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👤 Medeia

  • <span class="a type-11352" data-type_id="11352" data-object_id="11309145" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-11352_11309145">🎨 Wooden Chest of Cypselos (LIMC Achilleus 205)</span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="11320331" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_11320331">🏛️ the Hall (fictional) </span>
  • Information
    wife of Jason, kills her own children
    Daughter of
    👤 Aietes 👤 Eiduia
    Mother of
    👤 Pheres (s. of Medeia) 👤 Medos (s. of Medeia) 👤 Mermeros (s. of Medeia) 👤 Eriopis (d. of Medeia) 👤 Medeios 👤 Polyxenos (s. of Medeia) 👥 the Children killed by Medeia the Children of Medeia and Jason
    Wife of
    👤 Achilles 👤 Aigeus (Athenian) 👤 Jason (Argonaut)
    Has children with
    👤 Aigeus (Athenian) 👤 Jason (Argonaut) 👤 King of Media (name unknown)
    Eponym of
    🌍 Media
    Settles in
    🌍 Media 🌍 Ephyra (Elis) 🌍 Armenia
    Ruler of
    🌍 Corinth (Argolid) 🌍 Media
    👤 Apsyrtos 👤 Creon (Corinthian) 👤 Glauce (Corinthian) 👤 Pelias (Thessalian) 👤 Perses (Colchian) 👤 Talos (Cretan I) 👤 the Serpent of Colchis 👥 the Children of Heracles and Megara 👥 the Children killed by Medeia the Children of Medeia and Jason
    🏛️ the House of Aigeus (Athens)
    Related Entities
    👤 Acamas (Athenian) 👤 Acastos 👤 Achilles 👤 Aietes 👤 Aigeus (Athenian) 👤 Aison 👤 Alcestis 👤 Alcinoos 👤 Antiochos (Heraclid) 👤 Aphrodite 👤 Apollo 👤 Apsyrtos 👤 Arete 🏺 the Argo 👥 the Argonauts 👤 Artemis 👤 Athena 👤 Charybdis 👤 Circe 👤 Corinthos 👤 Creon (Corinthian) 👤 Demophon (Athenian) 👤 Eiduia 👤 Euphemos (Argonaut) 👤 Ge (personification) 👤 Hera 👤 Themis 👤 Zeus 👤 Glauce (Corinthian) 👤 Idmon (Argonaut) 👤 Ino 👤 Jason (Argonaut) 🌍 Corinth (Argolid) 🌍 Athens (Attica) 🌍 Crete (island) 🌍 Lemnos (island) 👤 Theseus 👤 Pasiphae (Cretan) 👤 Peleus 👤 Pelias (Thessalian) 🏺 the Golden Fleece 👤 Hecate (goddess) 👤 Perses (Colchian) 👤 Phaidra 👤 Pheres (s. of Medeia) 👤 Philoctetes 👤 Polymede 👤 Promachos (Thessalian) 👤 the Marathonian Bull 👤 Medos (s. of Medeia) 👥 the Nereids 👤 Scylla (sea monster)👤 Sisyphos 👤 Talos (Cretan I) 👤 Thetis 👤 Tiphys 👤 Triton (sea god) 🌍 the Planctai 🏺 the Sword of Aigeus 🌍 River Oceanos (unlocatable) 👤 Helios 🌍 Opountian Locris 🌍 Euboia (island) 🌍 the Isles of the Blessed 🌍 the Bosporos 🌍 Attica 🌍 River Eridanos 🌍 Mount Caucasos (Pontos) 🌍 Troizen (Argolid) 🌍 Colchis (Pontos) 🌍 the Tyrrhenian Sea 🌍 Aiaia (unlocatable) 🌍 Lake Triton (Libya) 🌍 Thessaly 🌍 Iolcos (Thessaly) 🌍 the Island of the Sirens (unlocatable) 🌍 the Promontory of Scylla (unlocatable) 🌍 the Promontory of Charybdis (unlocatable) 🌍 Thrinacia (island) 🌍 Scheria (island) 👤 the Serpent of Colchis 👥 the Bronze-Footed Bulls of Aietes 👥 the Spartoi of Colchis 🌍 the Apsyrtides (islands) 🌍 Corcyra (island) 🌍 Anaphe (island) 🌍 the Ligurian Sea 🌍 Aigina (island) 👤 Mermeros (s. of Medeia) 🏺 the Chariot drawn by Winged Serpents 🌍 the Sanctuary of Hera Acraia near Corinth (Argolid)🌍 Media 🏺 the Sandals of Aigeus 👤 Phasis (river god) 🌍 Ephyra (Elis) 🌍 Cyta (Pontos) 👤 Eriopis (d. of Medeia) 👤 Medeios 👤 Polyxenos (s. of Medeia) 👤 Hippothoon (Attic) 👤 Oineus (Athenian) 🌍 Thera (island) 👥 the Children of Heracles and Megara 🏛️ the Spring of Glauce (Corinth) 🌍 Cyrene (Libya) 👥 the Children killed by Medeia the Children of Medeia and Jason 🏛️ the House of Aigeus (Athens) 🌍 the Sanctuary of Athena at Titane (Argolid)👥 the Daughters of Pelias 👤 Eurylyte 🌍 the Rocks of Melas (island) 🏺 the Clod of Earth from Lake Triton 🌍 Armenia 🌍 Persia 🏛️ the House of Creon (Corinth)🌍 Argoon (Aithalia) 🌍 Pola (Illyria) 🌍 Aia (unlocatable) 👤 Arniope (Attic) 👤 Elera 👤 Clymenos (Attic) 👤 Chrysis 🏺 the Gold Mixing Bowl of Medeia 🌍 Ausigda (Cyrenaica)🌍 Taucheira (Cyrenaica) 👥 Twelve Female Phaiacian Slaves
