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πŸ‘€ Athena

  • <span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="8253951" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_8253951">🌍 Libya (region) </span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="8253952" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_8253952">🌍 Phoinicia </span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="8253960" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_8253960">🌍 Thebes (Boiotia) </span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="9878219" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_9878219">🌍 Cerne (island) </span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="10769978" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_10769978">🌍 Manthouria (Arcadia) </span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-6580" data-type_id="6580" data-object_id="11309645" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6580_11309645">🌍 Praisos (Crete) </span>
  • Alternative names
    Olympian goddess
    Alternative name
    πŸ‘€ Onca (alt. Athena) β€‚πŸ‘€ Tritogeneia (alt. Athena)
    LIMC headword
    Daughter of
    πŸ‘€ Poseidon β€‚πŸ‘€ Themis β€‚πŸ‘€ Zeus β€‚πŸ‘€ Metis β€‚πŸ‘€ Tritonis
    Mother of
    πŸ‘₯ the Corybantes β€‚πŸ‘€ Erichthonios (Athenian)
    Has children with
    πŸ‘€ Hephaistos β€‚πŸ‘€ Helios
    Born at
    🌍 Mount Olympos (N. Greece) β€‚πŸŒ Lake Triton (Libya) β€‚πŸŒ Alalcomenai (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Alipheira (Arcadia) β€‚πŸ›οΈ Spring Tritonis (Arcadia) β€‚πŸŒ Asbystai (N. Africa)
    Born from
    🏺 the Head of Zeus
    Belongs to
    πŸ‘₯ the Olympian Gods
    Eponym of
    🌍 Athens (Attica) β€‚πŸŒ the Fortress of Athena (Achaia) β€‚πŸŒ Mount Athenaion (alt. Mt Ceraunion)
    Teacher of
    πŸ‘€ Arachne
    Divine patron of
    πŸ‘€ Bellerophon β€‚πŸ‘€ Diomedes (Argive) β€‚πŸ‘€ Heracles β€‚πŸŒ Athens (Attica) β€‚πŸ‘€ Menelaos β€‚πŸ‘€ Odysseus  πŸ‘₯ the Greek Contingent at Troy β€‚πŸ‘€ Telemachos β€‚πŸŒ Troizen (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ Cape Sounion (Attica)
    🏺 the Argo β€‚πŸΊ the Palladion (statue) β€‚πŸΊ the Ash Spear of Achilles β€‚πŸΊ the Double Flute of Athena β€‚πŸΊ the Breastplate of Athena β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Olive Tree (Athens) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Wall of Heracles (Troy) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Third (Mythical) Temple of Apollo at Delphi β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Hot Springs at Thermopylai (Thessaly/Locris)β€‚πŸΊ the Golden Charmers β€‚πŸΊ the Tapestry of Athena β€‚πŸŒ Mount Lycabettos (Athens)
    πŸ‘€ Aias (the lesser) β€‚πŸ‘€ Encelados (giant) β€‚πŸ‘€ Pallas (d. of Triton)
    Competes in
    ⏳ the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis
    Wounded by
    πŸ‘€ Teuthis (eponym)
    Cult sites
    πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena at Troy β€‚πŸŒ Rhodes (island) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Lindia at Lindosβ€‚πŸŒ Thebes (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Attica β€‚πŸŒ Scheria (unlocatable island) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegeaβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Phaselis (Lycia)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Onougnathos (Laconia)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Asia at Old Las (Laconia) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Poliouchos at Sparta β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Poliouchos at Sparta β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Axiopoinos at Spartaβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Sparta β€‚πŸ›οΈ Aphetaid Road (Sparta) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Parthenos at Athensβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Polias at Athensβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena Areia at Athensβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena at Sicyon β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena at Sicyon β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Salpinx at Argosβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Oxyderces at Argos β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Aiantis at Megara β€‚πŸŒ the Sacred Grove near Mount Potinos (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Saviour and Poseidon on Mount Boreion (Arcadia)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Narcaia (Elis?) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Cydonian Athena at Phrixa (Elis)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Itonia at Iton (Thessaly)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Telchinia at Teumessos (Boiotia)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Poliatis at Tegea (Arcadia)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Areia at Plataiaβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Itonia at Coroneia (Boiotia)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Sciras at Phaleron (Attica) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena the Mother at Elisβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Asia at Colchisβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Titane (Argolid)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Apaturia (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ Camarina (Sicily) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena Hippia at Corinthβ€‚πŸŒ Mount Ceraunion (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Ilian Athena at Siris (S. Italy)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena at Lindosβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena at Corinthβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Golden Athena on Lemnosβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Onca at Thebesβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Nedousian Athena at Ceos β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Nedousian Athena (Messenia) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Odysseia (Iberia)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena on Cape Circaion β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena on Cape Surrenton (Campania) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena (Apulia) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Lagaria (S. Italy)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena at Lavinium (Italy) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Alea in Tegea (Arcadia)
    🏺 the Breastplate of Athena β€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Athena
    Related Entities
    πŸ‘€ Acheloos (river god) β€‚πŸ‘€ Achilles β€‚πŸ‘€ Agamemnon β€‚πŸ‘€ Agraulos (d. of Cecrops) β€‚πŸ‘€ Aias (the greater) β€‚πŸ‘€ Aias (the lesser) β€‚πŸ‘€ Aietes β€‚πŸ‘€ Aigeus (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Aineias β€‚πŸ‘€ Aithra (m. of Theseus) β€‚πŸ‘€ Alcinoos β€‚πŸ‘€ Alcmene β€‚πŸ‘€ Alcyoneus (giant)β€‚πŸ‘€ Alexander (Trojan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Amphiaraos β€‚πŸ‘€ Amphitrite β€‚πŸ‘€ Amphitryon β€‚πŸ‘€ Antenor (Trojan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Antilochos (Pylian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Antinoos β€‚πŸ‘€ Aphrodite β€‚πŸ‘€ Apollo β€‚πŸ‘€ Areion (horse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Ares β€‚πŸ‘€ Aretos (Pylian) β€‚πŸΊ the Argo  πŸ‘₯ the Argonauts β€‚πŸ‘€ Argos (Argonaut) β€‚πŸ‘€ Ariadne β€‚πŸ‘€ Artemis β€‚πŸ‘€ Asclepios β€‚πŸ‘€ Athena β€‚πŸ‘€ Atlas β€‚πŸ‘€ Auge β€‚πŸ‘€ Bellerophon β€‚πŸ‘€ Boutes (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Briareos β€‚πŸ‘€ Briseis β€‚πŸ‘€ Cadmos β€‚πŸ‘€ Calchas β€‚πŸ‘€ Calliope (Muse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Callirhoe (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Calypso (d. of Atlas) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cassandra β€‚πŸ‘€ Castor (Spartan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cecrops (Athenian I) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cecrops (Athenian II) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cepheus (Argonaut) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cerberos (dog) β€‚πŸ‘€ Chariclo (m. of Teiresias)  πŸ‘₯ the Charites β€‚πŸ‘€ Cheiron (Centaur) β€‚πŸ‘€ Chryseis (Trojan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cleio (Muse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cleopatra (Locrian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Comaitho (d. of Pterelaos) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cometes (s. of Sthenelos)  πŸ‘₯ the Corybantes β€‚πŸ‘€ Cranaos β€‚πŸ‘€ the Cretan Bull β€‚πŸ‘€ Cycnos (s. of Ares) β€‚πŸ‘€ Danae β€‚πŸ‘€ Deianeira (w. of Heracles) β€‚πŸ‘€ Deiphobos (Trojan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Demeter β€‚πŸ‘€ Demophon (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Diomedes (Argive) β€‚πŸ‘€ Dionysos β€‚πŸ‘€ Doris (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Echephron (Pylian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Electra (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Encelados (giant) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eos β€‚πŸ‘€ Epeios (horse-builder) β€‚πŸ‘€ Erato (Muse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Erginos (Minyan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Erichthonios (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eris β€‚πŸ‘€ the Erymanthian Boar β€‚πŸ‘€ Erysichthon (s. of Cecrops) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eteocles (Theban) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eumaios β€‚πŸ‘€ Eumelos (Pheraian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eurymede β€‚πŸ‘€ Eurystheus β€‚πŸ‘€ Euterpe β€‚πŸ‘€ Ge (personification) β€‚πŸ‘€ Hera β€‚πŸ‘€ Hestia β€‚πŸ‘€ Mnemosyne β€‚πŸ‘€ Oceanos (Titan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Ouranos β€‚πŸ‘€ Poseidon β€‚πŸ‘€ Hades β€‚πŸ‘€ Rhea β€‚πŸ‘€ Tethys β€‚πŸ‘€ Themis β€‚πŸ‘€ Zeus  πŸ‘₯ the Giantsβ€‚πŸ‘€ Glaucos (Corinthian) β€‚πŸŒ the Underworld β€‚πŸ‘€ Harmonia (Theban) β€‚πŸ‘€ Hebe β€‚πŸ‘€ Hecabe β€‚πŸ‘€ Hector (Trojan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Helenos (Trojan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Hephaistos β€‚πŸ‘€ Heracles β€‚πŸ‘€ Hermes β€‚πŸ‘€ Herse (Athenian)  πŸ‘₯ the Hesperides β€‚πŸ‘€ Hyacinthos (Laconian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Iolaos β€‚πŸ‘€ Iphigeneia β€‚πŸ‘€ Iris β€‚πŸ‘€ Ixion (Lapith) β€‚πŸ‘€ Jason (Argonaut) β€‚πŸ‘€ Laertes β€‚πŸ‘€ Laodameia (w. of Protesilaos) β€‚πŸŒ Corinth (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ Athens (Attica) β€‚πŸŒ Naxos (island) β€‚πŸŒ the Acropolis of Athensβ€‚πŸ‘€ Theseus β€‚πŸ‘€ Pelops (Pisan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Orestes (s. of Agamemnon) β€‚πŸ‘€ Ourania (Muse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Pallas (giant)β€‚πŸ‘€ Pallas (d. of Triton)β€‚πŸ‘€ Pandaros (Lycian I) β€‚πŸ‘€ Pandora (first woman) β€‚πŸ‘€ Pandrosos β€‚πŸ‘€ Patroclos (Myrmidon) β€‚πŸ‘€ Pegasos (horse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Peirithous (Lapith) β€‚πŸ‘€ Peisistratos (Pylian I) β€‚πŸ‘€ Peleus  πŸ‘₯ the Gorgonsβ€‚πŸ‘€ Helen  πŸ‘₯ the Horai  πŸ‘₯ the Muses β€‚πŸ‘€ Penelope β€‚πŸ‘€ Periboia (Locrian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Periclymenos (Argonaut) β€‚πŸ‘€ Persephone β€‚πŸ‘€ Perseus (Argive) β€‚πŸ‘€ Perseus (Pylian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Philoctetes β€‚πŸ‘€ Philoitios β€‚πŸ‘€ Phoinix (Dolopian)  πŸ‘₯ the Graiai β€‚πŸ‘€ Phyllis (Thracian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Polites (Trojan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Polydectes (Seriphian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Polydeuces (Spartan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Polydoros (s. of Laothoe) β€‚πŸ‘€ Polyidos (Corinthian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Polymnia β€‚πŸ‘€ Polyxene β€‚πŸ‘€ Priam β€‚πŸ‘€ Prometheus (fire-stealer) β€‚πŸ‘€ Leto β€‚πŸ‘€ Leucothea (goddess) β€‚πŸ‘€ Maia β€‚πŸ‘€ the Marathonian Bull β€‚πŸ‘€ Marsyas β€‚πŸ‘€ Medeia β€‚πŸ‘€ Medousa (Gorgon) β€‚πŸ‘€ Melanippos (Theban) β€‚πŸ‘€ Melanthios (Ithacan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Melpomene β€‚πŸ‘€ Menelaos β€‚πŸ‘€ Metis β€‚πŸ‘€ Minos  πŸ‘₯ the Moirai β€‚πŸ‘€ Nausicaa β€‚πŸ‘€ Neleus (Pylian) β€‚πŸ‘€ the Nemean Lion β€‚πŸ‘€ Nemesis β€‚πŸ‘€ Nereus β€‚πŸ‘€ Nestor β€‚πŸ‘€ Nike (personification) β€‚πŸ‘€ Odysseus β€‚πŸ‘€ Oinomaos (Elian) β€‚πŸŒ Marathon (Attica) β€‚πŸ‘€ Rhesos (Pontic Thracian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Scamandros (river god) β€‚πŸ‘€ Selene β€‚πŸ‘€ Semele β€‚πŸ‘€ Sisyphos  πŸ‘₯ the Spartoi of Thebes β€‚πŸ‘€ Protesilaos β€‚πŸ‘€ Sterope (Arcadian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Stratios (Pylian)  πŸ‘₯ the Stymphalian Birds β€‚πŸ‘€ Styx (Oceanid)  πŸ‘₯ the Greek Contingent at Troy  πŸ‘₯ the Defenders of Troy β€‚πŸ‘€ Teiresias β€‚πŸ‘€ Telemachos β€‚πŸ‘€ Telephos β€‚πŸ‘€ Terpsichore β€‚πŸ‘€ Thaleia (Muse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Theano (Trojan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Thetis β€‚πŸ‘€ Thrasymedes (Pylian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Tlepolemos (Rhodian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Triton β€‚πŸ‘€ Troilos β€‚πŸΊ the Trojan Horse β€‚πŸ‘€ Tydeus β€‚πŸ‘€ Oedipus β€‚πŸΊ the Palladion (statue) β€‚πŸΊ the Sword of Aigeus β€‚πŸ‘€ the Minotaur β€‚πŸΊ the Thread of Ariadne  πŸ‘₯ the Amazons  πŸ‘₯ the Rhodian Contingent at Troy (attackers) β€‚πŸΊ the Thunderbolt of Zeusβ€‚πŸΊ the Scepter of Agamemnon β€‚πŸΊ the Bow of Pandarosβ€‚πŸΊ the Winged Sandals β€‚πŸΊ the Bag of Perseus β€‚πŸΊ the Head of Medousa β€‚πŸΊ the Bow of Heracles β€‚πŸΊ the Breastplate of Heracles β€‚πŸΊ the Robe of Heracles β€‚πŸΊ the Club of Heracles  πŸ‘₯ the Danaids β€‚πŸΊ the Lyre of Apollo β€‚πŸŒ the Areiopagos (Athens) β€‚πŸŒ Sparta (Laconia) β€‚πŸŒ River Oceanos (unlocatable) β€‚πŸΊ the Golden Apple β€‚πŸŒ Mount Ida (Troad) β€‚πŸŒ Troy (Troad) β€‚πŸŒ Egypt β€‚πŸŒ Ithaca (island) β€‚πŸ‘€ Helios β€‚πŸŒ Aulis (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Mysia (Asia Minor) β€‚πŸΊ the Ash Spear of Achilles β€‚πŸΊ the Golden Apples of the Hesperidesβ€‚πŸŒ River Scamandros (Troad) β€‚πŸŒ the Plain of Troy β€‚πŸŒ the Beach of Troy β€‚πŸŒ the Citadel of Troy β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Walls of Troy β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena at Troy β€‚πŸŒ Tenos (city) β€‚πŸŒ Lyrnessos (Troad) β€‚πŸŒ Opountian Locris β€‚πŸŒ Boiotia β€‚πŸŒ Phocis β€‚πŸŒ Euboia (island) β€‚πŸ‘€ Adrastos (Argive I) β€‚πŸΊ the Second Armour of Achilles β€‚πŸŒ Argos (city) β€‚πŸŒ Pylos (Messenia) β€‚πŸŒ Arcadia β€‚πŸŒ Rhodes (island) β€‚πŸŒ Cos (island) β€‚πŸŒ the Land of the Ethiopians β€‚πŸŒ Rhoiteion (Troad) β€‚πŸ‘€ Lindos (eponym) β€‚πŸΊ the Bowl of Lindos  πŸ‘₯ the Telchinesβ€‚πŸΊ the Urn of the Telchines β€‚πŸΊ the Silver Cup of Minos β€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Laomedon β€‚πŸΊ the Bowl of Tlepolemos β€‚πŸΊ Trojan Weaponry β€‚πŸΊ the Bracelets of Helen β€‚πŸ‘€ Canopos (helmsman) β€‚πŸΊ the Steering-Oars of Canopos β€‚πŸ‘€ Meriones β€‚πŸΊ the Silver Quiver of Meriones β€‚πŸŒ Lindos (Rhodes) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Lindia at Lindosβ€‚πŸŒ River Inachos (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ Libya (region) β€‚πŸŒ Phoinicia β€‚πŸŒ Seriphos (island) β€‚πŸŒ Thebes (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Attica β€‚πŸŒ Thespiai (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Orchomenos (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Delphi (Phocis) β€‚πŸŒ Mount Pelion (Thessaly) β€‚πŸŒ River Alpheios (Peloponnese) β€‚πŸŒ Mount Olympos (N. Greece) β€‚πŸŒ Sicily (island) β€‚πŸŒ Troizen (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ Colchis (Pontos) β€‚πŸŒ Tegea (Arcadia) β€‚πŸŒ Thesprotia β€‚πŸŒ Cenaion (Euboia) β€‚πŸΊ the Trident of Poseidon β€‚πŸŒ River Styx (Underworld) β€‚πŸŒ Cape Caphereus (Euboia) β€‚πŸŒ Lake Triton (Libya) β€‚πŸΊ the Double Flute of Athena β€‚πŸŒ Pallene (Chalcidice) β€‚πŸΊ the Breastplate of Athena β€‚πŸŒ Phthia (Thessaly) β€‚πŸŒ Iolcos (Thessaly) β€‚πŸŒ Cape Sounion (Attica)β€‚πŸŒ Ogygia (island) β€‚πŸŒ Scheria (unlocatable island)  πŸ‘₯ the Suitors of Penelope on Ithaca β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Palace of Odysseus (Ithaca) β€‚πŸΊ the Teeth of the Serpent of Ares β€‚πŸ‘€ Danaos β€‚πŸΊ the Ship of Danaosβ€‚πŸΊ the Statue of Athena Lindia β€‚πŸΊ the Cap of Hades β€‚πŸΊ the Sickle of Perseusβ€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Perseusβ€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Athenaβ€‚πŸ‘€ Panopeus (eponym) β€‚πŸΊ the Lion Skin of Heracles β€‚πŸ‘€ the Hydra β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Stables of Augeias (Elis) β€‚πŸΊ the Bronze Rattle β€‚πŸ‘€ Sea