- Information
- city in Arcadia
- Founded by
- 👤 Orchomenos (Arcadian)
- Related Entities
- 👤 Orchomenos (Arcadian) 🌍 Orchomenos (Arcadia)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Pausanias 8.3.1-8.3.5 📖 Pausanias 8.36.1-8.36.3
- Mentioned in Text
- Pausanias
- Reported to have local traditions about
- 👤 Cronos 👤 Rhea 🏺 the Stone of Cronos 👤 Zeus 👥 the Giants 👤 Hopladamos 🌍 Mount Thaumasion (Arcadia) 🏛️ the Cave of Rhea (Mt Thaumasion)
- Local traditions reported by
- 📖 Pausanias 8.36.3 📖 Pausanias 8.36.2-8.36.3