- Information
- greatest Greek hero
- Alternative name
- π€ Alceides (alt. Heracles)
- Identified with
- π€ Maceris π€ Milqart π€ Ogmios
- Son of
- π€ Alcmene π€ Amphitryon π€ Zeus
- Descendant of
- π€ Abas (Argive I) π€ Hypermnestra (Danaid) π€ Io π€ Lynceus (Aigyptid)
- Father of
- π€ Agelaos (Heraclid) π€ Aichmagoras π€ Alexiares π€ Alopios π€ Amestrios π€ Anicetos π€ Antiades π€ Antileon π€ Antimachos (Heraclid) π€ Antiochos (Heraclid) π€ Antiphos (Heraclid) π€ Archedicos π€ Archemachos (Heraclid) π€ Astyanax (Heraclid) π€ Atromos π€ Boucolos (Heraclid) π€ Bouleus π€ Capylos π€ Celeustanor π€ Claametidos π€ Cleolaos π€ Creon (Heraclid) π€ Creontiades π€ Ctesippos (Heraclid I) π€ Ctesippos (Heraclid II) π€ Deicoon (Heraclid) π€ Dynastes π€ Echephron (Arcadian) π€ Entelides π€ Erasippos π€ Erythras (Heraclid) π€ Eueres (Heraclid) π€ Eumedes (Heraclid) π€ Eurycapys π€ Eurypylos (Heraclid) π€ Glenos π€ Halocrates π€ Hippeus (Heraclid) π€ Hippodromos π€ Hippozygos π€ Homolippos π€ Hyllos (s. of Deianeira) π€ Hyllos (s. of Omphale)π€ Iobes π€ Laomedon (Heraclid) π€ Laomenes π€ Leucippos (Heraclid) π€ Leucones π€ Lycourgos (Heraclid) π€ Lyncaios π€ Macaria (Heraclid) π€ Mentor (Heraclid) π€ Nephos π€ Nicodromos π€ Oistrobles π€ Olympos (Heraclid) π€ Oneites π€ Onesippos π€ Palaimon (Heraclid) π€ Patroclos (Heraclid) π€ Phaistos (Sicyonian & Cretan) π€ Phalias π€ Polylaos π€ Promachos (Arcadian) π€ Son of Heracles and Antheia (name unknown)π€ Son of Omphale and Heracles (name unknown) π€ Telephos π€ Teles π€ Teleutagoras π€ Terpsicrates π€ Therimachos π€ Thessalos (Coan) π€ Thestalos π€ Threpsippas π€ Tigasis π€ Tlepolemos (Rhodian) π€ Tyrrhenos π₯ the Children of Heracles and Megara
- Twin of
- π€ Iphicles
- Husband of
- π€ Deianeira (w. of Heracles) π€ Hebe π€ Iole π€ Megara π€ Thebe (Lycian)
- Has children with
- π€ Aglaia (Thespiad) π€ Aischreis π€ Antheia (Thespiad) π€ Anthippe π€ Antiope (Thespiad) π€ Argele π€ Asopis (d. of Thespios) π€ Astybia π€ Astydameia (Thessalian) π€ Astyoche (d. of Phylas) π€ Auge π€ Autonoe (d. of Peireus) π€ Certhe (Thespiad) π€ Chalciope (Coan) π€ Chryseis (Thespiad) π€ Clytippe π€ Daughter of Thespios (name unknown I) π€ Deianeira (w. of Heracles) π€ Elacheia π€ Eone π€ Epicaste (Elian) π€ Epilais π€ Erato (Thespiad) π€ Euboia (Thespiad) π€ Eubote π€ Eury[...] (d. of Thestios) π€ Eurybia (Thespiad) π€ Euryope π€ Eurypyle π€ Eurytele (d. of Thespios) π€ Exole π€ Hebe π€ Heliconis π€ Hesycheia (d. of Thespios) π€ Hippo (Thespiad) π€ Hippocrate π€ Iphis (Thespiad) π€ Laothoe (Thespiad) π€ Lyse π€ Lysidice (Thespiad) π€ Lysippe (Thespiad) π€ Marse π€ Meda (Dryopian) π€ Megara π€ Meline π€ Menippis (Thespiad) π€ Mother of Galates (name unknown)π€ Nicippe (Thespiad) π€ Nike (Thespiad) π€ Olympouse π€ Omphale π€ Oreia π€ Panope (Thespiad) π€ Parthenope (Arcadian) π€ Patro π€ Phialo π€ Phyleis π€ Praxithea (Thespiad) π€ Procris (Thespiad) π€ Psophis (d. of Eryx) π€ Pyrippe π€ Slave of Omphale (name unknown)π€ Stratonice (Thespiad) π€ Tiphyse π€ Toxicrate π€ Xanthis π₯ the Daughters of Thespios
- Conceived at
- π Thebes (Boiotia) ποΈ the House of Amphitryon (Thebes)
- Born at
- π Thebes (Boiotia)
- Named by
- π€ Pythia (prophet)
- Leader of
- π₯ the Argonauts
- Belongs to
- π₯ the Argonauts
- Founder of
- π Abdera (Thrace) π Calpe (Iberia) π Gytheion (Laconia) π Heracleia (Pontos) π Hypoplacian Thebes (Troad)
- Eponym of
- π Heracleia (Pontos) π Heracleia (alt. Calpe) π Heracleia (alt. Trachis) π the Harbor of Heracles (C. Italy) π the Islands of Heracles (Iberia)
- Settles in
- π Iberia (W. Europe)
- Enslaved to
- π€ Eurystheus π€ Omphale
- Creates
- π Lake Bistonis (Thrace)π Lake Copais (Boiotia)π Mount Abile (N. Africa) π Mount Calpe (Iberia) π the Sanctuary of Apollo and Artemis (Pheneos) π the Sanctuary of Athena Axiopoinos (Sparta) π the Sanctuary of Hera Aigophagos (Sparta) π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Thespiai) π the Sanctuary of Pelops (Olympia) π the Sanctuary of Zeus (Olympia) ποΈ the Altar of Apollo (Paros)ποΈ the Altar of Cenaian Zeus (Cenaion) ποΈ the Altar of Pelops (Olympia) ποΈ the Altar of Zeus (Hellespont)ποΈ the Ash Altar of Olympian Zeus (Olympia) ποΈ the Blood Altar (Didyma) ποΈ the Channel of the Aroanios (Arcadia) ποΈ the Double Altars (Olympia) ποΈ the Footprint of Heracles ποΈ the Pillars of Heracles ποΈ the Road of Heracles (Cumae) ποΈ the Stele of Heracles and Dionysos (Island in the Atlantic) ποΈ the Temple of Asclepios Cotyleus (Laconia) ποΈ the Tomb of Sostratos (Dyme) ποΈ the Trophy of Hippocoon and his Sons (Scotitas)ποΈ the Twisted Olive Tree (Mt Coryphos) ποΈ the Wild Olive Tree (Troizen) πΊ the Club of Heracles πΊ the Horn of AmaltheiaπΊ the Lion Skin of Heracles πΊ the Poisoned Arrows of Heracles
- Kills
- π€ Alastor (Pylian I) π€ Alcyoneus π€ Amphidamas (Egyptian) π€ Amyntor π€ Antagores π€ Antaios π€ Antiope (Amazon) π€ Asterios (Pylian) π€ Augeias (Elian) π€ Bousiris (Egyptian) π€ Cacus π€ Calais π€ Calchas π€ Chalcon π€ Chryses (s. of Minos) π€ Coronos (s. of Caineus) π€ Creontiades π€ Cteatos π€ Cyathos π€ Cycnos (s. of Ares) π€ Deicoon (Heraclid) π€ Deimachos (Pylian) π€ Dercynos π€ Diomedes (Thracian) π€ Emathion π€ Epilaos π€ Erginos (Minyan) π€ Eryx (Sicilian) π€ Euagoras (Pylian) π€ Eunomos (Calydonian) π€ Eurybios (Pylian) π€ Eurymedon (Cretan) π€ Eurymenes π€ Eurypylos (Coan) π€ Eurytion (Arcadian Centaur) π€ Eurytion (herdsman) π€ Eurytos (f. of Iphitos) π€ Eurytos (s. of Molione) π€ Geryon π€ Hippocoon (Spartan) π€ Hippolyte (Amazon I) π€ Ialebion π€ Iphitos (Oichalian) π€ Ladon (serpent) π€ Laogoras π€ Laomedon (Trojan) π€ Lepreus π€ Lichas π€ Linos (music teacher) π€ Linos (musician) π€ Lycaon (Thracian) π€ Megara π€ Mygdon (Bithynian) π€ Neleus (Pylian) π€ Nephalion π€ Nessos π€ Orthos (dog) π€ Periclymenos (Argonaut) π€ Philolaos (s. of Minos) π€ Pholos (centaur I) π€ Phrasios (Pylian) π€ Polygonos π€ Porphyrion (giant) π€ Pylaon π€ Sarpedon (Thracian) π€ Sauros π€ Scylla (sea monster)π€ Sea Monster (Trojan) π€ Syleus π€ Tauros (Pylian) π€ Telegonos (s. of Proteus) π€ Termeros π€ Theiodamas (f. of Hylas) π€ Therimachos π€ Xenodoce π€ Zetes π€ the Bull of Lindos π€ the Bull of Theiodamasπ€ the Caucasian Eagle π€ the Cithaironian Lion π€ the Groom of Diomedes (name unknown) π€ the Hydra π€ the Lernaian Crab π€ the Nemean Lion π₯ the Cattle of Hades π₯ the Centaurs π₯ the Cercopes π₯ the Children of Heracles and Megara π₯ the Children of Iphicles and Pyrrha π₯ the Dryopes π₯ the Giantsπ₯ the Laistrygonians π₯ the Serpents of Hera π₯ the Sons of Augeias π₯ the Sons of Hippocoonπ₯ the Sons of Neleus π₯ the Stymphalian Birds
- Establishes games at
- π Olympia (Elis)
- Holds games at
- π Olympia (Elis)
- Wounded by
- πΊ the Sophronistera Stone π€ Athena π€ Hippocoon (Spartan) π€ the Lernaian Crab π₯ the Sons of Hippocoon
- Dies at
- π Mount Oita (Thessaly) π River Dyras (Thessaly)
- Killed by
- πΊ the Robe containing the 'Love Potion' of Nessos π€ Deianeira (w. of Heracles)
- Buried at
- ποΈ the Tomb of Heracles (Gadeira)
- Has post-mortem existence at
- π Mount Olympos (N. Greece) π the Underworld
- Cult sites
- π Alyzeia (Acarnania) π Athens (Attica) π Cleonai (Argolid) π Eleusis (Attica) π Gadeira (Spain) π Lindos (Rhodes) π Marathon (Attica) π Monoicos Harbor (Gaul) π Opous (Locris) π Rome (Italy) π Thebes (Boiotia) π the Sacred Promontory (Iberia) π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Aithalia) π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Sicyon) π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Thebes)π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Thespiai) π the Sanctuary of Heracles Rhinokoloustes (Thebes)ποΈ the Altar of Heracles Callinicos ('Noble Victor') (Troy) ποΈ the Cave of Heracles (Tingi) ποΈ the Temple of Heracles (Abia) ποΈ the Temple of Heracles (Cynosarges) ποΈ the Temple of Heracles (Gadeira)
- Weaponry
