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🌍 Larisa (Thessaly)

  • <span class="a type-7140" data-type_id="7140" data-object_id="10801386" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-7140_10801386">Pausanias</span><span class="separator"> </span><span class="a type-7140" data-type_id="7140" data-object_id="11296778" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-7140_11296778">Callimachus, Hymn to Delos</span>
  • Information
    city in Thessaly, on the Pineios river
    Place of death of
    👤 Acrisios
    👤 Larisa (d. of Pelasgos)
    Related Entities
    👤 Acrisios 👤 Hera 👤 Perseus (Argive) 👤 Leto 🌍 Larissa (Thessaly) 🌍 Boiotia 🌍 Arcadia 🌍 Cos (island) 🌍 the Echinades (islands) 🌍 Thebes (Boiotia) 🌍 Mount Pelion (Thessaly) 🌍 Mount Parthenion (Arcadia) 🌍 Delos (island) 🌍 Thessaly 🌍 River Anauros (Thessaly) 🌍 Corcyra (island) 🌍 River Asopos (Boiotia) 🌍 Spring and River Dirce (Thebes) 🌍 River Ismenos (Thebes) 🌍 Helice (Achaia) 🌍 Pheneos (Arcadia) 🌍 River Peneios (Thessaly) 🌍 Mount Helicon (Boiotia) 🌍 Boura (Achaia) 🌍 Achaia (Peloponnese) 👤 Larisa (d. of Pelasgos) 🌍 Larisa (Argos) 🌍 Tempe (Thessaly) 🌍 River Strophie
    Appears in
    📜 Pausanias 2.24.1📜 Pausanias 2.16.1-2.16.2📜 Callimachus, Hymn to Delos 55-205
    Mentioned in Text
    PausaniasCallimachus, Hymn to Delos
  • Cite as: '🌍 Larisa (Thessaly) ', MANTO, [last modified: 27 05 2024]
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