Monster (Trojan) β€‚πŸŒ Italy β€‚πŸΊ the Hair of Medousaβ€‚πŸŒ River Simoeis (Troad) β€‚πŸŒ River Spercheios (Central Greece)β€‚πŸ‘€ the Serpent of Ares β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Oncaidian Gates (Thebes) β€‚πŸŒ River Ismenos (Thebes) β€‚πŸŒ the Garden of the Hesperides (unlocatable) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegeaβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Cave of the Nemean Lion (Argolid) β€‚πŸΊ the Aegis β€‚πŸΊ the Blood of Medousaβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Oak Tree (Dodona)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Spring of Poseidon (Athens) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Olive Tree (Athens) β€‚πŸΊ the Wooden Statue of Athena at Athensβ€‚πŸŒ Paphos (Cyprus) β€‚πŸΊ the Club of Theseus β€‚πŸ‘€ Eurybates (Ithacan) β€‚πŸŒ Coroneia (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Haliartos (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Panopeus (Phocis) β€‚πŸŒ River Cephisos (Phocis/Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Lilaia (Phocis) β€‚πŸŒ Cynos (Locris) β€‚πŸŒ Scarphe (Locris) β€‚πŸŒ Thronion (Locris) β€‚πŸŒ River Boagrios (Locris)  ⏳ the Funeral Games of Patroclos (Troy)  ⏳ the Funeral Games of Achilles (Troy) β€‚πŸŒ Alalcomenai (Boiotia) β€‚πŸ‘€ Laodocos (Trojan II) β€‚πŸŒ Mount Gargaros (Troad) β€‚πŸŒ Mount Helicon (Boiotia) β€‚πŸ‘€ Momos β€‚πŸ‘€ Ker β€‚πŸ›οΈ Spring Hippocrene (Mt Helicon) β€‚πŸ‘€ Alpheios (river god) β€‚πŸŒ River Caicos (Lydia) β€‚πŸ‘€ Admete (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Ianthe β€‚πŸ‘€ Ourania (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Rhodeia (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Galaxaura β€‚πŸ‘€ Melobosis β€‚πŸ‘€ Plouto (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Ianeira (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Acaste β€‚πŸ‘€ Chryseis (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Calypso (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Tyche β€‚πŸ‘€ Ocyrhoe (Oceanid)  πŸ‘₯ the Olympian Godsβ€‚πŸ‘€ Peitho (personification) β€‚πŸ‘€ Podes β€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Achilles β€‚πŸΊ the Head of Zeus β€‚πŸ‘€ Xanthos (alt. Scamandros) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Wall of Heracles (Troy) β€‚πŸŒ Mount Callicolone (Troad) β€‚πŸΊ the Silver Mixing Bowl from Sidon β€‚πŸ‘€ Cydoimos β€‚πŸ‘€ Alalcomeneus (eponym) β€‚πŸŒ Gyrai (Cyclades) β€‚πŸΊ the Sword of Hector β€‚πŸ‘€ Euippe (Boiotian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eurymachos (suitor II) β€‚πŸŒ Dyme (Achaia) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cameiro (d. of Pandareos) β€‚πŸ‘€ Clytie (d. of Pandareos) β€‚πŸ‘€ Laodice (Arcadian II) β€‚πŸ‘€ Leucippe (Oceanid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Marathon β€‚πŸ‘€ Melas (s. of Ops) β€‚πŸ‘€ Polyboia (d. of Amyclas) β€‚πŸ‘€ Teuthis (eponym) β€‚πŸ‘€ Triteia (eponym) β€‚πŸ‘€ Hygieia β€‚πŸ‘€ Phaino  πŸ‘₯ the Hyperboreans β€‚πŸ‘€ Iodama β€‚πŸŒ Alipheira (Arcadia) β€‚πŸŒ Pylos (Elis) β€‚πŸΊ the Delphic Tripod β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Phaselis (Lycia)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Onougnathos (Laconia)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Asia at Old Las (Laconia) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Poliouchos at Sparta β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Poliouchos at Sparta β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Axiopoinos at Spartaβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Sparta β€‚πŸ›οΈ Aphetaid Road (Sparta) β€‚πŸΊ the Statue of Athena Celeuthea β€‚πŸΊ the Robe of Laodice β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Apollo Lycios at Athensβ€‚πŸΊ the Statue of Athena Anemotis  πŸ‘₯ the Serpents of Hera β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Parthenos at Athensβ€‚πŸΊ the Wooden Statue of Hermes β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Polias at Athensβ€‚πŸ›οΈ Spring Peirene (Corinth) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena Areia at Athensβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena at Sicyon β€‚πŸŒ the Citadel of Thebes (Boiotia) β€‚πŸΊ the Stone Statues of Athena Girder β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena at Sicyon β€‚πŸ‘€ Echetlaios β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Salpinx at Argosβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Oxyderces at Argos β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Aiantis at Megara β€‚πŸŒ Spring and River Amymone (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ the Sacred Grove near Mount Potinos (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ Larymna (Boiotia) β€‚πŸ›οΈ Spring Tritonis (Arcadia) β€‚πŸ‘€ Myagros β€‚πŸŒ Teuthis (Arcadia) β€‚πŸΊ the Statue of Wounded Athena β€‚πŸŒ Sacred Island (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Saviour and Poseidon on Mount Boreion (Arcadia)β€‚πŸŒ Cydonia (Crete) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Narcaia (Elis?) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Cydonian Athena at Phrixa (Elis)β€‚πŸΊ the Wooden Statue of Athena β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Third (Mythical) Temple of Apollo at Delphi β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Corycian Cave (Mt Parnassos)β€‚πŸŒ River Triton (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Itonia at Iton (Thessaly)β€‚πŸΊ the Wooden Statue of Athena (Daidalian) β€‚πŸŒ Ozolian Locris β€‚πŸŒ Arne (Thessaly) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Telchinia at Teumessos (Boiotia)β€‚πŸŒ the Cliff of Athena Aithyia (Megarid) β€‚πŸ‘€ Mentes (Taphian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Phemios β€‚πŸ‘€ Daughter of Dymas (name unknown) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eupeithes β€‚πŸ‘€ Mentor (Ithacan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Noemon (Ithacan) β€‚πŸ‘€ Laodamas (Phaiacian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Laerces (Pylian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eurydice (Pylian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Euryalos (Phaiacian) β€‚πŸ‘€ the Eidolon of Iphthime β€‚πŸŒ the Fortress of Athena (Achaia)  πŸ‘₯ the Final Athenian Tribute β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Poliatis at Tegea (Arcadia)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Areia at Plataiaβ€‚πŸΊ the Sophronistera Stone β€‚πŸΊ the Statue of Athena Onca β€‚πŸŒ Mount Ptoion (Boiotia)β€‚πŸ‘€ Eurynome (Ithacan) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Itonia at Coroneia (Boiotia)β€‚πŸΊ the Ship of Theseus β€‚πŸ‘€ Arnaios β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Cave of the Nymphs (Ithaca) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Sciras at Phaleron (Attica) β€‚πŸ‘€ Tritonis β€‚πŸΊ the Statue of Athena Aiantis β€‚πŸ‘€ Orsilochos (Odyssean creation) β€‚πŸ‘€ Iaso β€‚πŸ‘€ Panaceia β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Zeus Meilichios near the Cephisos (Attica)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena the Mother at Elisβ€‚πŸ‘€ Lampos (horse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Phaethon (horse) β€‚πŸ‘€ Slave of Laertes (name unknown)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the House of Laertes β€‚πŸΊ the Chariot of Hadesβ€‚πŸ‘€ Melite (Oceanid)β€‚πŸ‘€ Iache β€‚πŸ‘€ Rhodope (Oceanid)β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Asia at Colchisβ€‚πŸŒ Pylos (Triphylia) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Titane (Argolid) πŸ‘₯ the Nymphs of Mount Ida (Troad) β€‚πŸŒ Myndos (Caria) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Apaturia (Argolid) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Apollo Pagasai near Trachis (Thessaly)β€‚πŸΊ the Greaves of Heraclesβ€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Heraclesβ€‚πŸŒ NysiΞΏn Plain (unlocatable) β€‚πŸ‘€ Phorbas (Athenian) β€‚πŸΊ the Tripod of Heraclesβ€‚πŸ‘€ Peisidice (Boiotian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Hyper[...] (d. of Leucon)β€‚πŸ‘€ Erysichthon (s. of Triops) β€‚πŸ‘€ Mestra  πŸ‘₯ the Livestock of the Greek Contingent  πŸ‘₯ the Satyrs β€‚πŸŒ River Couarios (Boiotia) β€‚πŸ‘€ Onca (alt. Athena) β€‚πŸŒ Caucon (Elis) β€‚πŸ‘€ Chariclo (w. of Cheiron)  πŸ‘₯ the Phaiaciansβ€‚πŸ‘€ Cretan Exile (Odyssean persona) β€‚πŸ‘€ Callithyessa β€‚πŸΊ the Chariot of Heliosβ€‚πŸ›οΈ the Hot Springs at Thermopylai (Thessaly/Locris) ⭐ Venus (planet) ⏳ the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis β€‚πŸŒ Naryx (Locris)  πŸ‘₯ the Locrian Maidens β€‚πŸŒ Phaloreia (Locris) β€‚πŸŒ Pyronaia (Locris) β€‚πŸŒ Cyzicos (Mysia) β€‚πŸΊ the First Anchor of the Argo β€‚πŸŒ Camarina (Sicily)  πŸ‘₯ the Sons of Helios (Rhodian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Arachne β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena Hippia at Corinthβ€‚πŸŒ Pallatides (Argolid) β€‚πŸΊ the Staff of Teiresiasβ€‚πŸ‘€ Metioche (Boiotian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Menippe (Boiotian) β€‚πŸŒ Mount Ceraunion (Argolid) β€‚πŸŒ Mount Athenaion (alt. Mt Ceraunion) β€‚πŸ‘€ Astraios (Mysian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Sister of Astraios (name unknown) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Ilian Athena at Siris (S. Italy)β€‚πŸΊ the Jar of Eurystheus β€‚πŸΊ the Wheel of Ixion β€‚πŸŒ the Oracle of Zeus at Dodona (Epeiros) β€‚πŸΊ the Golden Snow of Zeus β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena at Lindosβ€‚πŸΊ the Bridle of Pegasos β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena at Corinthβ€‚πŸΊ the Golden Charmers β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Golden Athena on Lemnosβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena Onca at Thebesβ€‚πŸŒ Helice (Thessaly) β€‚πŸŒ Anthe (Thessaly) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary at Samothrace  πŸ‘₯ the Caucones ethnic collectiveβ€‚πŸΊ the Wooden Statue of Trojan Athena β€‚πŸŒ Hypaipa (Lydia/Maionia) β€‚πŸΊ the Tapestry of Athena β€‚πŸΊ the Tapestry of Arachne β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Spring at Troy β€‚πŸ‘€ Troon β€‚πŸ‘€ Rhodia β€‚πŸŒ Mount Olympos (Troad) β€‚πŸ‘€ Cornix β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Nedousian Athena at Ceos β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Nedousian Athena (Messenia) β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Odysseia (Iberia)β€‚πŸŒ the Village of the Ilians (Troad) β€‚πŸ‘€ Euanthe (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Lycinos β€‚πŸ‘€ Anthylla β€‚πŸ‘€ Antias β€‚πŸ‘€ Gluce (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Simon (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Enpedo β€‚πŸ‘€ Lycios (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Eunice (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Solon (Athenian) β€‚πŸ‘€ Timon β€‚πŸ‘€ Syon β€‚πŸ‘€ Throphos β€‚πŸŒ Mount Alexandria (Mt Ida) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Athena on Cape Circaion β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena on Cape Surrenton (Campania) β€‚πŸΊ the Mixing Bowl of Menelaos β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena (Apulia) β€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Menelaos β€‚πŸΊ the Shoes of Helen β€‚πŸŒ Luceria (Italy) β€‚πŸΊ the Dedications of Diomedes β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Athena at Lagaria (S. Italy)β€‚πŸ‘€ Priest of Athena at Siris (name unknown)β€‚πŸ‘€ Priestess of Athena at Siris (name unknown) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena at Lavinium (Italy) β€‚πŸŒ Longane (Sicily) β€‚πŸŒ River Longanos (Sicily) β€‚πŸŒ Asbystai (N. Africa)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Athena Alea in Tegea (Arcadia)β€‚πŸŒ Mount Lycabettos (Athens)β€‚πŸŒ Mount Hypsizoros (Thrace)β€‚πŸ‘€ Byssa β€‚πŸ‘€ Meropis (Coan)β€‚πŸ‘€ Agron
    Mentioned by
    πŸ“– Apollodoros, Epitome 3.2β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Epitome 5.6β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Epitome 5.25β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Epitome 6.6β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.1.4β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.1.5β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.4.2β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.4.3β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.4.11β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.5.6β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.5.11β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.7.1β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.7.3β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 1.3.6β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 1.4.2β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 1.6.1β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 1.6.2β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 1.9.16β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 1.9.23β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.4.2β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.6.8β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.6.7β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.9.1β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.10.3β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.12.3β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.14.1β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.14.6β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.15.1β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Works & Days 42-89β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 373-407β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 852-865β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 911-929β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 930-950β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 978-992β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 90-114β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 1027-1033β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 1141-1173β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 3.12.4β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 3.18.11β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 3.18.12β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 3.18.13β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 3.19.5β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.14.6β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.15.3β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.18.2β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.24.1β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.24.2β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.24.3β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.24.5β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.9.3β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.47.1β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.47.5β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 9.11.2β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 9.34.2β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.27.1β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.27.2β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 2.4.1β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.34.3β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 2.24.2β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 2.30.6β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 2.33.1β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 5.11.8β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 6.19.8β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 6.19.12β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 6.21.6β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 7.22.10β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.26.6β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.26.7β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.31.2β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 1.44-1.62β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 1.96-1.105β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 1.153-1.155β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 1.271-1.305β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 1.319-1.323β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 1.325-1.364β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 2.260-2.269β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 2.382-2.404β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 5.262-5.464β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 6.15-6.38β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 6.198-6.331β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 6.266-6.294β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 7.14-7.48β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 7.78-7.81β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 