- Information
- mountain on Crete
- Alternative name
- 🌍 the Panacra Mountains (alt. Ida)
- In
- 🌍 Crete (island)
- Place of conception of
- 👤 Minos
- Place of birth of
- 👤 Zeus
- Encompases
- 🏛️ the Idaian Cave (Crete)
- Related Entities
- 🌍 Mount Dicte (Crete) 🌍 Mount Ida (Troad) 🌍 River Alpheios (Peloponnese) 🌍 the Hill of Cronos (Olympia) 🏺 the Milk of Amaltheia 👤 Adrasteia 👤 Amaltheia 👤 Cronos 👤 Demeter 👤 Dionysos 👤 Europe (Phoinician & Cretan) 👤 Iasion (s. of Electra) 👤 Ida 👤 Minos 👤 Rhadamanthys 👤 Rhea 👤 Semele 👤 Teucros (s. of Scamandros) 👤 Zeus 👥 the Couretes (guardians) 👥 the Dactyloi 👥 the Dictaian Nymphs of Mount Ida (Cretan)
- Appears in
- 📜 Bacchylides, Dithyrambs 17📜 Callimachus, Hymn to Zeus 1-9📜 Callimachus, Hymn to Zeus 42-54📜 Hesiod, Ehoiai fr. 93 Most📜 Lycophron, Alexandra 1283-1308📜 Ovid, Amores 3.10📜 Pausanias 5.7.6-5.7.10📜 Pomponius Mela 2.113📜 Strabo 10.3.13📜 Strabo 13.1.48
- Mentioned in Text
- Bacchylides, DithyrambsCallimachus, Hymn to ZeusHesiod, EhoiaiLycophron, AlexandraOvid, AmoresPausaniasPomponius MelaStrabo