    Mentioned by
    📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 1.5📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 1.6📖 Apollodoros, Epitome 5.5📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.16📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.23📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.24📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.25📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.26📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.27📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.28📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 168-201📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 768-800📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 877-908📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1011-1026📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1309-1321📖 Pausanias 2.3.6📖 Pausanias 2.3.8📖 Pausanias 2.3.9📖 Plutarch, Theseus 12.1📖 Pausanias 2.12.1📖 Euripides, Medeia 1-35📖 Euripides, Medeia 53-85📖 Euripides, Medeia 160-210📖 Euripides, Medeia 271-290📖 Euripides, Medeia 292-356📖 Euripides, Medeia 465-490📖 Euripides, Medeia 689-730📖 Euripides, Medeia 731-763📖 Euripides, Medeia 866-905📖 Euripides, Medeia 959-1220📖 Euripides, Medeia 1251-1290📖 Euripides, Medeia 1317-1350📖 Euripides, Medeia 1351-1385📖 Dionysios Periegetes 487-490📖 Dionysios Periegetes 1016-1038📖 Pausanias 8.11.1-8.11.3📖 Pausanias 2.3.6-2.3.9📖 Pausanias 2.3.10-2.3.11📖 Pausanias 5.18.1-5.18.3📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.25-1.9.26📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.24-1.9.26📖 Apollodoros, Library 1.9.27-1.9.28📖 Plutarch, Theseus 12.1-12.3📖 Hesiod, Theogony 956-962📖 Hesiod, Theogony 992-1002📖 Nostoi fr. 6 West📖 Eumelos, Corinthiaca fr. 20 West📖 Eumelos, Corinthiaca fr. 21 West📖 Eumelos, Corinthiaca fr. 23 West📖 Cinaithon fr. 2 West📖 Naupactica fr. 6, 7 West📖 Naupactica fr. 8 West📖 Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 43📖 Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 9.1-9.2 MacLeod📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 7c Harder📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 21 Harder📖 Lucian, The Hall 31📖 Lucian, The Dance 40📖 Lucian, The Dance 42📖 Lucian, The Dance 51-53📖 Lucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the Sects 73📖 Ps-Lucian, Affairs of the Heart 2📖 Pindar, Olympian 13 40-92📖 Pindar, Pythian 4 1-63📖 Pindar, Pythian 4 203-246📖 Pindar, Pythian 4 247-262📖 Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 5📖 Euripides, Medeia 364–409📖 Euripides, Medeia 421-438📖 Pindar fr. 172 Snell-Maehler📖 Strabo 7.5.5📖 Ovid, Ibis 435-436📖 Ovid, Ibis 441-442📖 Lucian, Apology for the 'Salaried Posts in Great Houses' 10📖 Strabo 1.2.10📖 Strabo 1.2.38-1.2.40📖 Vergil, Eclogues 8📖 Ovid, Amores 2.14📖 D-Scholia, Iliad 11.741📖 Strabo 5.1.9📖 Strabo 5.2.6📖 Strabo 11.13.10📖 Strabo 11.14.12-11.14.13📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 8 Harder📖 Diegeseis to Callimachus 10.18-11.17 Hollis = Hecale unnumbered fr.