- πΊ the Bow of Heracles πΊ the Breastplate of Heracles πΊ the Club of Heracles πΊ the Poisoned Arrows of Heracles πΊ the Shield of HeraclesπΊ the Sword of Heracles
- Related Entities
- β³ the Funeral Games of Pelias (Iolcos)β³ the Wedding of Cadmos and Harmonia (Thebes) π Abdera (Thrace) π Abderia (Spain) π Adramytion (Ionia) π Aigina (island) π Ainos (Thrace) π Aitolia π Alyzeia (Acarnania) π Amyclai (Laconia) π Anthe (Thessaly) π Aornos (India) π Aphetai (Thessaly) π Arabia π Arcadia π Argos (city) π Arne (Thessaly) π Asine (Argolid) π Asine (Messenia) π Athens (Attica) π Aulis (Boiotia) π Boiotia π Calpe (Iberia) π Calydon (Aitolia) π Cape Malea (Laconia) π Cenaion (Euboia) π Cichyros (Thresprotia) π Cleonai (Argolid) π Colchis (Pontos) π Corcyra (island) π Corinth (Argolid) π Cos (city) π Cos (island) π Crete (island) π Delphi (Phocis) π Doliche (alt. Icaria) π Doris (N. Greece) π Doulichion (island) π Egypt π Eleusis (Attica) π Elis (city) π Elis (region) π Ephesos (Asia Minor) π Ephyra (Elis) π Erytheia (Iberia) π Erytheia (unlocatable) π Erythrai (Asia Minor) π Eryx (Sicily) π Euboia (island) π Gadeira (Spain) π Gaul π Gerenia (Messenia) π Gytheion (Laconia) π Haliartos (Boiotia) π Helice (Thessaly) π Heracleia (Pontos) π Heracleia (alt. Calpe) π Heracleia (alt. Trachis) π Hermion (Argolid) π Hypoplacian Thebes (Troad) π Iberia (W. Europe) π Icaria (island) π Illyria π India π Iolcos (Thessaly) π Isthmia (Argolid) π Iton (Thessaly) π Knossos (Crete) π Laconia π Lake Bistonis (Thrace)π Lake Copais (Boiotia)π Lake Lerne (Argolid) π Lerna (Argolid) π Leuca (S. Italy) π Libya (region) π Ligystine (Spain) π Lindos (Rhodes) π Lydia (Asia Minor) π Macedonia (N. Greece) π Magnesia (Thessaly) π Malea (Arcadia) π Marathon (Attica) π Mariandynoi (Pontos) π Maroneia (Thrace) π Maurousia (Africa) π Messene (Messenia) π Messenia π Miletos (Asia Minor) π Molossia (N. Greece) π Monoicos Harbor (Gaul) π Mount Abas (Spain) π Mount Abile (N. Africa) π Mount Artemisios (Argolid) π Mount Calpe (Iberia) π Mount Caucasos (Pontos) π Mount Cithairon (Attica/Boiotia) π Mount Erymanthos (Arcadia) π Mount Laphystios (Boiotia)π Mount Oita (Thessaly) π Mount Olympos (N. Greece) π Mount Oryxis (Arcadia) π Mount Ostracina (Arcadia) π Mount Parnassos (Phocis) π Mount Pholoe (Elis) π Mount Pieria (N. Greece)π Mount Sciathis (Arcadia) π Mycenae (Argolid) π Myconos (island) π Mysia (Asia Minor) π Nemea (Argolid) π Oichalia (Euboia) π Oichalia (unlocatable) π Oinoe (Argolid) π Oinoe (Elis) π Oitaia (Thessaly) π Olenos (Achaia) π Olympia (Elis) π Onceion (Arcadia) π Orchomenos (Boiotia) π Ormenion (Thessaly) π Pagasai (Thessaly) π Pallene (Chalcidice) π Paros (island) π Phanagoreia (Pontos) π Pheneos (Arcadia) π Pherai (Thessaly) π Phigaleia (Arcadia) π Phlious (Argolid) π Phthia (Thessaly) π Pisa (Elis) π Pithecoussai (island) π Psophis (Arcadia) π Pylos (Elis) π Pylos (Messenia) π Pylos (Triphylia) π Rhegion (Italy) π River Acheloos (Aitolia) π River Acheron (Thesprotia) π River Alpheios (Peloponnese) π River Anthemous (Chalcidice) π River Aroanios (Arcadia) π River Cephisos (Phocis/Boiotia) π River Cios (Mysia) π River Cocytos (Underworld) π River Dyras (Thessaly)π River Echedoros (Thrace) π River Eridanos π River Erymanthos (Elis/Arcadia) π River Euenos (Aitolia) π River Hyllos (Asia Minor) π River Istros (Europe) π River Ladon (Arcadia) π River Menios (Elis) π River Oceanos (unlocatable) π River Peneios (Elis) π River Peneios (Thessaly) π River Scamandros (Troad) π River Selleis (Peloponnese) π River Strymon (Thrace) π River Styx (Underworld) π Rome (Italy) π Salamis (island) π Sardinia (island) π Scotitas (Laconia) π Scythia π Sibia (India) π Sicily (island) π Siris (S. Italy) π Sparta (Laconia) π Spring and River Amymone (Argolid) π Spring and River Dirce (Thebes) π Stymphalos (Arcadia) π Tainaron (Laconia) π Tartessos (Spain) π Tegea (Arcadia) π Tenos (city) π Teuthrania (Mysia) π Thasos (island) π Thebes (Boiotia) π Themiscyra (Pontos) π Themisonion (Phrygia) π Thermydrai (Rhodes) π Thespiai (Boiotia) π Thesprotia π Thessaly π Thrace (N. Greece) π Tiryns (Argolid) π Torone (Chalcidice) π Trachis (Thessaly) π Tricarenia (rationalized) π Triphylia π Troizen (Argolid) π Troy (Troad) π Tyre (Phoinicia) π Xystos (Elis) π the Acropolis of Athensπ the Aegean Seaπ the Argolid π the Aventine Hill (Rome) π the Beach of Troy π the Citadel of Troy π the Field of Heracles (Tiryns) π the Garden of the Hesperides (unlocatable) π the Gates of Acheron (Underworld)π the Harbor of Heracles (C. Italy) π the Hellespont π the Hill of Cronos (Olympia) π the Ionian Sea π the Island in the Atlantic Ocean π the Islands of Heracles (Iberia) π the Islands of the Hesperides (Atlantic Ocean)π the Land of the Bistones (Thrace) π the Land of the Cicones (Thrace) π the Land of the Dryopes π the Land of the Hyperboreans π the Myrtoan Sea π the Oracle of Apollo (Delphi)π the Palatine Hill (Rome) π the Phlegraian Plain (Italy) π the Place of Clymenos (Hermion) π the Rocks of Sceiron (Megarid)π the Sacred Promontory (Iberia) π the Sanctuary of Apollo and Artemis (Pheneos) π the Sanctuary of Argive Hera (Argolid) π the Sanctuary of Artemis (Ephesos)π the Sanctuary of Artemis Eucleia (Thebes)π the Sanctuary of Athena Alea (Tegea) π the Sanctuary of Athena Axiopoinos (Sparta) π the Sanctuary of Athena Lindia (Lindos) π the Sanctuary of Despoina (Arcadia) π the Sanctuary of Eleusinian Demeter (Laconia) π the Sanctuary of Hera Aigophagos (Sparta) π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Aithalia) π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Sicyon) π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Thebes)π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Thespiai) π the Sanctuary of Heracles Hippodetos (Boiotia) π the Sanctuary of Heracles Rhinokoloustes (Thebes)π the Sanctuary of Ismenian Apollo (Thebes)π the Sanctuary of Pelops (Olympia) π the Sanctuary of Zeus (Olympia) π the Saronic Gulf π the Stony Plain (Gaul) π the Strait of Messina π the Stymphalian Marshes (Arcadia) π the Troad π the Tyrrhenian Sea π the Underworld ποΈ Great Altar of Heracles (Rome)ποΈ Pegai (Mysia) ποΈ Spring Cissa (Mt Ostracina) ποΈ the Acherousian Cave (Pontos) ποΈ the Altar of Amphiaraos (Oropos) ποΈ the Altar of Apollo (Paros)ποΈ the Altar of Cenaian Zeus (Cenaion) ποΈ the Altar of Heracles Callinicos ('Noble Victor') (Troy) ποΈ the Altar of Pelops (Olympia) ποΈ the Altar of Zeus (Hellespont)ποΈ the Ash Altar of Olympian Zeus (Olympia) ποΈ the Blood Altar (Didyma) ποΈ the Castalian Spring (Delphi)ποΈ the Cave at Tainaron (Tainaron) ποΈ the Cave of Cacus (Rome)ποΈ the Cave of Heracles (Tingi) ποΈ the Cave of Pholos (Mt Pholoe) ποΈ the Cave of Prometheus (India) ποΈ the Cave of the Nemean Lion (Argolid) ποΈ the Cenotaph of Heracles (Mt Oita) ποΈ the Chair of Lethe (Underworld) ποΈ the Channel of the Aroanios (Arcadia) ποΈ the Double Altars (Olympia) ποΈ the Dragging of Antigone (Thebes) ποΈ the Electran Gates (Thebes) ποΈ the Footprint of Heracles ποΈ the Footprints of Heracles (Sicily) ποΈ the Hot Springs at Thermopylai (Thessaly/Locris)ποΈ the House of Admetos (Pherai)ποΈ the House of Amphitryon (Thebes) ποΈ the House of Oineus (Calydon) ποΈ the Oracle of Zeus-Ammon (N. Africa)ποΈ the Pillars of Heracles ποΈ the Road of Heracles (Cumae) ποΈ the Sanctuary of Pagasaian Apollo (Troizen) ποΈ the Spring of Heracles (Troizen) ποΈ the Stables of Augeias (Elis) ποΈ the Statue of Hera at Argos ποΈ the Statue of Hera at SamosποΈ the Stele of Heracles and Dionysos (Island in the Atlantic) ποΈ the Temple of Apollo (Pagasai) ποΈ the Temple of Artemis Soteira (Troizen) ποΈ the Temple of Asclepios Cotyleus (Laconia) ποΈ the Temple of Heracles (Abia) ποΈ the Temple of Heracles (Cynosarges) ποΈ the Temple of Heracles (Gadeira) ποΈ the Tomb of Alcestis (Pherai)ποΈ the Tomb of Eurystheus (Megarid) ποΈ the Tomb of Heracles (Gadeira) ποΈ the Tomb of Icaros (Icaria)ποΈ the Tomb of Pelops (Olympia)ποΈ the Tomb of Sostratos (Dyme) ποΈ the Tomb of Taraxippos (Olympia) ποΈ the Tomb of the Boar (Messenia) ποΈ the Trophy of Hippocoon and his Sons (Scotitas)ποΈ the Twisted Olive Tree (Mt Coryphos) ποΈ the Wall of Heracles (Troy) ποΈ the Walls of Tiryns ποΈ the Well of Danaos (Argos) ποΈ the Wild Olive Tree (Troizen) πΊ the Aegis πΊ the Argo πΊ the Bow of ApolloπΊ the Bow of Heracles πΊ the Breastplate of Heracles πΊ the Bronze Rattle πΊ the Chariot of HeliosπΊ the Chest of Dardanos πΊ the Club of Heracles πΊ the Crown of AriadneπΊ the Delphic Tripod πΊ the Golden Apples of the HesperidesπΊ the Golden Cup of Helios πΊ the Greaves of HeraclesπΊ the Hair of MedousaπΊ the Horn of AmaltheiaπΊ the Jar of Eurystheus πΊ the Leontine relics of Heracles πΊ the Lion Skin of Heracles πΊ the Lyre of OrpheusπΊ the Poisoned Arrows of Heracles πΊ the Robe containing the 'Love Potion' of Nessos πΊ the Robe of Heracles πΊ the Shield of Eurypylos πΊ the Shield of HeraclesπΊ the Shield of Laomedon πΊ the Sophronistera Stone πΊ the Statue of Heracles (Daidalian, Pisan)πΊ the Statue of a Lion πΊ the Stones of Zeus πΊ the Sword of Heracles πΊ the Thunderbolt of ZeusπΊ the Trident of Poseidon πΊ the Tripod of Amphitryon πΊ the Tripod of HeraclesπΊ the War-Belt of Hippolyte πΊ the Wild Olive πΊ the Wooden Statue (Daidalian, Messenian) πΊ the Wooden Statue of Heracles (Daidalian, Corinthian) πΊ the Wooden Statue of Heracles (Daidalian, Theban) π€ Abas (Argive I) π€ Abderos π€ Acastos π€ Acheloos (river god) π€ Achilles π€ Actor (Argonaut) π€ Actor (s. of Phorbas) π€ Admete (Argive) π€ Admetos (Argonaut) π€ Adonis π€ Adrastos (Argive I) π€ Agamedidas π€ Agamemnon π€ Agelaos (Heraclid) π€ Aglaia (Thespiad) π€ Agrios (Centaur) π€ Aias (the greater) π€ Aichmagoras π€ Aidoneus (rat. Hades) π€ Aigimios π€ Aischreis π€ Alastor (Pylian I) π€ Alcaios (Thasian) π€ Alceides (alt. Heracles) π€ Alcestis π€ Alcis π€ Alcmaion (epigonos) π€ Alcmene π€ Alcyoneus π€ Aleos π€ Alexiares π€ Alopios π€ Alpheios (river god) π€ Althaia π€ Amaltheia π€ Amarynceus π€ Amestrios π€ Amphiaraos π€ Amphidamas (Egyptian) π€ Amphitryon π€ Amyntor π€ Ancaios (Arcadian) π€ Anchios π€ Androcleia π€ Anicetos π€ Antagores π€ Antaios π€ Antheia (Thespiad) π€ Anthippe π€ Antiades π€ Anticyreus (eponym) π€ Antileon π€ Antimachos (Heraclid) π€ Antiochos (Heraclid) π€ Antiope (Amazon) π€ Antiope (Thespiad) π€ Antiphos (Heraclid) π€ Antipoinos π€ Aphrodite π€ Apollo π€ Archedicos π€ Archemachos (Heraclid) π€ Architeles (Calydonian) π€ Areion (horse) π€ Ares π€ Argeios (Argonaut) π€ Argeios (s. of Licymnios)π€ Argele π€ Argos (Argonaut) π€ Ariadne π€ Aristodemos π€ Artemis π€ Ascalaphos (Orchomenian) π€ Ascalaphos (s. of Acheron) π€ Asclepios π€ Asopis (d. of Thespios) π€ Asterios (Pylian) π€ Asterios (s. of Cometes) π€ Astyanax (Heraclid) π€ Astybia π€ Astydameia (Thessalian) π€ Astyoche (d. of Phylas) π€ Atalante π€ Ate π€ Athena π€ Atlas π€ Atromos π€ Attis π€ Atys π€ Auge π€ Augeias (Elian) π€ Autolycos (s. of Hermes) π€ Autonoe (d. of Peireus) π€ Boucolos (Heraclid) π€ Bouleus π€ Bousiris (Egyptian) π€ Boutes (Argonaut) π€ Cacus π€ Cadmos π€ Caineus π€ Calais π€ Calchas π€ Capylos π€ Castor (Spartan) π€ Celeustanor π€ Cepheus (Argonaut) π€ Cerberos (dog) π€ Certhe (Thespiad) π€ Ceyx (Thessalian) π€ Chalciope (Coan) π€ Chalcodon (Coan)π€ Chalcodon (Euboian) π€ Chalcodon (comp. of Heracles)π€ Chalcon π€ Cheiron (Centaur) π€ Chronos (personification) π€ Chryseis (Thespiad) π€ Chryses (s. of Minos) π€ Cios π€ Claametidos π€ Cleolaos π€ Clytippe π€ Copreus (Boiotian) π€ Copreus π€ Coronos (s. of Caineus) π€ Creon (Corinthian) π€ Creon (Heraclid) π€ Creon (Theban) π€ Creontiades π€ Cronos π€ Cteatos π€ Ctesippos (Heraclid I) π€ Ctesippos (Heraclid II) π€ Cyathos π€ Cycnos (s. of Ares) π€ Daidalos π€ Dameon π€ Danaos π€ Daughter of Thespios (name unknown I) π€ Daughter of Thespios (name unknown II) π€ Deianeira (w. of Heracles) π€ Deicoon (Heraclid) π€ Deimachos (Pylian) π€ Deimos π€ Deiphobos (Laconian) π€ Demeter π€ Dercynos π€ Dexamenos π€ Diomedes (Thracian) π€ Dionysos π€ Doryclos (Tirynthian) π€ Dynastes π€ Echemos (Arcadian) π€ Echephron (Arcadian) π€ Echetlaios π€ Echidna π€ Echion (Argonaut) π€ Eileithyia π€ Elacheia π€ Elatos (Centaur) π€ Emathion π€ Entelides π€ Enyo (d. of Phorcos) π€ Eone π€ Eos π€ Ephialtes (giant) π€ Epicaste (Elian) π€ Epilais π€ Epilaos π€ Erasippos π€ Erato (Thespiad) π€ Erginos (Argonaut) π€ Erginos (Minyan) π€ Eribotes (Argonaut) π€ Eros π€ Erythras (Heraclid) π€ Erytos (Argonaut) π€ Eryx (Sicilian) π€ Euagoras (Pylian) π€ Euandros (Arcadian) π€ Euboia (Thespiad) π€ Eubote π€ Eueres (Heraclid) π€ Eumedes (Heraclid) π€ Eumolpos (Eleusinian) π€ Eumolpos (Thracian) π€ Eunomos (Calydonian) π€ Euphemos (Argonaut) π€ Eury[...] (d. of Thestios) π€ Euryalos (Argonaut) π€ Eurybia (Thespiad) π€ Eurybios (Pylian) π€ Eurycapys π€ Eurydice (w. of Orpheus)π€ Eurymedon (Cretan) π€ Eurymenes π€ Euryope π€ Eurypyle π€ Eurypylos (Achaian) π€ Eurypylos (Coan) π€ Eurypylos (Heraclid) π€ Eurystheus π€ Eurytele (d. of Thespios) π€ Eurytion (Arcadian Centaur) π€ Eurytion (herdsman) π€ Eurytos (f. of Iphitos) π€ Eurytos (s. of Molione) π€ Euterpe π€ Exole π€ Ganymedes (s. of Tros) π€ Ge (personification) π€ Geryon π€ Glenos π€ Granicos (river god) π€ Hades π€ Halocrates π€ Harmonia (Theban) π€ Hebe π€ Hecabe π€ Helen π€ Heliconis π€ Helios π€ Hephaistos π€ Hera π€ Heracles π€ Hermes π€ Hesione (Trojan & Salamian) π€ Hesycheia (d. of Thespios) π€ Hippasos (Thessalian) π€ Hippeus (Heraclid) π€ Hippo (Thespiad) π€ Hippocoon (Spartan) π€ Hippocrate π€ Hippodromos π€ Hippolyte (Amazon I) π€ Hippozygos π€ Historis π€ Homolippos π€ Hylas π€ Hyllos (s. of Deianeira) π€ Hyllos (s. of Omphale)π€ Hypermnestra (Danaid) π€ Hypnos π€ Ialebion π€ Ialmenos π€ Iasios (Arcadian) π€ Icaros π€ Idas (Argonaut) π€ Ilos (Trojan II) π€ Io π€ Iobes π€ Iolaos π€ Iole π€ Iphicles π€ Iphiclos (s. of Phylacos) π€ Iphiclos (s. of Thestios) π€ Iphis (Thespiad) π€ Iphitos (Argonaut I) π€ Iphitos (Oichalian) π€ Ismenos (river god) π€ Jason (Argonaut) π€ Ladon (serpent) π€ Laertes π€ Laogoras π€ Laomedon (Heraclid) π€ Laomedon (Trojan) π€ Laomenes π€ Laonome π€ Laothoe (Thespiad) π€ Leitos π€ Lepreus π€ Leto π€ Leucippos (Heraclid) π€ Leucones π€ Leucothea (goddess) π€ Lichas π€ Licymnios π€ Linos (music teacher) π€ Linos (musician) π€ Lycaon (Thracian) π€ Lycortas π€ Lycos (Pontic) π€ Lycourgos (Heraclid) π€ Lyncaios π€ Lynceus (Aigyptid) π€ Lynceus (Argonaut) π€ Lyse π€ Lysidice (Thespiad) π€ Lysippe (Thespiad) π€ Macaria (Heraclid) π€ Maceris π€ Marathon π€ Marse π€ Meda (Dryopian) π€ Medousa (Gorgon) π€ Megara π€ Melanion (h. of Atalante)π€ Melas (Argive) π€ Meleagros π€ Melia (Theban) π€ Meline π€ Melpomene π€ Menippis (Thespiad) π€ Menoites π€ Menoitios (Argonaut) π€ Mentor (Heraclid) π€ Milqart π€ Minos π€ Mnesimache π€ Molorchos π€ Molossos (rationalized) π€ Mopsos (Argonaut) π€ Mygdon (Bithynian) π€ Neleus (Pylian) π€ Neotheus π€ Nephalion π€ Nephos π€ Nereus π€ Nessos π€ Nestor π€ Niceus π€ Nicippe (Thespiad) π€ Nicodromos π€ Nicostrate (Arcadian) π€ Nike (Thespiad) π€ Oceanos (Titan) π€ Odysseus π€ Ogmios π€ Oicles π€ Oineus (Calydonian) π€ Oionos π€ Oistrobles π€ Olympos (Heraclid) π€ Olympouse π€ Omphale π€ Oncos π€ Oneites π€ Onesippos π€ Oreia π€ Oreios π€ Orpheus π€ Orthos (dog) π€ Ourania (Muse) π€ Palaimon (Argonaut) π€ Palaimon (Heraclid) π€ Palaimon (god) π€ Pan (god) π€ Panope (Thespiad) π€ Panthoos π€ Parthenope (Arcadian) π€ Patro π€ Patroclos (Heraclid) π€ Peirithous (Lapith) π€ Peleus π€ Pelops (Pisan) π€ Peneleos (Theban) π€ Periclymenos (Argonaut) π€ Persephone π€ Perseus (Argive) π€ Phaethon (s. of Helios) π€ Phaidra π€ Phaistos (Sicyonian & Cretan) π€ Phalareus π€ Phalias π€ Phanos (Argonaut) π€ Phialo π€ Philoctetes π€ Philoites π€ Philolaos (s. of Minos) π€ Phobos π€ Pholos (centaur I) π€ Phrasios (Pylian) π€ Phrastor π€ Phylas (Dryopian) π€ Phyleis π€ Phyleus π€ Pionis π€ Pisos π€ Pittheus π€ Poias π€ Poltys π€ Polydeuces (Spartan) π€ Polygonos