7.81-7.111β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 3.1-3.69β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 3.75-3.101β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 3.130-3.150β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 3.210-3.245β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 3.356-3.570β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 3.371-3.385β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 3.404-3.463β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 8.131-8.250β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 8.485-8.520β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 4.499-4.511β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 4.795-4.847β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 11.601-11.627β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 17.360-17.480β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 18.1-18.107β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 19.31-19.46β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 13.187-13.249β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 13.250-13.286β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 13.287-13.440β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 20.60-20.82β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 22.1-22.329β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 22.200-22.240β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 22.241-22.280β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 22.281-22.329β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 23.152-23.163β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 23.241-23.246β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 24.356-24.390β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 24.516-24.548β€‚πŸ“– Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 405-433β€‚πŸ“– Homeric Hymn 3 to Apollo 300-355β€‚πŸ“– Homeric Hymn 28 to Athena 1-18β€‚πŸ“– Statius, Thebaid fr. 5 Daviesβ€‚πŸ“– Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite 7-15β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Cyclops 273-312β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Cyclops 347-355β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 122-138β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 197-200β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 325-337β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Trojan Women 1-47β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Trojan Women 799-807β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Trojan Women 923-982β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Trojan Women 48-97β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Suppliant Women 650-725β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Suppliant Women 1183-1234β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 57-423β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 424-456β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 31 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 32 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 41 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 69 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 2.155-2.181β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 2.182-2.210β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 2.278-2.332β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 1.396-1.406β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 2.546-2.556β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 1.193-1.214β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 4.1-4.19β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 4.85-4.140β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 4.127-4.140β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 4.364-4.410β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 4.422-4.445β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.290-5.296β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.334-5.351β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.792-5.810β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.835-5.851β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.852-5.863β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 6.297-6.307β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.27-5.42β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.711-5.777β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 8.357-8.380β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 8.397-8.424β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 7.37-7.53β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 10.482-10.502β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 17.547-17.560β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 17.567-17.581β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.111-5.132β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 11.711-11.779β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 18.509-18.540β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 20.31-20.40β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 20.51-20.74β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 20.86-20.102β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 20.144-20.153β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 20.438-20.454β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 21.211-21.297β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 18.202-18.206β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 21.385-21.434β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 22.247-22.363β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 22.224-22.247β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 23.373-23.400β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 23.754-23.784β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Medeia 764-810β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 1.121-1.187β€‚πŸ“– Dionysios Periegetes 812-819β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 3.19.3-3.19.4β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.5.2-8.5.3β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 3.17.2-3.17.3β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 1.27.9-1.27.10β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 9.12.1-9.12.2β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 2.21.5-2.21.6β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.17.6-8.18.6β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 2.37.1-2.37.3β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 8.28.4-8.28.6β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 5.17.9-5.17.11β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 5.17.5-5.17.11β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 5.17.3-5.17.4β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 5.19.1-5.19.6β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 6.25.2-6.25.3β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 9.33.5-9.33.7β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 10.13.6-10.13.8β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 7.22.8-7.22.9β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 10.30.1-10.30.2β€‚πŸ“– Pausanias 5.14.4-5.14.10β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Epitome 5.22-5.25β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Epitome 5.25-6.6β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Epitome 6.20-6.22β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Epitome 6.1-6.30β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Theogony 306-332β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Theogony 570-616β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Theogony 886-900β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Theogony 924-929β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Phoenician Women 638-689β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Phoenician Women 1019-1066β€‚πŸ“– Euripides, Phoenician Women 1356-1403β€‚πŸ“– Sophocles, Aias 1-35β€‚πŸ“– Sophocles, Aias 36-75β€‚πŸ“– Sophocles, Aias 76-133β€‚πŸ“– Sophocles, Aias 749-801β€‚πŸ“– Sophocles, Aias 815-865β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 9.2.36β€‚πŸ“– Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes 109-157β€‚πŸ“– Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes 158-180β€‚πŸ“– Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite 45-106β€‚πŸ“– Homeric Hymn 11 to Athena 1-5β€‚πŸ“– Homeric Hymn 20 to Hephaistos 