- Information
- Argive woman, wife of Tlepolemos
- Mother of
- 👤 Son of Polyxo (name unknown)
- Wife of
- 👤 Tlepolemos (Rhodian)
- Has children with
- 👤 Tlepolemos (Rhodian)
- Settles in
- 🌍 Rhodes (island)
- Ruler of
- 🌍 Rhodes (island)
- Kills
- 👤 Helen
- Related Entities
- 👤 Helen 👤 Megapenthes (Spartan) 👤 Nicostratos 👤 Tlepolemos (Rhodian) 🌍 Sparta (Laconia) 🌍 the Peloponnese 🌍 Rhodes (island) 👤 Son of Polyxo (name unknown)
- Mentioned by
- 📖 Pausanias 3.19.9-3.19.13
- Mentioned in Text
- Pausanias
- Relevant to local traditions reported from of
- 🌍 Rhodes (island)