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🌍 Pylos (Elis)

  • <span class="a type-6581" data-type_id="6581" data-object_id="11308240" id="y:ui_data:show_project_type_object-6581_11308240">📖 Strabo 8.3.7</span>
  • Information
    city in Elis
    Sometimes conflated with
    🌍 Pylos (Messenia)
    Founded by
    👤 Pylas
    Ruled by
    👤 Nestor
    Conquered by
    👤 Heracles
    Related Entities
    👤 Apollo 👤 Athena 👤 Chloris (d. of Amphion) 👤 Hades 👤 Heracles 👤 Hermes 👤 Neleus (Pylian) 👤 Nestor 👤 Pylas 👤 Telemachos 🏺 the Bow of Heracles 🌍 Pylos (Messenia) 🌍 Elis (region) 🌍 Orchomenos (Boiotia) 🌍 Gerenia (Messenia) 🌍 Iolcos (Thessaly) 👥 the Cattle of Apollo🌍 River Anigros (Elis) 👤 Battos
    Mentioned by
    📖 Pausanias 5.3.1📖 Pausanias 6.22.5📖 Pausanias 4.36.1-4.36.5📖 Pausanias 6.25.2-6.25.3📖 Pausanias 6.22.5-6.22.6📖 Pausanias 6.25.2-6.25.4📖 Strabo 8.4.4📖 Strabo 8.3.7📖 Strabo 8.3.19📖 Strabo 8.3.27📖 Strabo 8.3.28-8.3.29📖 Ovid, Metamorphoses 2.676-2.707
    Mentioned in Text
    PausaniasStraboOvid, Metamorphoses
    Mentioned in citation of
    📖 Homer, Iliad 5.381-5.415📖 Homer, Iliad 5.541-5.560📖 Homer, Iliad 11.670-11.695📖 Homer, Iliad 11.696-11.710📖 Homer, Iliad 11.711-11.779
    Relevant to local traditions reported from of
    🌍 Elis (region) 🌍 Elis (city) 🌍 Pylos (Elis)
    Reported to have local traditions about
    👤 Nestor 🌍 Pylos (Elis)
    Local traditions reported by
    📖 Strabo 8.3.7
  • Cite as: '🌍 Pylos (Elis) ', MANTO, [last modified: 27 05 2024]
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