π€ Polylaos π€ Polymnia π€ Polyphemos (Argonaut) π€ Polyxene π€ Porphyrion (giant) π€ Poseidon π€ Praxithea (Thespiad) π€ Priam π€ Priapos π€ Procles (Heraclid) π€ Procris (Thespiad) π€ Promachos (Arcadian) π€ Prometheus (fire-stealer) π€ Psophis (d. of Eryx) π€ Pylaon π€ Pylenor π€ Pylios π€ Pyrippe π€ Pythia (prophet) π€ Rhadamanthys π€ Sabazios π€ Samos (s. of Halirrhothios)π€ Sarpedon (Thracian) π€ Sauros π€ Scylla (sea monster)π€ Sea Monster (Trojan) π€ Seilenos π€ Selene π€ Son of Heracles and Antheia (name unknown)π€ Son of Omphale and Heracles (name unknown) π€ Sostratos π€ Staphylos (Argonaut) π€ Sterope (Arcadian) π€ Sthenelos (Thasian) π€ Stratonice (Thespiad) π€ Syleus π€ Tauros (Pylian) π€ Teiresias π€ Telamon (Salamian) π€ Telamon (buried in Elis) π€ Telegonos (s. of Proteus) π€ Telephos π€ Teles π€ Teleutagoras π€ Termeros π€ Terpsichore π€ Terpsicrates π€ Teutaros π€ Thaleia (Muse) π€ Thanatos π€ Thebe (Boiotian) π€ Thebe (Lycian) π€ Theiodamas (f. of Hylas) π€ Themis π€ Therimachos π€ Theseus π€ Thespios π€ Thessalos (Coan) π€ Thestalos π€ Thourios π€ Threpsippas π€ Tigasis π€ Tiphys π€ Tiphyse π€ Tlepolemos (Rhodian) π€ Toxicrate π€ Triton (sea god) π€ Tyndareos π€ Tyrrhenos π€ Xanthis π€ Xenocleia π€ Xenodoce π€ Zetes π€ Zeus π€ the Bull of Lindos π€ the Bull of Theiodamasπ€ the Caucasian Eagle π€ the Cerynitian Deer π€ the Cithaironian Lion π€ the Cretan Bull π€ the Eidolon of Heracles π€ the Erymanthian Boar π€ the Groom of Diomedes (name unknown) π€ the Herdsman of Lindos π€ the Hydra π€ the Lernaian Crab π€ the Nemean Lion π₯ the Amazons π₯ the Argonauts π₯ the Cattle of Amphitryonπ₯ the Cattle of Augeiasπ₯ the Cattle of Geryon π₯ the Cattle of Hades π₯ the Cattle of Thespiosπ₯ the Centaurs π₯ the Cercopes π₯ the Children of Heracles and Megara π₯ the Children of Iphicles and Pyrrha π₯ the Corybantes π₯ the Couretes (Aitolians) π₯ the Danaids π₯ the Daughters of Thespios π₯ the Dryopes π₯ the Epeians π₯ the Giantsπ₯ the Griffons π₯ the Heracleidai π₯ the Heralds of Orchomenos π₯ the Hesperides π₯ the Horses of Helios π₯ the Laistrygonians π₯ the Lapiths π₯ the Mares of Diomedes π₯ the Mares of Eurytosπ₯ the Mares of Laomedon π₯ the Moirai π₯ the Muses π₯ the Mysian Nymphs π₯ the Nymphs of the River Eridanos π₯ the Olympian Godsπ₯ the Pharmacidai π₯ the Serpents of Hera π₯ the Sons of Aigyptos π₯ the Sons of Augeias π₯ the Sons of Hippocoonπ₯ the Sons of Neleus π₯ the Sons of the Daughters of Thespios π₯ the Spartoi of Thebes π₯ the Stymphalian Birds π the Chest of Cypselos (Olympia) π the Epidamnian Treasuries (Olympia) π the Megarian Treasury (Olympia) π the Stoa Poikile (Athens)π the Temple of Ares (Athens) π the Temple of Zeus (Olympia) π the Throne of Apollo (Amyclai) π the Throne of Olympian Zeus (Olympia)
- Appears in
- π Cypria Argumentum 4 Westπ Diegeseis to Callimachus 4.30-35 Norsa & Vitelli = Aetia fr. 101a Harderπ Homeric Hymn 15 to Heracles 1-9π Thebaid fr. 6b Daviesπ Thebaid fr. 6c Daviesπ Theseis fr. 1 Westπ Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 752-778π Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 823-875π Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories 5π Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories 6π Apollodoros, Epitome 1.16π Apollodoros, Epitome 1.24π Apollodoros, Epitome 3.13π Apollodoros, Epitome 3.17π Apollodoros, Library 1.3.2π Apollodoros, Library 1.3.5π Apollodoros, Library 1.6.1π Apollodoros, Library 1.6.2π Apollodoros, Library 1.7.1π Apollodoros, Library 1.8.1π Apollodoros, Library 1.9.15π Apollodoros, Library 1.9.16π Apollodoros, Library 1.9.19π Apollodoros, Library 1.9.9π Apollodoros, Library 2.4.10π Apollodoros, Library 2.4.11π Apollodoros, Library 2.4.12π Apollodoros, Library 2.4.12-2.5.1π Apollodoros, Library 2.4.5π Apollodoros, Library 2.4.8π Apollodoros, Library 2.4.9π Apollodoros, Library 2.4.9-2.4.10π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.1π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.10π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.11π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.12π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.2π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.3π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.4π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.5π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.6π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.7π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.8π Apollodoros, Library 2.5.9π Apollodoros, Library 2.6.1π Apollodoros, Library 2.6.2π Apollodoros, Library 2.6.2-2.6.3π Apollodoros, Library 2.6.3π Apollodoros, Library 2.6.4π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.1π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.2π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.3π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.4π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.5π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.6π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.6-2.7.7π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.7π Apollodoros, Library 2.7.8π Apollodoros, Library 2.8.1π Apollodoros, Library 2.8.2π Apollodoros, Library 2.8.3π Apollodoros, Library 3.10.5π Apollodoros, Library 3.12.7π Apollodoros, Library 3.15.2π Apollodoros, Library 3.9.1π Bacchylides, Dithyrambs 16π Bacchylides, Odes 13π Bacchylides, Odes 5π Bacchylides, Odes 9π Bacchylides fr. 4π Bacchylides fr. 44π Bacchylides fr. 64π Callimachus, Aetia 54b Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia 54e Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 114a Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 23 Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 24 Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 25b Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 54h Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 54i Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 55 Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 60a-b Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 77 Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 77c Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 77d Harderπ Callimachus, Aetia fr. 7c Harderπ Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis 136-169π Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis 98-109π Callimachus, Hymn to Athena 1-32π Creophylos, Capture of Oichalia fr. 2 Westπ D-Scholia, Iliad 1.263π D-Scholia, Iliad 1.52π D-Scholia, Iliad 1.59π D-Scholia, Iliad 1.590π D-Scholia, Iliad 11.690π D-Scholia, Iliad 11.698π D-Scholia, Iliad 11.709π D-Scholia, Iliad 12.231π D-Scholia, Iliad 14.255π D-Scholia, Iliad 14.323bπ D-Scholia, Iliad 19.119π D-Scholia, Iliad 2.336π D-Scholia, Iliad 2.629π D-Scholia, Iliad 2.662π D-Scholia, Iliad 20.145π D-Scholia, Iliad 21.1π D-Scholia, Iliad 21.194π D-Scholia, Iliad 23.346π D-Scholia, Iliad 23.821π D-Scholia, Iliad 5.392π D-Scholia, Iliad 5.650π D-Scholia, Iliad 6.396π D-Scholia, Iliad 8.284π D-Scholia, Iliad 8.368π Dionysios Periegetes 450-456π Dionysios Periegetes 787-792π Dionysios Periegetes 803-808π Eumelos, Corinthiaca fr. 22 Westπ Euripides, Alcestis 1008-1035π Euripides, Alcestis 1117-1160π Euripides, Alcestis 476-506π Euripides, Alcestis 507-550π Euripides, Alcestis 551-605π Euripides, Alcestis 64-76π Euripides, Alcestis 805-860π Euripides, Hippolytos 507-560π Euripides, Suppliant Women 1183-1234π Euripides, Trojan Women 799-819π Heracleitos, On Unbelievable Stories 21π Heracleitos, On Unbelievable Stories 31π Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 117 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 133 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 138 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 140 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 141 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 22 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 23 