, Aias 364-392📖 Sophocles, Aias 1376-1415📖 Euripides, Cyclops 375-435📖 Euripides, Cyclops 680-709📖 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 154a-e Most📖 Homer, Odyssey 5.262-13.440📖 Cypria fr. 19 West📖 Cypria fr. 27 West📖 Aithiopis fr. 3 West📖 Little Iliad fr. 2 West📖 Little Iliad fr. 8 West📖 Little Iliad fr. 9 West📖 Little Iliad fr. 11 West📖 Little Iliad fr. 12 West📖 Little Iliad fr. 22 West📖 Sack of Troy fr. 4 West📖 Telegony fr. 1 West📖 Telegony fr. 3 West📖 Telegony fr. 4 West📖 Telegony fr. 5 West📖 Cypria Argumentum 5 West📖 Aithiopis Argumentum 1 West📖 Aithiopis Argumentum 3 West📖 Aithiopis Argumentum 4 West📖 Little Iliad Argumentum 1 West📖 Little Iliad Argumentum 2 West📖 Little Iliad Argumentum 3 West📖 Little Iliad Argumentum 4 West📖 Sack of Troy Argumentum 4 West📖 Sack of Troy Argumentum 2-4 West📖 Nostoi Argumentum 4 West📖 Telegony Argumentum 1 West📖 Telegony Argumentum 2 West📖 Telegony Argumentum 3 West📖 Telegony Argumentum 4 West📖 Homer, Odyssey 21.1-21.41📖 Heracleitos, On Unbelievable Stories 2📖 Heracleitos, On Unbelievable Stories 32📖 Heracleitos, On Unbelievable Stories 11📖 Heracleitos, On Unbelievable Stories 16📖 Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 17📖 Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 20📖 Bacchylides, Dithyrambs 15📖 Bacchylides fr. 29📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods 2.1-2.3 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Astrology 24📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 6.1 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 19.4 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 23.1 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 26.1 MacLeod📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 26.3 MacLeod📖 Lucian, On Funerals 5📖 Lucian, Menippus, or the Descent into Hades 8📖 Lucian, Menippus, or the Descent into Hades 18📖 Scholia on Callimachus, Aetia fr. 1b-d Harder📖 Lucian, Nigrinos 19📖 Lucian, The Hall 30📖 Lucian, Slander 28📖 Lucian, Slander 30📖 Lucian, A True Story 1.3📖 Lucian, A True Story 2.20📖 Lucian, A True Story 2.29📖 Lucian, A True Story 2.35-2.36📖 Lucian, The Downward Journey, or the Tyrant 14📖 Lucian, Timon, or the Misanthrope 23📖 Lucian, Charon, or the Inspectors 21📖 Lucian, The Parasite 10📖 Lucian, The Parasite 11📖 Lucian, On Salaried Posts in Great Houses 8📖 Lucian, A True Story 2.22📖 Unplaced Epic fr. 11 West📖 Lucian, The Dance 3-4📖 Lucian, The Dance 13📖 Diegeseis to Callimachus 4.5-17 Norsa & Vitelli = Aetia fr. 99a Harder📖 Lucian, The Dance 46📖 Lucian, The Dance 85📖 Lucian, The Mistaken Critic 27📖 Lucian, Saturnalia 32📖 Lucian, A Slip of the Tongue in Greeting 2📖 Ps-Lucian, Affairs of the Heart 23📖 Lucian, Gout 241-264📖 Ps-Lucian, The Patriot 14📖 Ps-Lucian, Charidemos 25📖 Pindar, Nemean 7 17-49📖 Pindar, Nemean 8 19-34📖 Pomponius Mela 2.110📖 Ovid, Ibis 269-270📖 Ovid, Ibis 277-278📖 Strabo 10.2.10📖 Strabo 10.2.14📖 Strabo 10.2.18📖 Ovid, Ibis 391-392📖 Ovid, Ibis 415-416📖 Strabo 7.3.6📖 Strabo 9.3.2📖 Strabo 8.5.8📖 Strabo 8.6.2📖 Strabo 8.3.5-8.3.6📖 Lucian, The Dance 83-84📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 10.435📖 Strabo 1.2.11📖 Strabo 10.2.15-10.2.17📖 Strabo 1.2.18📖 Homer, Odyssey 22.417-22.473📖 Strabo 1.2.36📖 Strabo 3.2.12-3.2.13📖 Strabo 3.4.3📖 Strabo 3.4.4📖 Strabo 17.3.17📖 Ovid, Amores 1.9📖 Ovid, Amores 2.1📖 Strabo 13.1.63📖 Strabo 5.3.6📖 Strabo 5.4.5📖 Strabo 5.4.8📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 648-661📖 Ovid, Amores 2.17📖 Ovid, Amores 2.18📖 Ovid, Amores 3.12📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 19.326📖 Lucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the Sects 59📖 Lucian, The Lover of Lies 1📖 Lucian, The Hall 17📖 Lucian, A True Story 2.15📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 13a-b Harder = fr. 470 Pfeiffer