    Mentioned in Text
    Apollodoros, EpitomeApollodoros, Library Nostoi NaupacticaDionysios PeriegetesHesiod, TheogonyLycophron, AlexandraPlutarch, TheseusEumelos, CorinthiacaPausaniasPindarCinaithonEuripides, MedeiaStraboPalaiphatos, On Unbelievable StoriesCallimachus, AetiaLucian, Dialogues of the DeadLucian, The HallLucian, The DanceLucian, Apology for the 'Salaried Posts in Great Houses'Lucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the SectsPs-Lucian, Affairs of the HeartPindar, Olympian 13Pindar, Pythian 4Ps-Plutarch, On RiversD-Scholia, IliadOvid, IbisVergil, EcloguesOvid, Amores Diegeseis to Callimachus
    Mentioned in citation of
    📖 Homer, Odyssey 10.135-10.139📖 Homer, Odyssey 12.36-12.141📖 Eumelos, Corinthiaca fr. 20 West📖 Eumelos, Corinthiaca fr. 23 West📖 Cinaithon fr. 2 West📖 Hellanicos fr. 132 Fowler📖 Euripides, Medeia 230-251📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 7c Harder📖 Callimachus, Aetia fr. 11 Harder📖 Crates of Mallos fr. 14 Broggiato
    🎨 Attic Red-Figure Hydria attributed to the Meidias Painter (BM 1772,0320.30; Beazley 220497; LIMC Agaue IV 1)🎨 Attic Red-Figure Calyx Krater attributed to the Kleophon Painter (Logie 178.94; Beazley 5046; LIMC Pelias 18)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa del Gruppo dei Vasi di Vetro VI 13, 2, Pompeii (MANN 111477; P-LOD r6-i13-p2-space-20)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Vesonius Primus VI 14, 20, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i14-p20-space-q)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa dei Dioscuri VI 9, 6.7, Pompeii (MANN 8998; P-LOD r6-i9-p6-space-53)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di T. Dentatius Panthera IX 2, 16, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i2-p16-space-b)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Marcus Lucretius IX 3, 5.24, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i3-p5-space-9)🎨 Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 5, 14-16, Pompeii (MANN 111440; P-LOD r9-i5-p16-space-cprime)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa di Giasone IX 5, 18, Pompeii (MANN 114320, 114321, 114322; P-LOD r9-i5-p18-space-e)🎨 Wall Paintings from Market VII 9, 7, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i9-p7-space-d)🎨 Wall painting from Herculaneum (MANN 8976)🎨 Roman Marble Sarcophagus (SAM SK 843b; ASR II, no. 200, pl. 64; III. 3, no. 200)🎨 Wall Paintings from Casa delle Vestali VI 1, 7, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i1-p7-space-46)🎨 Wall Paintings from cubiculum W26 in Villa Arianna, Stabiae (MANN 9546, 4978)🏛️ the Hall (fictional)
    Reported depictions
    🎨 Wooden Chest of Cypselos (LIMC Achilleus 205)🏛️ the Hall (fictional)
  • Cite as: '👤 Medeia ', MANTO, [last modified: 07 08 2024]
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