- Information
- city in Doris
- Founded by
- 👥 the Dorians of Thessaly
- Founded from
- 🌍 Mount Parnassos (Phocis)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Alexander (Trojan) 🌍 Caria (Asia Minor) 🌍 Mount Parnassos (Phocis) 👥 the Dorians of Thessaly 🌍 Erineos (Doris) 🌍 Boion (Doris) 🌍 Triopion Promontory (Asia Minor) 🌍 Mount Lacmon (Epeiros) 🌍 Thigros (Caria) 🌍 Mount Satnion (Caria)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Lycophron, Alexandra 1362-1396 📖 Strabo 10.4.6
- Mentioned in Text
- Lycophron, Alexandra Strabo
- Mentioned in citation of
- 📖 Homer, Odyssey 19.172-19.203 📖 Andron fr. 16a Fowler