    Mentioned in Text
    Apollodoros, EpitomeApollodoros, Library NostoiHomer, IliadHesiod, TheogonyLycophron, AlexandraHomer, Odyssey CypriaEuripides, Trojan Women Little Iliad TelegonyPausaniasEuripides, CyclopsHesiod, EhoiaiSophocles, AiasStrabo Unplaced Epic Aithiopis Sack of TroyHeracleitos, On Unbelievable StoriesPalaiphatos, On Unbelievable StoriesBacchylidesCallimachus, AetiaLucian, Dialogues of the Sea-GodsLucian, AstrologyLucian, Dialogues of the DeadLucian, On FuneralsLucian, Menippus, or the Descent into HadesScholia on Callimachus, AetiaLucian, NigrinosLucian, The HallLucian, SlanderLucian, A True StoryLucian, The Downward Journey, or the TyrantLucian, Timon, or the MisanthropeLucian, Charon, or the InspectorsLucian, The ParasiteLucian, The Lover of LiesLucian, On Salaried Posts in Great HousesLucian, The DanceLucian, The Mistaken CriticLucian, SaturnaliaLucian, A Slip of the Tongue in GreetingLucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the SectsPs-Lucian, Affairs of the HeartLucian, GoutPs-Lucian, The PatriotPs-Lucian, CharidemosBacchylides, DithyrambsPindar, Nemean 7Pindar, Nemean 8Pomponius MelaD-Scholia, IliadOvid, IbisOvid, Amores Diegeseis to Callimachus
    Mentioned in citation of
    📖 Homer, Odyssey 1.252-1.270📖 Homer, Odyssey 6.160-6.188📖 Homer, Odyssey 6.198-6.331📖 Homer, Odyssey 3.477-3.497📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.43-8.92📖 Homer, Odyssey 8.251-8.367📖 Homer, Odyssey 9.287-9.400📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.80-10.133📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.274-10.347📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.348-10.374📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.508-11.49📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.321-11.327📖 Homer, Odyssey 11.467-11.567📖 Homer, Odyssey 12.36-12.141📖 Homer, Odyssey 12.166-12.200📖 Homer, Odyssey 23.310-23.343📖 Homer, Iliad 1.430-1.447📖 Homer, Iliad 2.631-2.637📖 Homer, Iliad 3.203-3.224📖 Cypria fr. 19 West📖 Cypria fr. 27 West📖 Little Iliad fr. 22 West📖 Telegony fr. 3 West📖 Homer, Odyssey 21.1-21.41📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 1 Harder📖 Homer, Iliad 9.185-9.231📖 Apollodoros of Athens FGrHist 244 fr. 157a📖 Pindar fr. 262 Snell-Maehler📖 Homer, Odyssey 14.80-14.108📖 Polybios, Histories 34.2.4-34.4.8📖 Asclepiades of Myrleia FGrHist 697 fr. 7📖 Poseidonios fr. 247 Edelstein & Kidd📖 Artemidoros of Ephesos fr. 16 Stiehle📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 99 Harder
    🌍 the Sanctuary of Apollo at Corinth 🏛️ the Hall (fictional) 🎨 Attic Black-Figure Krater by Cleitias (Florence 4209; Beazley 300000; LIMC Antenor I 2)🎨 Roman Silver Denarius Serratus (ANU 2017.03)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Kylix attributed to the Little Masters (CAMU Δ 2496; Beazley 16092; LIMC Odysseus 103)🎨 "Melian" Terracotta Relief (CAMU Δ 2151)🎨 Apulian Red-Figure Bell Krater attributed to the Painter of the Boston 00.348 (Vatican 17941; LIMC Antenor I 9)🎨 Athenian Red-Figure Kantharos attributed to the Eretria Painter (MArTA 177009; Beazley 8063; LIMC Agenor II Suppl.)