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 31 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 32 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 33 Mostπ Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 69 Mostπ Hesiod, Great Ehoiai fr. 187a, b Mostπ Hesiod, Great Ehoiai fr. 188 Mostπ Hesiod, Great Ehoiai fr. 189b Mostπ Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 115-121π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 122-138π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 27-56π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 325-337π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 349-367π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 424-456π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 457-466π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 467-471π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 57-423π Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 57-76π Hesiod, Theogony 287-305π Hesiod, Theogony 306-332π Hesiod, Theogony 507-544π Hesiod, Theogony 943-944π Hesiod, Theogony 950-955π Hesiod, Wedding of Ceyx fr. 202 Mostπ Hesiod, Wedding of Ceyx fr. 203 Mostπ Hesiod fr. 291 Mostπ Hesiod fr. 308 Mostπ Homer, Iliad 11.670-11.695π Homer, Iliad 14.242-14.262π Homer, Iliad 14.312-14.328π Homer, Iliad 15.14-15.33π Homer, Iliad 15.630-15.652π Homer, Iliad 19.95-19.124π Homer, Iliad 2.653-2.670π Homer, Iliad 2.676-2.680π Homer, Iliad 20.144-20.153π Homer, Iliad 5.381-5.415π Homer, Iliad 5.627-5.646π Homer, Iliad 8.357-8.380π Homer, Odyssey 11.266-11.270π Homer, Odyssey 11.601-11.627π Homer, Odyssey 21.1-21.41π Homer, Odyssey 8.214-8.228π Ion, Elegiacs fr. 27π Lucian, A True Story 1.7π Lucian, Anacharsis 38π Lucian, Apology for the 'Salaried Posts in Great Houses' 5π Lucian, Charon, or the Inspectors 4π Lucian, Demonax 1π Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 11.1 MacLeodπ Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 11.3-11.4 MacLeodπ Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 11.5 MacLeodπ Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 12.1-12.6 MacLeodπ Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 26.3 MacLeodπ Lucian, Dialogues of the Dead 28.3 MacLeodπ Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 15 MacLeodπ Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 4.2 MacLeodπ Lucian, Essays in Portraiture Defended 19π Lucian, Heracles 1π Lucian, Heracles 2π Lucian, Heracles 4π Lucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the Sects 40π Lucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the Sects 7π Lucian, How to Write History 10π Lucian, Icaromenippus 27π Lucian, Menippus, or the Descent into Hades 8π Lucian, Nigrinos 11π Lucian, On the Syrian Goddess 3π Lucian, Parliament of the Gods 6π Lucian, Parliament of the Gods 7π Lucian, Philosophies for Sale 8π Lucian, Prometheus 20π Lucian, Symposium, or the Lapiths 14π Lucian, The Dance 27π Lucian, The Dance 41π Lucian, The Dance 50π Lucian, The Dance 56-57π Lucian, The Dance 73π Lucian, The Dance 78π Lucian, The Dead Come to Life, or the Fisherman 31π Lucian, The Double Indictment 20π Lucian, The Dream, or Lucian's Career 17π Lucian, The Dream, or the Cock 17π Lucian, The Ignorant Book-Collector 23π Lucian, The Passing of Peregrinos 21π Lucian, The Passing of Peregrinos 33π Lucian, The Runaways 23π Lucian, The Runaways 24π Lucian, The Runaways 29π Lucian, The Runaways 31π Lucian, Zeus Rants 12π Lucian, Zeus Rants 21π Lucian, Zeus Rants 32π Lycophron, Alexandra 1226-1280π Lycophron, Alexandra 1322-1340π Lycophron, Alexandra 1341-1350π Lycophron, Alexandra 20-43π Lycophron, Alexandra 439-478π Lycophron, Alexandra 44-68π Lycophron, Alexandra 648-661π Lycophron, Alexandra 662-711π Lycophron, Alexandra 866-876π Lycophron, Alexandra 911-929π Lycophron, Alexandra 978-992π Ovid, Amores 3.6π Ovid, Ibis 253-254π Ovid, Ibis 293-294π Ovid, Ibis 347-348π Ovid, Ibis 393-394π Ovid, Ibis 397-400π Ovid, Ibis 401-402π Ovid, Ibis 403-404π Ovid, Ibis 487-488π Ovid, Ibis 489-490π Ovid, Ibis 491-492π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 18π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 24π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 36π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 37π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 38π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 39π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 40π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 44π Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 45π Panyassis, Heracleia fr. 1 Westπ Panyassis, Heracleia fr. 12 Westπ Panyassis, Heracleia fr. 15 Westπ Panyassis, Heracleia fr. 2 Westπ Panyassis, Heracleia fr. 23 Westπ Panyassis, Heracleia fr. 26 Westπ Panyassis, Heracleia fr. 8 Westπ Pausanias 1.15.2π Pausanias 1.15.3π Pausanias 1.17.4π Pausanias 1.19.3π Pausanias 1.2.1π Pausanias 1.24.2π Pausanias 1.25.2π Pausanias 1.27.6π Pausanias 1.27.7π Pausanias 1.27.9-1.27.10π Pausanias 1.32.4-1.32.5π Pausanias 1.32.6π Pausanias 1.34.3π Pausanias 1.35.7-1.35.8π Pausanias 1.44.10π Pausanias 1.5.1-1.5.2π Pausanias 1.8.4π Pausanias 10.10.1π Pausanias 10.10.5π Pausanias 10.13.6-10.13.8π Pausanias 10.13.7-10.13.8π Pausanias 10.17.1-10.17.2π Pausanias 10.18.6π Pausanias 10.28.8π Pausanias 10.29.5-10.29.7π Pausanias 10.32.4-10.32.5π Pausanias 10.36.5π Pausanias 10.38.1-10.38.3π Pausanias 10.4.6π Pausanias 10.8.9π Pausanias 2.10.1π Pausanias 2.13.3π Pausanias 2.13.8π Pausanias 2.15.1π Pausanias 2.17.6π Pausanias 2.18.7-2.18.9π Pausanias 2.19.1-2.19.2π Pausanias 2.21.3π Pausanias 2.22.8π Pausanias 2.28.2π Pausanias 2.31.10π Pausanias 2.31.2π Pausanias 2.32.4π Pausanias 2.35.9-2.35.10π Pausanias 2.37.4π Pausanias 2.4.3π Pausanias 2.6.5-2.6.7π Pausanias 3.1.4-3.1.5π Pausanias 3.1.5-3.1.6π Pausanias 3.10.6π Pausanias 3.15.3π Pausanias 3.15.3-3.14.5π Pausanias 3.15.3-3.15.5π Pausanias 3.15.6π Pausanias 3.15.9π Pausanias 3.16.4-3.16.5π Pausanias 3.16.6π Pausanias 3.18.10π Pausanias 3.18.11π Pausanias 3.18.12π Pausanias 3.18.13π Pausanias 3.18.15π Pausanias 3.18.16π Pausanias 3.19.5π Pausanias 3.19.7π Pausanias 3.20.5π Pausanias 3.21.8π Pausanias 3.25.5-3.25.6π Pausanias 3.26.8π Pausanias 4.15.7-4.15.8π Pausanias 4.2.2-4.2.3π Pausanias 4.30.1π Pausanias 4.32.1π Pausanias 4.34.9-4.34.11π Pausanias 4.36.1-4.36.5π Pausanias 5.1.10-5.1.11π Pausanias 5.1.10-5.3.2π Pausanias 5.1.9-5.1.10π Pausanias 5.1.9-5.3.3π Pausanias 5.10.9-5.10.10π Pausanias 5.11.4π Pausanias 5.11.5-5.11.6π Pausanias 5.11.8π Pausanias 5.13.1-5.13.2π Pausanias 5.13.11π Pausanias 5.14.1-5.14.2π Pausanias 5.17.5-5.17.11π Pausanias 5.17.9-5.17.11π Pausanias 5.18.1-5.18.4π Pausanias 5.19.1-5.19.6π Pausanias 5.19.7-5.19.10π Pausanias 5.2.1-5.2.2π Pausanias 5.2.2π Pausanias 5.25.11π Pausanias 5.25.7π Pausanias 5.26.7π Pausanias 5.3.1π Pausanias 5.3.7π Pausanias 5.5.4π Pausanias 5.5.8-5.5.10π Pausanias 5.8.3-5.8.4π Pausanias 6.19.12π Pausanias 6.19.8π Pausanias 6.20.15-6.20.19π Pausanias 6.21.3-6.21.4π Pausanias 6.22.5π Pausanias 6.23.1π Pausanias 6.25.2-6.25.3π Pausanias 6.5.5π Pausanias 7.17.8π Pausanias 7.18.1π Pausanias 7.19.5-7.19.10π Pausanias 7.2.7π Pausanias 8.12.2-8.12.4π Pausanias 8.14.1-8.14.3π Pausanias 8.14.9π Pausanias 8.15.5-8.15.7π Pausanias 8.17.6-8.18.6π Pausanias 8.19.4π Pausanias 8.2.4-8.2.5π Pausanias 8.22.4-8.22.6π Pausanias 8.24.1-8.24.2π Pausanias 8.24.5π Pausanias 8.25.10π Pausanias 8.25.7-8.25.10π Pausanias 8.35.2π Pausanias 8.36.6π Pausanias 8.37.1π Pausanias 8.4.9π Pausanias 8.45.3π Pausanias 8.47.4π Pausanias 8.48.1π Pausanias 8.5.1π Pausanias 8.53.9π Pausanias 9.10.4π Pausanias 9.11.2π Pausanias 9.11.3π Pausanias 9.11.4-9.11.5π Pausanias 9.11.6π Pausanias 9.17.1π Pausanias 9.17.1-9.17.2π Pausanias 9.18.3-9.18.4π Pausanias 9.25.2π Pausanias 9.25.4π Pausanias 9.26.1π Pausanias 9.27.6-9.27.8π Pausanias 9.29.6-9.29.9π Pausanias 9.31.2π Pausanias 9.34.5π Pausanias 9.37.1-9.37.3π Pausanias 9.38.7π Peisandros, Heracleia fr. 1 Westπ Peisandros, Heracleia