1-8β€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Great Ehoiai fr. 201 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Hesiod fr. 294 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Hesiod fr. 304 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Cypria fr. 4 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Cypria Argumentum 1 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Little Iliad Argumentum 1 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Little Iliad Argumentum 4 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Sack of Troy Argumentum 1 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Sack of Troy Argumentum 3 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Nostoi Argumentum 1 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Telegony Argumentum 2 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Peisandros, Heracleia fr. 7 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Phoronis fr. 6 Westβ€‚πŸ“– Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories 31β€‚πŸ“– Bacchylides, Odes 5β€‚πŸ“– Bacchylides, Dithyrambs 15β€‚πŸ“– Bacchylides, Dithyrambs 16β€‚πŸ“– Bacchylides fr. 15β€‚πŸ“– Bacchylides fr. 15aβ€‚πŸ“– Bacchylides fr. 41β€‚πŸ“– Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories 10β€‚πŸ“– Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories 20β€‚πŸ“– Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories 21β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 1.2 MacLeodβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 12.1-2 MacLeodβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 13 MacLeodβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods 23.1-2 MacLeodβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods 7.1-7.2 MacLeodβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods 14.1-14.4 MacLeodβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Astrology 22β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Judgement of the Goddesses 2β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Judgement of the Goddesses 7-8β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, On Sacrifices 2β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, On Sacrifices 5β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, On Sacrifices 10β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Zeus Rants 40β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, The Fly 5β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis 225-258β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Hymn to Athena 1-32β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Hymn to Athena 33-56β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Hymn to Athena 57-136β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Aetia fr. 35 Harderβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, The Hall 25β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, The Hall 27β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, On the Syrian Goddess 31-32β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Aetia fr. 37 Harderβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Aetia fr. 54h Harderβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Aetia fr. 100 Harderβ€‚πŸ“– Diegeseis to Callimachus 5.33-39 Norsa & Vitelli = Aetia fr. 109a Harderβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, The Dance 39β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, The Dance 45β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Aetia fr. 190a-c Harderβ€‚πŸ“– Lucian, To One Who Said, "You're a Prometheus in Words" 1-3β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the Sects 20β€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Olympian 2 22-34β€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Olympian 5 1-24β€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Olympian 7 27-53β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Gout 86-111β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Gout 312-334β€‚πŸ“– Ps-Lucian, The Patriot 3β€‚πŸ“– Ps-Lucian, The Patriot 8β€‚πŸ“– Ps-Lucian, Charidemos 10β€‚πŸ“– Ps-Lucian, Charidemos 17β€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Olympian 13 40-92β€‚πŸ“– Corinna fr. 656 PMGβ€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Pythian 10 27-50β€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Pythian 12 1-32β€‚πŸ“– Corinna fr. 667 PMGβ€‚πŸ“– Corinna fr. 668 PMGβ€‚πŸ“– Corinna fr. 694 PMGβ€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Nemean 3 43-63β€‚πŸ“– Lamprocles fr. 735 PMGβ€‚πŸ“– Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 2β€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Nemean 10 1-18β€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Nemean 10 55-90β€‚πŸ“– Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 18β€‚πŸ“– Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers 21β€‚πŸ“– Pindar fr. 34 Snell-Maehlerβ€‚πŸ“– Pindar fr. 52f Snell-Maehlerβ€‚πŸ“– Pindar fr. 52i Snell-Maehlerβ€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 1.399β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 2.336β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.4.1-3.4.2β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 2.494cβ€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 2.547β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 4.171β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 4.376β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 5.126β€‚πŸ“– Pindar fr. 70d Snell-Maehlerβ€‚πŸ“– Pindar fr. 146 Snell-Maehlerβ€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 5.412β€‚πŸ“– Pomponius Mela 1.36β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Ibis 265-266β€‚πŸ“– Pomponius Mela 1.94β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Ibis 341-342β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Ibis 343-344β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 8.3.12β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 8.3.16-8.3.17β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.1-6.69β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.70-6.103β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.104-6.128β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 8.3.11β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 1.42β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 1.195β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.382-6.400β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 9.1.18β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 10.435β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 10.3.14β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 10.3.19-10.3.20β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Metamorphoses 2.531-2.632β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Metamorphoses 2.708-2.832β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Metamorphoses 3.1-3.137β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 14.2.10β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.129-6.145β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 11.690β€‚πŸ“– Vergil, Georgics 1.1-1.42β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 13.66β€‚πŸ“– Ovid, Amores 2.6β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 13.1.40-13.1.42β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 13.1.51β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 13.1.69-13.1.70β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 648-661β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 16.140β€‚πŸ“– Strabo 6.3.9β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 17.53β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 19.119β€‚πŸ“– Vergil, Georgics 4.228-4.250β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 20.145β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 21.1β€‚πŸ“– Lucian, Harmonides 3β€‚πŸ“– D-Scholia, Iliad 20.3β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Iambi 4 Pfeiffer = fr. 194-194a Pfeifferβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Iambi 12 = fr. 202-202a Pfeifferβ€‚πŸ“– Diodoros, Library 6.1.6-6.1.10β€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Hecale fr. 17 Hollisβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Hecale fr. 70-73 Hollis = fr. 260 Pfeifferβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus fr. 584 Pfeifferβ€‚πŸ“– Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses 15: Meropisβ€‚βš’οΈ Hymn to Apollo by Athenaios on wall of Athenian Treasury at Delphi (Delphi 517; PHI 238500; PHI 239433)β€‚βš’οΈ Hymn to Apollo by Limenios at the Athenian Treasury at Delphi (Delphi 489; PHI 239435; PHI 238501)β€‚βš’οΈ Parian Chronicle (Ashmolean 449945; IG XII, 5, 444; PHI 77668)β€‚βš’οΈ Lindian Chronicle (Nationalmuseet 7125; Trismegistos 817951; PHI 190693)