🎨 Attic Column Krater attributed to the Harrow Painter (LIMC Kirke 21)🎨 Hellenistic Sealings from Tel Kedesh (TKS K99BL 0162 etc)🎨 Hellenistic Sealing from Tel Kedesh (TKS K99BL 0151)🎨 Hellenistic Sealings from Tel Kedesh (TKS K99BL 1150 etc)🎨 Attic Black-Figure Lekythos in the manner of the Haimon Painter (Otago E48.249; Beazley 331428)🎨 Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling I 2, 6, Pompeii (MANN 109751; PALP r1-i2-p6-space-m)🎨 Wall Paintings from Bottega V 2, 14, Pompeii (MANN 119689; LIMC Kirke/Circe 2; PALP r5-i2-p14-space-e)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa della Regina Margherita V 2, 1, Pompeii (LIMC Amymone 27; PALP r5-i2-p1-space-p)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa dei Cinque Scheletri VI 10, 2, Pompeii (MANN 9107, 9002, 8999; PALP r6-i10-p2-space-6)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa dei Vettii VI 15, 1, Pompeii (PALP r6-i15-p1-space-t)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa del Centauro VI 9, 3.5, Pompeii (PALP r6-i9-p3-space-12)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa dei Dioscuri VI 9, 6.7, Pompeii (MANN 9104, 9110; PALP r6-i9-p6-space-42)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa dei Dioscuri VI 9, 6.7, Pompeii (MANN 8998; PALP r6-i9-p6-space-53)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Achille IX 5, 1-3, Pompeii (MANN 116085; PALP r9-i5-p2-space-u)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di D. Octavius Quartio II 2, 2, Pompeii (LIMC Achilleus 458; PALP r2-i2-p2-space-h)🎨 Corinthian Black-Figure Aryballos (Otago E60.13; Beazley 1012201)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Modesto VI 5, 13, Pompeii (PALP r6-i5-p13-space-2)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa del Criptoportico I 6, 2, Pompeii (PALP r1-i6-p2-space-17)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa dell'Efebo I 7, 11, Pompeii (PALP r1-i7-p11-space-17)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Championnet I; VIII 2, 1, Pompeii (Pompeii 14231; PALP r8-i2-p1)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa dei Postumii VIII 4, 4.49, Pompeii (PALP r8-i4-p4-space-33)🎨 Wall Paintings from Market VII 9, 7, Pompeii (PALP r7-i9-p7-space-d)🎨 Fragment of Roman Marble Sarcophagus (Met 18.145.41; ASR II, no. 36, pl. 19)🎨 Roman Marble Sarcophagus (Louvre MA 3570)🎨 Mosaics from Casa di Apollo VI 7, 23, Pompeii (MANN 10006; PALP r6-i7-p23-space-24)🎨 Wall paintings from a House in the Via Graziosa, Rome (Vatican 41013, 41016, 41024, 41026)🎨 Wall painting from Pompeii (?) (BM 1867,0508.1354)🎨 Wall paintings from a House in the Via Graziosa, Rome (MNR n/a)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa del Poeta Tragico VI 8, 3.5, Pompeii (MANN 9112; PALP r6-i8-p5-space-10)🎨 Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling VII 4, 22-23, Pompeii (PALP r7-i4-p22)🎨 Wall paintings from the Augustan Villa at Boscotrecase, Cubiculum 19 (Met 20.192.16, 20.192.17)
    Reported depictions
    🌍 the Sanctuary of Apollo at Corinth 🏛️ the Hall (fictional) 🎨 Wooden Chest of Cypselos (LIMC Achilleus 205)🎨 Wall Painting of Odysseus and Nausicaa in the Propylaia, Athens, by Polygnotos (LIMC Nausikaa 1)🎨 Wall Painting of Diomedes and Odysseus in the Propylaia, Athens, by Polygnotos (LIMC Diomedes I 33)🎨 Wall Painting of Odysseus in the Underworld in the Lesche of the Cnidians, Delphi, by Polygnotos (LIMC Nekyia 6)🎨 Wall Painting of the Fall of Troy in the Lesche of the Cnidians by Polygnotos, Delphi (LIMC Ilioupersis 25)🎨 Reliefs on Semicircular Pedestal in the Sanctuary of Zeus, Olympia ( Not Extant)🎨 Statue Group of Leaders of the Greek Contingent, in the Sanctuary of Zeus, Olympia, by Onatas (LIMC Aias I 21)🎨 Wall painting in the Sanctuary of Athena Areia, Plataia, by Polygnotos (LIMC Mnesteres II 25)
    Relevant to local traditions reported from of
    🌍 Troy (Troad) 🌍 Mantineia (Arcadia)
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