fr. 10 Westπ Peisandros, Heracleia fr. 12 Westπ Peisandros, Heracleia fr. 4 Westπ Peisandros, Heracleia fr. 5 Westπ Peisandros, Heracleia fr. 7 Westπ Pindar, Isthmian 1 1-40π Pindar, Isthmian 1 52-68π Pindar, Isthmian 4 43-72π Pindar, Isthmian 5 26-50π Pindar, Isthmian 6 19-56π Pindar, Isthmian 7 1-19π Pindar, Nemean 10 1-18π Pindar, Nemean 10 31-54π Pindar, Nemean 11 17-32π Pindar, Nemean 1 31-72π Pindar, Nemean 3 19-42π Pindar, Nemean 4 9-32π Pindar, Nemean 7 80-105π Pindar, Olympian 10 13-23π Pindar, Olympian 10 24-59π Pindar, Olympian 10 60-77π Pindar, Olympian 2 1-22π Pindar, Olympian 3 1-45π Pindar, Olympian 6 22-71π Pindar, Olympian 7 20-26π Pindar, Olympian 9 21-39π Pindar, Pythian 10 1-9π Pindar, Pythian 11 1-37π Pindar, Pythian 1 58-80π Pindar, Pythian 4 169-202π Pindar, Pythian 9 76-103π Pindar fr. 111 Snell-Maehlerπ Pindar fr. 140a Snell-Maehlerπ Pindar fr. 168b Snell-Maehlerπ Pindar fr. 169a Snell-Maehlerπ Pindar fr. 172 Snell-Maehlerπ Pindar fr. 29 Snell-Maehlerπ Pindar fr. 52u Snell-Maehlerπ Pindar fr. 81 Snell-Maehlerπ Plutarch, Theseus 11.1-11.2π Plutarch, Theseus 25.4π Plutarch, Theseus 26.1π Plutarch, Theseus 28.1-28.2π Plutarch, Theseus 30.3-30.5π Plutarch, Theseus 30.5π Plutarch, Theseus 33.2π Plutarch, Theseus 35.1π Plutarch, Theseus 35.1-35.2π Plutarch, Theseus 35.2π Plutarch, Theseus 6.5π Plutarch, Theseus 7.1π Pomponius Mela 1.103π Pomponius Mela 1.26π Pomponius Mela 1.27π Pomponius Mela 2.11π Pomponius Mela 2.29π Pomponius Mela 2.36π Pomponius Mela 2.51π Pomponius Mela 2.78π Pomponius Mela 3.103π Ps-Lucian, Affairs of the Heart 2π Ps-Lucian, Affairs of the Heart 54π Ps-Lucian, Charidemos 6π Ps-Lucian, Charidemos 7π Ps-Lucian, In Praise of Demosthenes 19π Ps-Lucian, The Cynic 13π Ps-Lucian, The Patriot 14π Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 18π Scholia on Callimachus, Aetia fr. 23a-c Harderπ Sophocles, Aias 1266-1315π Strabo 1.1.4π Strabo 10.1.10π Strabo 10.2.19π Strabo 10.2.21π Strabo 10.2.5π Strabo 10.5.9π Strabo 11.2.10π Strabo 11.5.5π Strabo 12.4.3π Strabo 13.1.32π Strabo 13.1.64π Strabo 13.1.69-13.1.70π Strabo 14.2.6-14.2.11π Strabo 15.1.6-15.1.9π Strabo 17.1.43π Strabo 17.3.3π Strabo 17.3.7π Strabo 3.1.4π Strabo 3.1.7π Strabo 3.4.3π Strabo 3.4.6π Strabo 3.5.5-3.5.6π Strabo 4.1.7π Strabo 4.6.3π Strabo 5.2.2π Strabo 5.2.8π Strabo 5.3.3π Strabo 5.4.6π Strabo 6.2.4π Strabo 6.3.5π Strabo 7 fr. 14a-b Radtπ Strabo 7 fr. 18a-c Radtπ Strabo 7 fr. 22a Radtπ Strabo 8.3.28-8.3.29π Strabo 8.3.30π Strabo 8.3.5-8.3.6π Strabo 8.3.9π Strabo 8.4.10π Strabo 8.5.1π Strabo 8.6.13π Strabo 8.6.2π Strabo 8.6.23π Strabo 8.6.7-8.6.8π Strabo 8.7.1π Strabo 9.2.40π Strabo 9.4.10π Strabo 9.4.13π Strabo 9.4.14π Strabo 9.4.2π Strabo 9.5.17π Strabo 9.5.23π Vergil, Eclogues 7π Vergil, Georgics 3.1-3.39
- Mentioned in Text
- Cypria Diegeseis to Callimachus Homeric Hymn 15 to Heracles Thebaid TheseisAeschylus, Prometheus BoundAnonymous, On Unbelievable StoriesApollodoros, EpitomeApollodoros, LibraryBacchylides, DithyrambsBacchylides, OdesBacchylidesCallimachus, AetiaCallimachus, Hymn to ArtemisCallimachus, Hymn to AthenaCreophylos, Capture of OichaliaD-Scholia, IliadDionysios PeriegetesEumelos, CorinthiacaEuripides, AlcestisEuripides, HippolytosEuripides, Suppliant WomenEuripides, Trojan WomenHeracleitos, On Unbelievable StoriesHesiod, EhoiaiHesiod, Great EhoiaiHesiod, Shield of HeraclesHesiod, TheogonyHesiod, Wedding of CeyxHesiodHomer, IliadHomer, OdysseyIon, ElegiacsLucian, A True StoryLucian, AnacharsisLucian, Apology for the 'Salaried Posts in Great Houses'Lucian, Charon, or the InspectorsLucian, DemonaxLucian, Dialogues of the DeadLucian, Dialogues of the GodsLucian, Essays in Portraiture DefendedLucian, HeraclesLucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the SectsLucian, How to Write HistoryLucian, IcaromenippusLucian, Menippus, or the Descent into HadesLucian, NigrinosLucian, On the Syrian GoddessLucian, Parliament of the GodsLucian, Philosophies for SaleLucian, PrometheusLucian, Symposium, or the LapithsLucian, The DanceLucian, The Dead Come to Life, or the FishermanLucian, The Double IndictmentLucian, The Dream, or Lucian's CareerLucian, The Dream, or the CockLucian, The Ignorant Book-CollectorLucian, The Passing of PeregrinosLucian, The RunawaysLucian, Zeus RantsLycophron, AlexandraOvid, AmoresOvid, IbisPalaiphatos, On Unbelievable StoriesPanyassis, HeracleiaPausaniasPeisandros, HeracleiaPindar, Isthmian 1Pindar, Isthmian 4Pindar, Isthmian 5Pindar, Isthmian 6Pindar, Isthmian 7Pindar, Nemean 10Pindar, Nemean 11Pindar, Nemean 1Pindar, Nemean 3Pindar, Nemean 4Pindar, Nemean 7Pindar, Olympian 10Pindar, Olympian 2Pindar, Olympian 3Pindar, Olympian 6Pindar, Olympian 7Pindar, Olympian 9Pindar, Pythian 10Pindar, Pythian 11Pindar, Pythian 1Pindar, Pythian 4Pindar, Pythian 9PindarPlutarch, TheseusPomponius MelaPs-Lucian, Affairs of the HeartPs-Lucian, CharidemosPs-Lucian, In Praise of DemosthenesPs-Lucian, The CynicPs-Lucian, The PatriotPs-Plutarch, On RiversScholia on Callimachus, AetiaSophocles, AiasStraboVergil, EcloguesVergil, Georgics
- Depictions
- π Corinth (Argolid) π Delphi (Phocis) π Messene (Messenia) π Tegea (Arcadia) π the Acropolis of Athensπ the Sanctuary of Argive Hera (Argolid) π the Sanctuary of Athena Lindia (Lindos) π the Sanctuary of Despoina (Arcadia) π the Sanctuary of Heracles (Thebes)π the Sanctuary of Zeus (Olympia) ποΈ the Altar of Amphiaraos (Oropos) ποΈ the Statue of Hera at Argos ποΈ the Statue of Hera at SamosποΈ the Tomb of Sostratos (Dyme) π the Chest of Cypselos (Olympia) π the Epidamnian Treasuries (Olympia) π the Megarian Treasury (Olympia) π the Stoa Poikile (Athens)π the Temple of Ares (Athens) π the Temple of Zeus (Olympia) π the Throne of Apollo (Amyclai) π the Throne of Olympian Zeus (Olympia) ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to circle of the Antimenes Painter (Rhodes 11335)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Antimenes Painter (Nicholson NM77.1; Beazley 5864; LIMC Kyknos I 53)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Dot Band Class (JECM GV105)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the E Group (Beazley 8244)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Princeton Painter (Rhodes 15566)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Swing Painter (Rhodes 14093)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Towry White Painter (Rhodes 14102)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Band Cup (Logie 55.58; Beazley 6702; LIMC Amazones 31)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Belly Amphora attributed to Painter of the Vatican Mourner (Logie 43.57; Beazley 350443; LIMC Nessos 48)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Belly Amphora attributed to the Group E Painters (Logie 42.57; Beazley 350424; LIMC Eurytion II 37)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Belly Amphora attributed to the Painter of Tarquinia RC 3984 (CAMU Ξ 2606; Beazley 340548)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Column Krater attributed to the Painter of Louvre F6 (Thessaloniki 9290; Beazley 24483)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Cup attributed to the Leafless Group (Thessaloniki-Casts 80)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Cup attributed to the Workshop of the Haimon Painter (Thessaloniki-Casts 78)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Hydria (Otago E50.108; Beazley 6706; LIMC Herakles 2896)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Hydria attributed to the Acheloos Painter (Nicholson NM46.4)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Hydria attributed to the Leagros Group (Otago E48.66; Beazley 302046)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Hydria attributed to the circle of the Painter Psiax (RΓΆhsska 18-69)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Hydria attributed to the manner of the Lysippides Painter (Cyclades 