    Mentioned in Text
    Apollodoros, Epitome Apollodoros, Library Statius, Thebaid  Nostoi Homer, Iliad Dionysios Periegetes Hesiod, Theogony Lycophron, Alexandra Homer, Odyssey  Cypria Hesiod, Works & Days Euripides, Trojan Women  Little Iliad  Telegony Hesiod, Great Ehoiai Pausanias Pindar Hesiod Corinna Euripides, Suppliant Women  Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter  Homeric Hymn 3 to Apollo  Homeric Hymn 28 to Athena  Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite Euripides, Cyclops Hesiod, Shield of Heracles Hesiod, Ehoiai Euripides, Medeia Euripides, Phoenician Women Sophocles, Aias Strabo Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes  Homeric Hymn 11 to Athena  Homeric Hymn 20 to Hephaistos  Sack of Troy Peisandros, Heracleia  Phoronis Palaiphatos, On Unbelievable Stories Bacchylides, Odes Bacchylides Anonymous, On Unbelievable Stories Callimachus, Aetia Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods Lucian, Dialogues of the Sea-Gods Lucian, Astrology Lucian, Judgement of the Goddesses Lucian, On Sacrifices Lucian, Zeus Rants Lucian, The Fly Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis Callimachus, Hymn to Athena Lucian, The Hall Lucian, On the Syrian Goddess Lucian, The Dance Lucian, Harmonides Lucian, To One Who Said, "You're a Prometheus in Words" Lucian, Hermotimos, or Concerning the Sects Pindar, Olympian 2 Pindar, Olympian 5 Pindar, Olympian 7 Lucian, Gout Ps-Lucian, The Patriot Ps-Lucian, Charidemos Pindar, Olympian 13 Bacchylides, Dithyrambs Pindar, Pythian 10 Pindar, Pythian 12 Pindar, Nemean 3 Lamprocles Ps-Plutarch, On Rivers Pindar, Nemean 10 Diodoros, Library Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses Pomponius Mela D-Scholia, Iliad Ovid, Ibis Callimachus Ovid, Metamorphoses Ovid, Amores Vergil, Georgics  Diegeseis to Callimachus Callimachus, Iambi Callimachus, Hecale
    Mentioned in citation of
    πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 2.1.4β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 1.3.6β€‚πŸ“– Lycophron, Alexandra 592-632β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 3.356-3.570β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 4.499-4.511β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Odyssey 20.60-20.82β€‚πŸ“– Statius, Thebaid fr. 5 Daviesβ€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 32 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 33 Mostβ€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 1.396-1.406β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 2.653-2.670β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 4.127-4.140β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.334-5.351β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.381-5.415β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.835-5.851β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.852-5.863β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 11.670-11.695β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 8.357-8.380β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.111-5.132β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 20.1-20.12β€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 21.385-21.434β€‚πŸ“– Pherecydes of Athens fr. 92a Fowlerβ€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 5.429-5.430β€‚πŸ“– Proclos, On the Republic 1.18.25 Krollβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Aetia fr. 35 Harderβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Aetia fr. 108 Harderβ€‚πŸ“– Pindar, Olympian 7 27-53β€‚πŸ“– Apollodoros, Library 3.4.1-3.4.2β€‚πŸ“– Hellanicos fr. 51 Fowlerβ€‚πŸ“– Homer, Iliad 4.171-4.175β€‚πŸ“– Didymos p. 179 Schmidtβ€‚πŸ“– Pherecydes of Athens fr. 97 Fowlerβ€‚πŸ“– Pindar fr. 262 Snell-Maehlerβ€‚πŸ“– Sophocles, Polyxena fr. 522 Radtβ€‚πŸ“– Euripides fr. 696 Collard-Croppβ€‚πŸ“– Cypria fr. 3 Daviesβ€‚πŸ“– Rhianos fr. 9 Powellβ€‚πŸ“– Hellanicos fr. 26b Fowlerβ€‚πŸ“– Demetrios of Scepsis fr. 23 Gaedeβ€‚πŸ“– Boios, Origins of Birdsβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Iambi 4 Pfeiffer = fr. 194-194a Pfeifferβ€‚πŸ“– Euhemerus test. 60 Winiarczykβ€‚πŸ“– Callimachus, Hecale fr. 70-73 Hollis = fr. 260 Pfeiffer
    🌍 the Acropolis of Athensβ€‚πŸŒ Delphi (Phocis) β€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Achilles β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Hera at Olympia β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of the Great Goddesses at Megalopolis (Arcadia)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Amphiaraos at Oroposβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Artemis Alpheiaia near Letrinoi (Elis) β€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Heraclesβ€‚πŸΊ the Tapestry of Athena β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Hall (fictional) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of the Syrian Goddess at Hierapolis (Syria) β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Krater by Cleitias (Florence 4209; Beazley 300000; LIMC Antenor I 2)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Hydria attributed to the Euphiletos Painter (AM 12964; Beazley 301743)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Metopes of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia (Olympia East 1-6; West 1-6; LIMC Amazones 97)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Kylix (SAM 2243; Beazley 310552; LIMC Anthylla 1)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Olpe attributed to the Dot Ivy Class (CAMU Ξ” 63; Beazley 351434)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ” 55)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ” 57)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ” 73; Beazley 361150)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (CAMU Ξ” 420)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Kylix (CAMU Ξ” 800)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Boiotian Black-Figure Kylix (Cyclades 753)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic White-Ground Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Edinburgh Painter (Cyclades ΝΓ 2; Beazley 380861; LIMC Herakles 1902)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Antimenes Painter (Nicholson NM77.1; Beazley 5864; LIMC Kyknos I 53)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Red-Figure Bell Krater attributed to the Oinomaos Painter (Nicholson NM49.4; Beazley 43928; LIMC Herakles 3417)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Leagros Group, possibly the Acheloos Painter (Nicholson NM46.52)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Fragment of Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (Nicholson NM48.284)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Kalpis Hydria attributed to the Leagros Group (Nicholson NM98.24)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos (Melbourne 25009; Beazley 24044)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Pelike in the manner of the Acheloos Painter (Otago E48.226; Beazley 302889)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos in the manner of the Haimon Painter (Otago E48.248; Beazley 305889)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Hydria (Otago E50.108; Beazley 6706; LIMC Herakles 2896)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Fragments of Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora (RD Milns 85.690; Beazley 23190)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from House of Menander / Casa del Menandro I 10, 4, Pompeii (PALP r1-i10-p4-space-46)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa di Primigenia IX 8, 8, Pompeii (PALP r9-i8-p8-space-1)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa del Citarista I 4, 5.25, Pompeii (MANN 120033; PALP r1-i4-p5-space-21)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa Annessa alla Casa dell’Efebo I 7, 19, Pompeii (PALP r1-i7-p19-space-f)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Quattro Stili I 8, 17, Pompeii (PALP r1-i8-p17-space-16)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Quattro Stili I 8, 17, Pompeii (PALP r1-i8-p17-space-9)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa degli Epigrammi V 1, 18, Pompeii (PALP r5-i1-p18-space-b)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa degli Epigrammi V 1, 18, Pompeii (PALP r5-i1-p18-space-o)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa degli Epigrammi V 1, 18, Pompeii (PALP r5-i1-p18-space-p)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa di L. Caecilius Iucundus V I, 23.26, Pompeii (MANN 115396; LIMC Ariadne 66; PALP r5-i1-p26-space-o)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling V 2, 10, Pompeii (MANN 120626; LIMC Herakles 2771; PALP r5-i2-p10-space-q)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling V 2, 15, Pompeii (PALP r5-i2-p15-space-l)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa di Vesonius Primus VI 14, 20, Pompeii (PALP r6-i14-p20-space-q)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Vettii VI 15, 1, Pompeii (PALP r6-i15-p1-space-t)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa di Meleagro VI 9, 2.13, Pompeii (PALP r6-i9-p2-space-27)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Dioscuri VI 9, 6.7, Pompeii (MANN 9104, 9110; PALP r6-i9-p6-space-42)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa del Camillo VII 12, 22-23-24, Pompeii (PALP r7-i12-p22-space-f)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa di L. Cornelius Diadumenus VII 12, 26, Pompeii (MANN 111437, 111441; PALP r7-i12-p26-space-h)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa di Optatio VII 2, 13-15, Pompeii (PALP r7-i2-p14-space-e)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling VII 3, 11-12, Pompeii (PALP r7-i3-p12-space-i)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Workshop IX 3, 2, Pompeii (PALP r9-i3-p2-space-7)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 6, d-e, Pompeii (PALP r9-i6-pe-space-c)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 9, d, Pompeii (PALP r9-i9-pd-space-l)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa della Venere in Bikini I 11, 6.7, Pompeii (PALP r1-i11-p6-space-10)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Private Dwelling IX 7, 16, Pompeii (LIMC Achilleus 535; PALP r9-i7-p16-space-b)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Hydria attributed to the Leagros Group (Otago E48.66; Beazley 302046)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora (Otago E48.227; Beazley 6731)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa del Criptoportico I 6, 2, Pompeii (PALP r1-i6-p2-space-17)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Pittori I 12, 11, Pompeii (PALP r1-i12-p11)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa di Polibio IX 13, 1-3, Pompeii (PALP r9-i13-p1-space-aa)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa dei Postumii VIII 4, 4.49, Pompeii (PALP r8-i4-p4-space-33)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Workshop of the Haimon Painter (Thessaloniki-Casts 84)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa del Banchiere VII 14, 5, Pompeii (PALP r7-i14-p5-space-26)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Red-Figure Bell Krater attributed to the Polygnotos Group (Thessaloniki-Casts 233)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Boiotian Red-Figure Bell Krater attributed to the Painter of the Judgement of Paris (NAM 1383)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Boiotian Red-Figure Calyx Krater attributed to the Painter of the Judgement of Paris (NAM 1385)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Boiotian Red-Figure Calyx Krater attributed to an imitator of the Meleager Painter (NAM 12674; Beazley 9038163)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall painting from Herculaneum (MANN 9522; LIMC Athena/Minerva 361)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure White-Ground Skyphos attributed to the Lancut Group (NAM 639; Beazley 350907)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the Camel Painter (NAM 433; Beazley 300865)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the Sub-Krokotos Group (NAM 416; Beazley 14957)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Skyphos attributed to the Sub-Krokotos Group (NAM 12626; Beazley 15278)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Ara Capitale IX 11, 1, Pompeii (PALP r9-i11-p1)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Roman Marble Sarcophagus (Louvre MA 1335; ASR XII. 2, no. 72, pl. 86, 1; 88, 1f.; 89, 1-3; 94, 1-4; 113, 2f)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Mosaics from Casa di Apollo VI 7, 23, Pompeii (MANN 10006; PALP r6-i7-p23-space-24)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Roman Marble Sarcophagus (Capitoline 249; ASR III. 3, no. 392, pl. 125)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Towry White Painter (Rhodes 14102)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Amphora attributed to the Swing Painter (Rhodes 14093)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Pelike attributed to the circle of the Red-Line Painter (Rhodes 10775)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Hydriai attributed to the Swing Painter (Rhodes 1347)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Limestone Metope from the Doric Temple, Triangular Forum, Pompeii (LIMC Ixion 4; PALP r8-i1-p4)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall painting from Tomb on the Via Ostiense, Rome (Via Ostiense n/a)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Hydria attributed to the manner of the Lysippides Painter (Cyclades 134)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Edinburgh Painter (Cyclades 2)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Attic Black-Figure Lekythos attributed to the Class of Athens 581 (Cyclades ΚΠ 28)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Terme del Sarno VIII 2, 17-21, Pompeii (PALP r8-i2-p18-space-c)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa del Poeta Tragico VI 8, 3.5, Pompeii (PALP r6-i8-p5-space-15)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from Casa delle Grazie VIII 3, 10-11, Pompeii (ADS 819; PALP r8-i3)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Paintings from atrium of the Villa Arianna, Stabiae (MANN 9527, 9893)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Painting from Termopolio I 8,8, Pompei (MANN 20878)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Fragment of Attic Black-Figure Column Krater (MUHM MU3235)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall paintings from Casa di Fedra, IX 12, B (Pompeii) (PALP r9-i12-pB-space-16)
    Reported depictions
    🌍 the Acropolis of Athensβ€‚πŸŒ Delphi (Phocis) β€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Achilles β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of Hera at Olympia β€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of the Great Goddesses at Megalopolis (Arcadia)β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Altar of Amphiaraos at Oroposβ€‚πŸŒ the Sanctuary of Artemis Alpheiaia near Letrinoi (Elis) β€‚πŸΊ the Shield of Heraclesβ€‚πŸΊ the Tapestry of Athena β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Hall (fictional) β€‚πŸ›οΈ the Temple of the Syrian Goddess at Hierapolis (Syria) β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wooden Chest of Cypselos (LIMC Achilleus 205)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Wall Painting of Marathon in the Stoa Poikile, Athens (LIMC Athena 603)β€‚πŸŽ¨ West Pediment of the Parthenon by Pheidias (Acropolis Ακρ. 879 etc.; LIMC Athena 234)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Cult Statue of Zeus at Olympia by Pheidias (LIMC Zeus 89)β€‚πŸŽ¨ East Pediment of the Parthenon by Pheidias (Acropolis Ακρ. 880 etc.; LIMC Aphrodite 1393)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Statue group of Athena and Poseidon in the Acropolis, Athens (LIMC Poseidon 236)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Statue of Marsyas and Athena in the Acropolis, Athens, by Myron (LIMC Athena 623)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Bronze Relief of Athena in the Temple of Athena Poliouchos, Sparta (LIMC Athena 364)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Throne of Apollo at Amyclai (LIMC Acheloos 219)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Statue Group of Herakles and Acheloos in the Megarian Treasury, Olympia ( Not Extant)β€‚πŸŽ¨ Cult Statue Group from the Temple of Hera, Mantineia, by Praxiteles ( Not Extant)
    Relevant to local traditions reported from of
    🌍 Libya (region) β€‚πŸŒ Phoinicia β€‚πŸŒ Thebes (Boiotia) β€‚πŸŒ Cerne (island) β€‚πŸŒ Manthouria (Arcadia) β€‚πŸŒ Praisos (Crete)
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