134)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Hydriai attributed to the Swing Painter (Rhodes 1347)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Kalpis Hydria attributed to the Leagros Group (Nicholson NM98.24)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Kylix attributed to the Caylus Painter (Otago E48.228; Beazley 331957)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Kylix attributed to the Caylus Painter (VUW 1950 A1; Beazley 6704)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ 325)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ 426)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ 43)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ 57)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ 89)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (Nicholson NM2011.7)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (VUW 1950 A21; Beazley 6734)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Class of Athens 581 (ANU 1973.10; Beazley 7659)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Class of Athens 581 (Cyclades ΞΞ 28)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Diosphos Painter (ANU 1962.02; Beazley 361427)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Edinburgh Painter (Cyclades 2)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Emporion Painter (CAMU Ξ 646)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Emporion Painter (Cyclades ΞΞ 386)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Leagros Group, possibly the Acheloos Painter (Nicholson NM46.52)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Marathon Group, Class of Athens 581 (Melbourne 25010; Beazley 303561)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Workshop of the Haimon Painter (Thessaloniki-Casts 85)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the workshop of the Haimon Painter (CAMU Ξ 2927)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the workshop of the Haimon Painter (Gothenburg 1619)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos in the manner of the Haimon Painter (ANU 1973.06; Beazley 7658)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Lid (BM 1859,0301.4; Beazley 7022; LIMC Antaios I 70)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora (Otago E48.227; Beazley 6731)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora (Te Papa GH011680)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Oenochoe attributed to Class of WΓΌrzburg 346 (AM 29699; Beazley 320447)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Olpe attributed to the Class of the Olpe of Louvre F158 (Rhodes 15443)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Olpe attributed to the Dot Ivy Class (CAMU Ξ 63; Beazley 351434)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos (CAMU Ξ 90)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos (NAM 1150; Beazley 350829)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the CHC Group (NAM 12627; Beazley 45053)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the CHC Group (NAM 12910; Beazley 46529)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the CHC Group (NAM 22660; Beazley 46528)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the CHC Group (NAM 526; Beazley 15532)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the Sub-Krokotos Group (NAM 12626; Beazley 15278)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the Sub-Krokotos Group (NAM 416; Beazley 14957)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the manner of the Haimon Painter (NAM 18640; Beazley 330929)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Trefoil Oinochoe (Cyclades ΞΞ 28; Beazley 4902; LIMC Amazones 82)ποΈ Attic Black-Figure Tyrrhenian Neck Amphora attributed to the Kyllenios Painter (JECM GV59; Beazley 350271; LIMC Eurytion II 50)ποΈ Attic Red-Figure Bell Krater attributed to the Oinomaos Painter (Nicholson NM49.4; Beazley 43928; LIMC Herakles 3417)ποΈ Attic Red-Figure Bell Krater attributed to the Polygnotos Group (Thessaloniki-Casts 233)ποΈ Attic Red-Figure Krater (CAMU Ξ 346)ποΈ Attic Red-Figure Krater in the manner of the Jena Painter (CAMU Ξ 188; Beazley 30263; LIMC Hades 72)ποΈ Attic Red-Figure Scyphos (CAMU Ξ 312)ποΈ Attic Terracotta Lamp (CAMU Ξ 484)ποΈ Attic White-Ground Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Edinburgh Painter (Cyclades ΞΞ 2; Beazley 380861; LIMC Herakles 1902)ποΈ Boiotian Black-Figure Kantharos (CAMU Ξ 430)ποΈ Boiotian Black-Figure Kantharos (CAMU Ξ 557)ποΈ Boiotian Black-Figure Kylix (CAMU Ξ 920)ποΈ Boiotian Black-Figure Kylix (Cyclades ΞΞ 381)ποΈ Boiotian Black-Figure Skyphos (CAMU Ξ 548)ποΈ Boiotian Red-Figure Calyx Krater (NAM 1365)ποΈ BoΞΉotian Black-Figure Cup attributed to the Three Sirens Painter (Cyclades 381)ποΈ Bronze Statue from Pompeii (Palermo 8364; P-LOD r6-i2-p4-space-10)ποΈ Bronze Statuette from Pompeii ( Not Extant)ποΈ Bronze Statuette from Pompeii (Pompeii 11984; P-LOD r1-i18)ποΈ Ceramic Relief Skyphos from Pompeii (Naples n/a; P-LOD r8-i2-p39-space-c)ποΈ Corinthian Black-Figure Aryballos (CAMU Ξ 392)ποΈ Etruscan Bronze Figurine (VUW 2007.1)ποΈ Fragment of African Red Slip Bowl, Hayes Form 53A (RD Milns 83.070)ποΈ Fragment of African Red Slip Ware Bowl, Hayes 53A (RD Milns 84.006)ποΈ Fragment of African Red Slip Ware Bowl, Hayes Form 51 or 52B (RD Milns 83.074)ποΈ Fragment of Gypsum Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5307)ποΈ Fragment of Gypsum Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5329)ποΈ Fragment of Gypsum Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5330)ποΈ Fragment of Limestone Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1930.321)ποΈ Fragment of Limestone Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1931.420)ποΈ Fragment of Limestone Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1932.1215)ποΈ Fragment of Plaster Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5355)ποΈ Fragment of Plaster Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5359)ποΈ Fragment of Plaster Relief from the Temple of Zeus Megistos in Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5331)ποΈ Fragment of Roman Marble Sarcophagus (Met 18.145.56)ποΈ Fragments of Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora (Nicholson NM98.168.1-3)ποΈ Fragments of Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora (RD Milns 85.690; Beazley 23190)ποΈ Glass Cameo from Pompeii (Naples 158817)ποΈ Glass Intaglio from Pompeii (Naples 118725)ποΈ Glazed Ceramic Lamp from Villa dei Poppaei, Oplontis (Torre Annunziata OP.70383)ποΈ Gold Ring from Pompeii (Naples 25132)ποΈ Gypsum Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1935.49)ποΈ Gypsum Relief from the Temple of Atargatis in Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5309)ποΈ Gypsum Relief from the Temple of Zeus Megistos in Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5317)ποΈ Gypsum and Plaster Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5305)ποΈ Limestone Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1935.51)ποΈ Limestone Relief from a private house in city block G3 M4 in Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5321)ποΈ Limestone Sculpture from the Temple of Zeus Megistos in Dura-Europos (Yale 1938.5302)ποΈ Limestone Statuette from the House of the Frescoes in Dura-Europos (Yale 1931.416)ποΈ Marble Relief Oscillum from Pompeii (Naples 6636)ποΈ Marble Statue from the Baths of Caracalla, Rome (Naples 6001)ποΈ Marble statuette from Pompeii (Pompeii 2932)ποΈ Metopes of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia (Olympia East 1-6; West 1-6; LIMC Amazones 97)ποΈ Plaster Relief from Dura-Europos (Yale 1935.50)ποΈ Roman Bronze Candelabrum from Pompeii (Naples n/a)ποΈ Roman Marble Sarcophagus (Capitoline 249)ποΈ Roman Marble Sarcophagus (Vatican 1195)ποΈ Roman Silver Denarius Serratus (Nicholson NM2004.259)ποΈ Roman Terracotta Lagynos (VUW 1989.1)ποΈ Roman Terracotta Lamp by Q. Marcius (?), Loeschcke Type VIII (RD Milns 84.016)ποΈ Roman Terracotta Red-Slip Piriform Jug (VUW 1997.2)ποΈ Silver Relief Skyphos from Pompeii (Naples 145506)ποΈ Silver Relief Skyphos from Pompeii (Naples 145507)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Ara Capitale IX 11, 1, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i11-p1)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa Annessa alla Casa dellβEfebo I 7, 19, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i7-p19-space-c)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa Annessa alla Casa dellβEfebo I 7, 19, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i7-p19-space-e)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Capitelli Colorati VII 4, 31.51, Pompeii (Naples 8849, 8886; P-LOD r7-i4-p31-space-26)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Pittori I 12, 11, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i12-p11)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Postumii VIII 4, 4.49, Pompeii (P-LOD r8-i4-p4-space-9)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Quattro Stili I 8, 17, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i8-p17-space-9)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Vettii VI 15, 1, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i15-p1-space-n)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Vettii VI 15, 1, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i15-p1-space-t)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa del BellβImpluvio I 9, 1, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i9-p1-space-1)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa del Cenacolo V 2, h, Pompeii (P-LOD r5-i2-ph-space-k)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa del Centauro VI 9, 3.5, Pompeii (Naples 8980; LIMC Atalante 34; P-LOD r6-i9-p5-space-26)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa del Centenario IX 8, 3.7, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i8-p3-space-2)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa del Centenario IX 8, 3.7, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i8-p3-space-9)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa del Forno di Ferro VI 13, 6, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i13-p6-space-7)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa del Naviglio VI 10, 11, Pompeii (Naples 9202; P-LOD r6-i10-p11-space-24)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa del Sacerdos Amandus I 7, 7, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i7-p7-space-b)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa della Regina Carolina VIII 3, 14, Pompeii (P-LOD r8-i3-p14-space-10)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa della Venere in Bikini I 11, 6.7, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i11-p6-space-4)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa delle Nozze di Ercole VII 9, 47, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i9-p47-space-9)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa delle Nozze dβArgento V 2, i, Pompeii (P-LOD r5-i2-pi-space-q)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa dellβAra Massima VI 16, 15.17, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i16-p15-space-g)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di Achille IX 5, 1-3, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i5-p2-space-c)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di D. Octavius Quartio II 2, 2, Pompeii (LIMC Achilleus 458; P-LOD r2-i2-p2-space-h)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di Diana I; VI 17, 10, Pompeii (Naples 9447; P-LOD r6-i17-p10)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di Ercole e Augia VIII 3, 4, Pompeii (P-LOD r8-i3-p4-space-11)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di L. Cornelius Diadumenus VII 12, 26, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i12-p26-space-o)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Epidius Sabinus IX 1, 22.29, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i1-p22-space-tprime)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Epidius Sabinus IX 1, 22.29, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i1-p22-space-x)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Fabius Rufus VII 16, 22, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i16-p22-space-58)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Spurius Mesor VII 3, 29, Pompeii (Naples 120085, 120086; P-LOD r7-i3-p29-space-l)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di M. Spurius Mesor VII 3, 29, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i3-p29-space-p)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di Marcus Lucretius IX 3, 5.24, Pompeii (Naples 8992; P-LOD r9-i3-p5-space-16)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di Meleagro VI 9, 2.13, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i9-p2-space-14)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di Pane VIII 3, 28-31, Pompeii (P-LOD r8-i3-p28)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di Sirico VII 1, 25.47, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i1-p25-space-10)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di T. Dentatius Panthera IX 2, 16, Pompeii (Naples 115399; P-LOD r9-i2-p16-space-d)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa di T. Dentatius Panthera IX 2, 16, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i2-p16-space-e)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Casa dβErcole VI 7, 6, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i7-p6-space-7)ποΈ Wall Paintings from House of Menander / Casa del Menandro I 10, 4, Pompeii (P-LOD r1-i10-p4-space-47)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 1, 7, Pompeii (Naples 9529; P-LOD r9-i1-p7-space-e)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 5, 14-16, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i5-p14-space-g)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 5, 6.17, Pompeii (Naples 115397; P-LOD r9-i5-p6-space-d)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 5, 6.17, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i5-p6-space-h)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling V 2, 10, Pompeii (Naples 120626; LIMC Herakles 2771; P-LOD r5-i2-p10-space-q)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling VI 15, 6, Pompeii (P-LOD r6-i15-p6-space-k)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling VII 3, 11-12, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i3-p12-space-i)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling VII 4, 24-25, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i4-p24-space-2)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling VIII 4, 34, Pompeii (P-LOD r8-i4-p34-space-4)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling VIII 5, 15-16, Pompeii (P-LOD r8-i5-p15-space-b)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Property IX 11, 6, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i11-p6)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Scavo del Principe di Montenegro VII 16, 10, Pompeii (Naples 8997, 9000; P-LOD r7-i16-p10)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Scavo del Principe di Montenegro VII 16, 10, Pompeii (Naples 9000; P-LOD r7)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Terme Stabiane VII 1, 8, Pompeii (P-LOD r7-i1-p8-space-c)ποΈ Wall Paintings from Workshop IX 3, 2, Pompeii (P-LOD r9-i3-p2-space-7)ποΈ Wall painting from Herculaneum (Naples 9007; LIMC Herakles 2279)ποΈ Wall painting from Herculaneum (Naples 9011; LIMC Herakles 1926)ποΈ Wall painting from Herculaneum (Naples 9012)ποΈ Wall painting from Villa dei Poppaei, Oplontis (LIMC Heracles 2742)ποΈ Wall painting from the Basilica at Herculaneum (Naples 9006; LIMC Herakles 2159)ποΈ Wall painting from the Basilica, Herculaneum (Naples 9008)ποΈ Wall paintings from Casa della Gemma I, 1, Herculaneum (Naples 152902)